21. October 2015 · Comments Off on Idaho Conservation League Blog · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

ICL—The Many Things We Do! The Idaho Conservation League is Idaho’s leading voice for conservation, protecting the air you breathe, the water you drink and the Idaho you love. Benjamin Earwicker photo. The Idaho Conservation League is Idaho’s leading voice for conservation. With offices in Boise, Ketchum and Sandpoint, we work hard and smart to protect the air you breathe, water you drink and wild places you and your family love.

We are a conservation community working to keep Idaho the kind of special place you experienced as a child—and to protect it for the next generation of children. Since 1973, ICL has connected people like you—people interested in conservation—to decision makers and to each other.

From the high desert of southern Idaho to the rainforest in northern Idaho and to the mountains and rivers of central and eastern Idaho—we’ve been working vigilantly for more than 40 years to protect what you love about Idaho.
See more at: http://www.idahoconservation.org

18. October 2015 · Comments Off on End of Season Party – Mark your Calendars · Categories: Current Events



06. October 2015 · Comments Off on Unbranded – Squaw Butte Movie Event · Categories: Current Events

Monday, November 09 7:00PM – 9:05PM

at Country Club Reel Theatre
4550 Overland Rd, Boise, ID, US, 83705 (map)
$11.00 General


Four young Cowboys hatch an outrageous plot to adopt, train, and ride a string of wild mustangs 3,000 miles from Mexico to Canada through the wildest terrain of the American West. The trip became an epic journey of self-discovery, tested friendships, and iconic landscapes that included runaway horses, a sassy donkey, perilous mountain passes, rodeos, sickness, injury, and death. The Audience Award winner at Telluride Mountainfilm and Hot Docs Film Festival, Unbranded is a soaring tale of danger and resilience, an emotionally charged odyssey that shines a bright light on the complex plight of our country’s wild horses.


more Video’s

05. October 2015 · Comments Off on Horses! Slow Down! Stop! · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events, Work Parties and Projects


Read about our Boiling Spring Weekend and view more pictures at!

02. October 2015 · Comments Off on PPE – It is not just a fashion statement! · Categories: Around The Campfire, Work Parties and Projects


Laurie starts cutting a wedge

Laurie starts cutting a wedge

DO NOT go into the woods without it!

02. October 2015 · Comments Off on Wilderness Volunteers Org · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


02. October 2015 · Comments Off on Idaho Department of Lands Request for Project Pre-Proposals-Grant Announcement · Categories: Current Events

The Idaho Department of Lands is pleased to announce the FY 2017 Request for Project Pre-Proposals for the Landscape Scale Restoration, Western Fire Managers and Community Protection Program Grants.

Grants, valued at $240,000 each, are available to help organizations protect, enhance and conserve forest resources. Non-profit organizations, local and state agencies, tribes and educational institutions are eligible to apply by submitting pre-proposals that support local or state initiatives and address issues identified in Idaho’s Forest Action Plan or County Wildfire Protection Plans.

Within each grant program, a limited number of project pre-proposals will be selected for full development and western competition. The attached contain relevant information and criteria for each grant program. More information about these grants along with examples of past projects can be found at: http://www.idl.idaho.gov/grants/index.html

A webinar on the types of projects that qualify and how to build successful project pre-proposals will be held October 27, 2015. To sign up for the webinar email Tyre Holfeltz tholfeltz@idl.idaho.gov

For questions, contact:
• Landscape Scale Restoration Grant: Dave Stephenson dstephenson@idl.idaho.gov or phone 208-666-8621
• Western Fire Managers or Community Protection Program Grants: Tyre Holfeltz tholfeltz@idl.idaho.gov or phone: 208-666-8653.

Please note, use the attached 2016 WFM and 2014 CPP for the pre-proposal.

Funding for this program is made possible through the US Forest Service State and Private Forestry branch.

Please forward this announcement to potential applicants.


Project pre-proposals are due January 22, 2016

2017 Request for Project Pre-Proposals

Community Protection application

2016 WSFM Application

IDL Budget Development Guidelines

.2017 LSR Pre-Proposal Form


28. September 2015 · Comments Off on Mules for Sale – September 2015 · Categories: Current Events

JL-mDue to deteriorating health, I must sell all my packing equipment & 2 mules. Bernice, my personal saddle mule, rides & packs like a pro. Jake Lemon [shadowpacker@gmail.com]
High Quality Packing Equipment For Sale, New & Used-Well Maintained

Riding Saddles
Circle Y Flex 2 (like new) 1300
Rigging for above 300
Circle Y Treeless Bob Marshall Sports w/ rigging 700
Circle Y Pad for Treeless Saddles 150
Kids 1950’s Retro Saddle 65

17. September 2015 · Comments Off on George L. Shoup, 1st Idaho Governor · Categories: Around The Campfire

shoup Idaho Hidden History

16. September 2015 · Comments Off on Chain Saw Journal · Categories: Around The Campfire, Tips, Tricks and Tid Bits

ChainSawxxIf you’re using a chainsaw and you don’t wear chainsaw chaps every time you fire up your saw then I have to say that you’re a fool. Yes, you read that correctly. Far too many homeowners underestimate the risks of using a chainsaw and as a result, they put their life in danger. I’m not going to show you any pictures in this article, but believe me, the injuries that occur from chainsaw accidents are hideous.

Lucky for you there are many quality chainsaw chaps to choose from and I’m going to show you some excellent options that I hope you will consider for your own health and peace of mind.

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website states that “Each year, approximately 36,000 people are treated in hospital emergency departments for injuries from using chainsaws.” Please, be proactive and wear the proper safety gear. Here are additional pieces of chainsaw safety gear that will prove their weight in gold over time: Read More

10. September 2015 · Comments Off on BCHI 2016 Calendar · Categories: Current Events


2016 Calendar Flyer

10. September 2015 · Comments Off on 50 Back Country Survival Tips & Tricks · Categories: Around The Campfire, Tips, Tricks and Tid Bits


07. September 2015 · Comments Off on Labor Day – Wilson Corral Trail · Categories: Around The Campfire, Work Parties and Projects

By Rob Adams

Want to make a group of young girl’s day, pull into a trail head they are camping at with a couple of horse. That is exactly what happened to me on Sunday September 6, 2015. I wanted to get some trail time on my back up horse Tucker and I also wanted to finish up work I had started at Wilson Corral. Read More

05. September 2015 · Comments Off on Tack for Sale · Categories: Current Events

TackBill Florance tach 4 sale

27. August 2015 · Comments Off on Chain Saw Safety – Videos · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Chainsaw Safety – National Interagency Fire Center

Danger! Chain Saw Safety – Training Video

Sharpen a Chainsaw Chain – Tool Tip #10 Making Sawdust? How to hand sharpen a chainsaw chain

27. August 2015 · Comments Off on Owyhee News – Fires & Wilderness Updates · Categories: Current Events

blmBLM Chief Commits To Rehabilitate Soda Fire Damaged Land

Southwest Idaho’s nearly 300,000 acre Soda Fire is the largest this year in areas managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Most of the burned area was habitat for the sage grouse, the bird whose status as a contender for the Endangered Species List could affect ranching, recreation and energy production in 11 western states. That is why the national director of the BLM was in Boise Wednesday to talk about rehabilitating that land.

Neil Kornze says his agency has to quickly start re-seeding the Soda Fire burn scar to keep invasive species like cheatgrass from overwhelming native plants like sage brush. But more importantly the BLM director says, they have to keep working on that land for the decades it could take to bring it back to full health.

Kornze says the bureau has often planted seeds in burned land and called it quits. He says the BLM is shifting its priorities to focus more on land rehabilitation.


sotafireFly Over The Soda Fire: Rehabilitation Teams Already Making Plans To Reclaim The Landscape

The Soda Fire was officially contained this week, at 445 square miles. Now thoughts turn to reclaiming the landscape southwest of Boise.

A team of 40 specialists spent five days in the field, surveying the burned area. Their goal is to find and fight threats to life, property and resources over the next three years.

T.J. Clifford is the Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team Leader for the Soda Fire. The team is working for the Bureau of Land Management but is made up of people from multiple agencies.

Fly Over Video


Wild Horses That Survived The Soda Fire To Be Rescued

Wild horses that survived the Soda Fire now face another threat: starvation, after the fire burned their food supply. The Bureau of Land Management plans to rescue those animals and feed and house them until the landscape can recover.

Three horse herds – the Sands Basin, Hardtrigger and Black Mountain herds – live on the 445 square miles burned in the Soda Fire. Twenty-seven horses died in the fire, but those that survived now face this new peril, says the BLM’s Heather Tiel-Nelson.
“These horses of course need enough forage to sustain them and there simply isn’t enough out there right now to get them through much longer, which is why we’re doing this emergency gathering of those horses,” says Tiel-Nelson.sotafire2
Feds Publish Final Plan For Southwest Idaho Wilderness Areas

Federal authorities have made public the final management plan for six wilderness areas and 16 wild and scenic river segments in southwestern Idaho.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management on Monday published on the Federal Register the Owyhee Canyonlands Wilderness and Wild & Scenic Rivers Management Plan.

The process allows for appeals to be made within 30 days concerning the state’s newest wilderness areas that include about 518,000 acres and 325 miles of wild and scenic river in Owyhee County.

The six rugged areas became federally protected preserves in 2009 after Republican U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, organized a coalition of ranchers, wilderness advocates, outdoor enthusiasts and others in an effort called the Owyhee Initiative.

The 99-page federal document contains rules ranging from floating rivers to grazing livestock.

05. August 2015 · Comments Off on Boulder-White Clouds are now protected as wilderness · Categories: Current Events

bwcm1In a huge and long-awaited win for conservation, Congress just passed legislation to permanently protect Idaho’s stunning Boulder-White Clouds region as wilderness.

The bill, which was first introduced in the House by Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID), passed the Senate on Aug. 4, designating more than 275,000 acres of snowy peaks and gorgeous lake-filled terrain as wilderness in the Boulder-White Cloud Mountains, one of the largest intact roadless areas in the country that lacked permanent protection. Soon it will head to President Barack Obama’s desk to be signed into law.

Victory! Thank Congress for protecting Boulder-White Clouds as wilderness!

The Wilderness Society has worked for decades with partners both locally and nationally to secure permanent protection for this truly exceptional stretch of wildlands. We would not be celebrating this victory without years of advocacy and generosity from you, our supporters. Thank you!

“The Wilderness Society is incredibly grateful for the stalwart work of Congress to work together for a remarkable place like Idaho’s Boulder-White Clouds,” said Jamie Williams, president of The Wilderness Society. “Legions of Americans can visit this wild landscape for years to come and it will remain unchanged—and for that we have countless local advocates to thank and the dedication of elected leaders like Congressman Mike Simpson, who led his colleagues toward bipartisan agreement. This is truly a time to reflect on the value of the Wilderness Act, fifty years since its passage, and the good work it continues to deliver for nature and the American people.”
READ MORE – Lots of great pictures

04. August 2015 · Comments Off on Laci – Paso Fino Mare (Sold) · Categories: Current Events

Laci READ More
This horse is going up in price by $400 at the end of the week (August 9, 2015) because she is being tuned up and ridden in the hills by Jeff Spencer.

Ellen Knapp
Spirit Horse Ranch
208-365-0737 (c)

29. July 2015 · Comments Off on House passes Bolder White Cloud Wilderness Bill · Categories: Current Events

bwcmJuly 27, 2015

BOISE, Idaho — A compromise bill put forward by Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho to create a protected wilderness area in central Idaho has passed the U.S. House of Representatives.

The wilderness plan advanced Monday that now heads to the U.S. Senate would protect about 300,000 acres in three different areas in the rugged Boulder and White Cloud mountains.

“I don’t think there are really any big objections in the Senate, so it should pass with ease,” Simpson told the Post Register. “The problem is the procedures in the Senate to actually get it to a vote. We’re working on that. It’s procedural more than anything else.”

Simpson’s bill would create three new wilderness areas, the Idaho Statesman reports. They are the 138-square-mile Hemingway-Boulders Wilderness, the 142-square-mile White Clouds Wilderness and the 183-square-mile Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness.

“Congressman Simpson’s leadership on protecting the Boulder-White Clouds is something sorely needed in Washington right now and we commend his ability to move this bill cleanly through the process,” Craig Gehrke, Idaho director with The Wilderness Society, said in a statement. “It’s now up to the U.S. Senate to demonstrate that it can finally resolve this decades-long debate.”

A previous plan by Simpson to designate a wilderness in the area has failed for years. Groups dismayed with the lack of results are asking President Barack Obama to use his executive power under the Antiquities Act to create a 592,000-acre national monument instead.

Athan Manuel, director of the Sierra Club’s Lands Protection Program, in a statement said passage of Simpson’s bill in the House was a testament to Simpson’s years of hard work pulling together a coalition of wilderness advocates.

“However, if the Senate fails to act this week, the Sierra Club will be forced to support the use of the Antiquities Act by President Obama to protect this region,” Manuel said.

Custer County Commission Chairman Wayne Butts is an opponent of wilderness protections in the area, contending an influx of visitors would cost the county money and might disrupt the way of life for locals.

“For those of you who don’t feel like stepping in a cow turd — this is our way of life,” he said. “I don’t feel bad for you even a little bit. I don’t care if you come here or not, frankly.”

26. July 2015 · Comments Off on Squaw Creek – TR 131 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Horse Camping

IMG_0190July 25, 2015 Rob Adams

Eight members of the Squaw Butte Chapter signed up for a trail project on TR-131 North (West Mountain Trail, or Squaw Creek as it is also known). New members Madison Seamans and his wife Annette had not been to West Mountain yet, and were a bit unsure of the driving directions. I needed to make this a day ride with other commitments on Sunday, so we planned to meet at the triangle at 08:00. Janine and Lou Ann also planned to go up Saturday morning, planned to meet up and go together. By 08:30 three trailers were cruising up the newly chip sealed Sweet Ola highway. All went well until we got to the hwy 618 turn off. Another truck and trailer had gotten between me and the group and was heading to Sage Hen. Janine and Lou Ann were talking and not navigating and followed him through the intersection. IMG_0183Janine quickly figured out they were on the wrong road, so they got their and Madison’s rigs turned around and we were off again. By 10:15 we were pulling up to the turn off to the trail head and Jon Seel flagged us down. He said the parking lot was pretty full up there. Janine and Lou Ann planned to camp so turned off into the camp ground and hooked up the Linda and Devon. Jon got his stock together and rode to the trail head, while Madison and I drove to the trail head and found a spot for our trailers. IMG_0181By 11:00 we were saddled and Jon had joined us, but no sign of the others. I expected quite a bit of work to do, so the four of us with the equipment started down the trail. It was not long before we hit the first of eighteen logs we removed from the trail. They ranged in size from six inches in diameter to one that was over twenty-eight inches. We were working on our sixth set of down fall when we heard Janine and Lou Ann talking as the rode up the trail. Devon said they could hear the saw running so knew we were not far ahead, and just took their time catching up. They caught up just in time as that is where we starting running into the bigger stuff. For the next three hours we kept three saws working steadily as the nipper crew cleared brush. The huckleberries are starting to ripen and there were a good number along the trail. Linda picked some so I expect they made it into Sunday breakfast.IMG_0184At 13:00 we stopped for lunch at one of the big granite out cropping and give the stock and ourselves a bit of a rest. We than continued up the trail until 15:30. We were where the trail crosses the creek from north to south where we give the stock a much deserved drink. We also stopped at Lou Ann’s waterfall, for a group picture, which has become a tradition when riding this trail. The trip back to the trail head was quicker than the ride up had been. The lead horse changed a number of times on the way down, often precipitated by a wrong turn, or a horse unsure about the section of trail to be crossed. By 18:00 the group was back at the camp ground, horses feed or in trailers for the trip back. Most of the group stayed for the night and planned to ride Poison Creek on Sunday. It was a successful project, that was enjoyed by all!

More Pictures

24. July 2015 · Comments Off on Trail Organizations · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


July e-Newsletter



World Trails Network (WTN) http://worldtrailsnetwork.org/

The World Trails Network strives to connect the diverse trails of the world to promote the creation, enhancement, and protection of outstanding trail experiences. The World Trails Network brings trail associations, trail advocates, walkers, hikers and people passionate about the outdoors together from around the world to foster global collaboration and networking for the betterment of the world’s trails.

Vision and Philosophy

The World Trails Network envisions a globally active network of diverse, high quality, environmentally sustainable trails that work in their own regions to further the interests of the trails industry for the benefit of all.

The World Trails Network fosters global collaboration and networking among all trail types that serve to connect people with nature, the outdoors and cultural heritage around the world. The Network encourages: care for the environment; sustainable development practices; sharing best management practices and trail research; a commitment to quality experiences; connections with communities; accuracy of information; promotion of cross-marketing opportunities; and through sharing the common values of world trails, promoting active lifestyles in the outdoors and nature.

19. July 2015 · Comments Off on BCHA News – July 2015 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Forest Trails Bill

We need your help. Now is a critical time for our “Forest Trails” bill. A hearing has been scheduled this week on the bill before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry.

The hearing is scheduled for 10:00 EST on Thursday, July 16, in Washington DC.

Please contact your senators today. You can call the Capitol Switchboard at 202.225.3121 and ask to be connected to the office of one of your senators. Or you can locate contact information for your senators here.

Once connected, ask to speak to a staff person who handles public land issues for the senator. Then describe your support for Senate Bill 1110, the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act. Consider using some or all of the talking points, below.
1. I am a resident of (state) and a member of Back Country Horsemen of America;
2. I support Senate Bill 1110, the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act;
3. The bill is important to trail riders and all trail users in the state;
4. The bill will improve trail maintenance without adding to the federal deficit;
5. The bill is bi-partisan and supported by a wide range of public land trail users; and
6. I would like the Senator to please co-sponsor Senate Bill 1110.

You’ll recall from previous alerts that BCHA, along with partners American Horse Council and The Wilderness Society, are working diligently to persuade Congress to move forward on the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act. In the House of Representatives the bill’s number is H.R. 845. Your earlier calls and letters have been effective, as the bill now has 52 co-sponsors in the House!

The Forest Trails bill was introduced in the Senate in late April. It was forwarded to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry, whose membership is listed here.

It’s critical you call your senators prior to Thursday.

More information regarding the bill can be found on BCHA’s website, for your reference. Thank you for taking action to support forest trails!

Get to Know BCHA’s New Chairman

Click here to view a short article about BCHA’s new Chairman, Don Saner, who was voted in during BCHA’s National Board Meeting in late April. The article appeared last week in the Jackson Hole, Wyoming, News & Guide. We’re proud of the story this article conveys about BCHA, the chapter that Don founded, and the passion for volunteer service shared by Don and Karen!

Out-going BCHA Chairman, Jim McGarvey, was term-limited. But he happily signed up to serve as BCHA’s Executive Director–on a volunteer basis, no less–for up to two years. Jim and his wife, Cindy Mitchell, have accomplished much in terms of elevating the profile and professionalism of BCHA. We’re thrilled that this dynamite duo will remain heavily engaged in BCHA’s day-to-day affairs (Cindy maintains BCHA’s Facebook site, among things).
View Public Land Fact Sheets on BCHA’s Website

Take a look at BCHA’s website for new fact sheets on congressional actions that could affect your use and enjoyment of federal public lands. We recently added fact sheets regarding the need to promote:
• The Wildfire Disaster Funding Act,
• Reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund,
• Keeping public lands in public hands by opposing attempts for large-scale sales or transfers of federal public lands to the states.
Lastly, we added to our website an informative slideshow presented during BCHA’s National Board Meeting (April 2015) by Dr. Rob Atwill, University of California-Davis, titled “Science and Research on Packstock and Waterborne Pathogens: Misconceptions, Realities and the Way Forward.” Check it out.

Dr. Atwill’s presentation contains some eye-popping statistics that help us push back against the (largely baseless) accusations that horses and packstock serve as vectors for the introduction of waterborne pathogens.

Thank you! Please call your senators today in support of S.1110.

Randy Rasmussen, Advisor for Public Lands & Recreation
Back Country Horsemen of America

Back Country Horsemen of America | | peg@bcha.org |
P.O. Box 1367
Graham, WA 98338

17. July 2015 · Comments Off on Gravel Proof Hoofs · Categories: Around The Campfire

gphPosted by Lou Ann  –  July 2015

My farrier/equine podiatrist, Melissa Smith, pointed me to this article: http://www.gravelproofhoof.org/. She mentioned a woman in Emmett who had 3 minis that foundered (out of her 4). After a bunch of research and Melissa talking to the vet listed below, they are making a connection between diet/nutrients and hoof health (and health in general), specifically magnesium chloride. Magnesium chloride, among other things, seems to be one of the important links to healthy hooves. Read the article and if you have questions or questionable horse hoof issues, contact either Melissa or Madison and they may be able to help you. I know Melissa continually studies so she’s on top of the latest and greatest in the equine podiatry scene. If you have pasture, you can have your soil tested at Western Laboratories (Ellen and Charles have had this done) to see what may be missing in your soil.

Seamans, Madison MS DVM
Cornerstone Equine Medical Services
Specialty: In Depth Podiatry
Kuna, ID

Smith, Melissa NT
Certified Equine Podiatrist,
Pathology Rehabilitation,
Wilder, ID

Soil testing (Parma): $50

11. July 2015 · Comments Off on Sunday July 19, Celebrate America’s Mustang · Categories: Current Events, Fun Rides

It is time for America to come together to celebrate this symbol of the American spirit to help ensure that it will survive and thrive today and for generations to come. Through education we will be able to better understand the needs of the mustang. Through interaction and personal contact we can see and experience their beauty and spirit. Through competition we can fully realize their talents and understand why they played such a critical role in creating the America we know today. America’s Mustang

The America’s Mustang Campaign is focused on raising awareness, providing education, and increasing the placement of wild horses and burros into private care. The campaign involves a series of events and activities organized to help educate the public on how we can all take action to preserve our mustangs and our lands that support them. The national effort will better educate Americans about who Mustangs are, where they are located, what resources they need, and how they can impact the resources they share with other species.

Get Involved: Idaho Celebration

BLM Idaho in partnership with the Idaho Mustang Club invites you to bring your horse and join us on July 19th for an America’s Mustang trail ride through the Hardtrigger Wild Horse Herd Management Area. This is a great opportunity to celebrate America’s Mustang and visit the horses in the areas where they roam on the range!

Ready to ride at 9:00 a.m.
Bring water for your horses
Idaho Mustang will provide the hot dogs, please bring a side dish!
Bring your own beverage and chairs

RSVPs are welcomed: Becky 208-463-0656 or email: idahomustang@hotmail.com

Directions from Nampa: Take Hwy 45 until you cross the Snake River. Follow the signs on to Givens Hot Springs, which is Hwy 78 toward Marsing. Go about 6 miles until you see the Wilson/Murphy fire station on the right hand side (red building). Across from the fire station are signs to the Wilson Creek Feedlot, follow that road past the two cattle guards to the parking lot for the Wilson Creek Trailhead, signs will be posted at all major turns.


09. July 2015 · Comments Off on The Chronicles of King at his new home · Categories: Around The Campfire, Member Profiles


By Marybeth Conger and King

After seeing Laurie’s email, I had a feeling King would be a great addition to the Conger herd plus help me to heal from the loss of our Fred horse.

So, while I was celebrating my Mom’s 90 birthday in New Hampshire, Bill brought King home. He immediately put his hoof down with our mules (good thing) as they quickly got and respected that he was now number 2 in our herd, after Bill’s Scout horse.

Bill packed King twice while I was gone. King only broke the pigging string once, and quickly learned the distance and the pressure of the pigging string. Actually, Bill was impressed with King and the job he did in our string as a pack animal. One time, Bill packed King with my saddle, breast collar etc. on, so King could get use to the sound, feel and smell of my stuff.

I have ridden King twice now. The first time, was just a short loop around our neighborhood and along the canal. On this maiden ride, I followed behind Bill and Scout, so I could get to know King a bit. The second time, we went in the lead which really helped him to focus on moving forward and build confidence. I learned that day, that King is willing and tries hard to do what is asked of him. After this ride, it was horse bath time with the hose and yep, there is more work to be done with horse bath time at the Conger’s.

Today Ron, our horse shoer was out. At one point King was all alone tied to our hitching with no problems. The plan is some ring work with King where I will focus on neck reining and leg aides, but I will always keep riding him in the hills. Several things I am impressed with, King knows whoa and is very sure footed. Plus, at my age, I find it so refreshing to get up on a shorter animal.

I am so happy to have King as an additional member of our four legged herd. More chronicles to follow, and even some from King. Stay tuned.

23. June 2015 · Comments Off on Northern Payette Nation Forest Trails work ’14 and ’15 · Categories: Current Events, Work Parties and Projects

pnf-bridgeHere is a summary from last year 2014 and the Trail Plan for this year 2015. 2014 accomplishments are just that….The Trail Plan FY15 has a lot of stuff that doesn’t matter for BCH, but on page 5 of 26 you will find Central Zone Trails Level One Maintenance Plan. This list shows what we plan to get done this summer in house, but we hope to accomplish more.

Level One Maintenance – “opening of trail” (log out and light brushing)

Unfortunately, with all of this stuff it is just Central Zone(McCall and New Meadows). In the future I am going to get West Zone(Council and Weiser) organized in the same fashion.

Lastly, are the trails we have assigned to the ID State Trail Rangers. We are hoping to get two hitches from them and for them to exceed what is on the list.

Kent May- FS [mailto:kmay@fs.fed.us]

2014TrailAccomplishments         Trail ranger request 2015     2015 McCall & New Meadows Trail Plan

18. June 2015 · Comments Off on USFS Publishes New Sawyer Policy – 2358 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events, Training Events

2350-1PDF 2358-Saw-Policy-TAI-6-11-15_0



17. June 2015 · Comments Off on Support for Simpson’s Idaho wilderness bill mostly opposition to monument · Categories: Current Events

By Rocky Barker

Republican Rep. Raul Labrador raised doubts Monday about the support for a wilderness bill Republican Rep. Mike Simpson has pushed for 15 years.

The bill would designate 275,665 acres in the Boulder and White Cloud mountains and the Jerry Peak area of central Idaho as wilderness.

Labrador, questioning a Forest Service official Tuesday at the House Resources Committee’s public lands subcommittee, said motorized recreation users support the bill because they fear the alternative — a national monument designation by President Barack Obama.

“The truth is, the public will is against this bill,” Labrador said.

Simpson, testifying before Labrador arrived at the hearing, offered a long list of groups supporting his bill including the Sawtooth Society, the Custer County Commission, East Fork Ranchers, the Idaho Farm Bureau, the Idaho Cattle Association, Idaho Outfitters and Guides, the Idaho Conservation League and the Wilderness Society. He also included the Idaho Recreation Council, which Labrador argued supports the bill only because of the fear of a presidential monument designation.

Neither congressman spoke of the many groups that have expressed preference for the national monument over Simpson’s bill, including sportsman’s groups, mountain bikers and recreational businesses. Blaine County and the city of Ketchum also are on record in support of the monument, as is Boise Mayor Dave Bieter.

Republican Sens. Jim Risch and Mike Crapo both support Simpson’s bill.

“This bill meets the needs of today’s users and resolves longstanding debates over the management of the Boulder-White Clouds,” Simpson testified. “It will end the discussion of monuments and wilderness in the Boulder-White Clouds and secures the future for generations of Idahoans who want to continue using and enjoying our beautiful Boulder-White Clouds.”


Both Labrador and subcommittee Chairman Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., asked Forest Service Deputy Chief Leslie Weldon if anything in this bill stops a future president from using the authority of the 1906 Antiquities Act to protect a larger area as a national monument. Weldon’s answer was no.

Labrador also raised doubts as to the likelihood that the Obama administration would actually seek to create the monument. Weldon and BLM Deputy Director Karen Mouritsen said their agencies had not been involved in any monument mapping or studies.

“I’m not aware of any efforts to designate this area as a national monument,” Mouritsen said. “You should talk to the White House.”

In an interview with the Idaho Statesman in February, a top administration official acknowledged Obama was considering proclaiming the Boulder-White Clouds as a monument. A monument “is always going to be the president’s decision,” said Robert Bonnie, the Department of Agriculture’s undersecretary for natural resources and environment. “I think we’ll watch the process over the next several months. (Congressman) Simpson has asked for time, and that’s fair.”

A hearing already has been held on the Boulder-White Clouds proposal in the Senate. The next step is for the House and Senate committees to mark up the bills and send them to the floor for debate. Once the committees approve them, the bills also can be tacked on to other bills.

Labrador did not say whether he would vote for the Boulder-White Clouds wilderness bill or not. But the attorney-turned-congressman did acknowledge that he had already asked an administration official the same questions before he asked the lower-level agency representatives testifying before the subcommittee.

“Congressman Labrador has spoken to many people about this bill, including a high-ranking official in the Obama administration,” said Labrador’s press secretary, Dan Popkey. “The congressman will continue to review the bill as it moves through the process.”

Both a monument and a wilderness designation would limit some access to motorcycles, ATVs and snowmobiles. The larger monument would potentially close more trails to existing motorized uses, and the wilderness designation could mean more restrictions on mountain biking. The Wilderness Act prohibits all mechanized travel in wilderness

Sandra Mitchell is director of the Idaho Recreation Council, which represents ATV and snowmobile users. Her members’ fears of a monument cited by Labrador are justified, she said. Bonnie told her personally there was a “definite intent” in the Obama administration to protect the Boulder-White Clouds as a national monument.

“I do believe it’s high on their list of national monuments,” Mitchell said Tuesday.

Simpson’s bill would close two trails through the heart of wilderness to mountain bikes. He said the bill opens up two other loop trails to mountain bikes and doesn’t close any motorized trails. His bill, he told the House panel, should not be held up because of the mountain-biking issues.

“This bill seems to have become a proxy for a larger debate between mountain bike advocates and wilderness advocates on whether mountain bikes should be allowed in wilderness areas,” Simpson said. “That is a debate that needs to occur in the larger context of The Wilderness Act and not on this legislation.”

Simpson’s Boulder-White Clouds bill would set aside three separate wilderness areas: the Hemingway-Boulders Wilderness (67,998 acres); the White Clouds Wilderness (90,769 acres); and the James A. McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness (116,898). It releases from wilderness consideration another 153,883 acres that are now wilderness study areas.


The Forest Service’s Weldon questioned the location of four acres to be transferred in the bill from the federal government to the city of Stanley for affordable housing for local workers. He said the agency wanted to identify an alternate parcel that is “appropriate for development.”

Otherwise, she and Mouritsen both offered support for the wilderness legislation.

Simpson said other parcels of land will be conveyed to Custer and Blaine counties and rural communities for public purposes such as cemeteries, water towers and waste-transfer sites. Ranchers, facing major cutbacks in grazing, would be allowed to voluntarily retire grazing allotments in exchange for money provided by a third party.

Also, grants have been provided to the Sawtooth National Recreation Area for trail maintenance and improvements; providing primitive wheelchair access to two existing trails; and for acquiring land to build a bike and snowmobile access trail between Redfish Lake and Stanley.

11. June 2015 · Comments Off on A couple of interesting days · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

IMG_3600 On Wednesday June 10, 2015 Phil Ryan and Rob Adams at the request of the Idaho Department of AG, International group meet with a delegation of Korean forest service employees and businessmen in the Korean horse industry. The day was to talk about horse trails on public lands. The recreational horse industry is only about twenty years old in Korea, but growing very fast. There is a push by riders to have trail in the public forests of Korea.
IMG_3603We took the group on a loop that included stops at Peace Creek trail head and Boiling Springs trail head in the Middle Fork of the Payette country. We talked about multi-use trails, how a trail should be built for horse use, bridges, fire and clearing down fall. They ask a lot of good questions and got to see some very pretty country. One of the Korean guests, the gentleman wearing the riding helmet was really taken with Phil’s F250.
IMG_3609 After a white knuckled ride on the single track road between Peace Creek and Boiling Spring, our Korean guest had a nice lunch at the camp ground. We then took them back to Sweet, so they could see some “American” horses up close. What is more “American” than Rob’s mustangs. We also did a mini-packing demonstration which they found very interesting.  More Pictures

Good Morning Phil & Rob,

On behalf of the Department of Agriculture, I wanted to send you big thank you for hosting the Korea Forest Service Delegation last week. We appreciate your efforts putting the tour of the Boise National Forest together and providing them information about trails, trail riding, packing and everything else. This was valuable information for them to develop their plans for increasing trails and services for the growing equestrian market in South Korea. They enjoyed the time spent with you and were excited about the things they learned and were able to see. Especially the time at your home learning about the different horses, pack equipment and saddles. What a treat!

We really appreciate your cooperation and time showing these government officials why Idaho is a leader in the equestrian industry. Thank you again and we value the support your organization provided to us.

Best Regards,

Pamela Graviet
International Trade Specialist – Market Development Division
Idaho State Department of Agriculture
2270 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise, Idaho USA 83712

On Thursday June 11, 2015 Phil Ryan and Rob Adams meet with John Hidy the trail supervisor for the Boise National Forest to look at the first 1/2 mile of trail at Wilson Corral, on West Mountain.

John crossing the first bog area

John crossing the first bog area

This trail starts out in a bog and then goes down the center of the creek for a couple hundred feet. Both the bog and the creek section are dangerous and have been the scenes of more than one wreck. Our goal was to introduce John to this trail and consider possible route changes to the trail to make it safer and more sustainable.

don't loose a shoe

don’t loose a shoe

Phil, John and I looked at a number of different route options, some requiring a lot of new trail to be build, other making the most of existing trail, but still allowing the trail to avoid the problem areas and think we have a viable set of options.

great trail, isn't it john

great trail, isn’t it john

John GPS a possible route, will write up a report including some of the pictures we took and present it to the forest service. The plan if approved would be implemented in the 2016 trails season. After completing out work at Wilson Corral we gave John a tour of the other trail heads as we drove back to Sage Hen and then back to Sweet. The road between Wilson Corral and Sage Hen is a mess of ruts, washout and small land slides. A number of BIG rocks were on all the road we traveled over the last couple of days.  More Pictures

08. June 2015 · Comments Off on Boundary Trail Project – National Trails Day · Categories: Around The Campfire, Work Parties and Projects · Tags: , , ,

Cows are way scarier than bears and other such truths



The Boundary Trail maintenance project would be the first SBBCHI project where I would leave my camper at home. An unusually hectic weekend meant turning this project into a day ride. Fortunately, the Payette National Forest is practically in my backyard. The Boundary trailhead is an easy 50 miles haul from my driveway. I loaded Jack early Saturday morning for the haul up 95 to the Seid Creek turnoff. Being camper-less would turn out to be the “first” of several “firsts” for me during this National Trails Day weekend

Click the link below for the complete story:


Link to photos



08. June 2015 · Comments Off on Volunteer Trail Maintenance Documentation · Categories: Around The Campfire

USFS Trail Maintenance
USFS Safety Meeting Report
USFS Situational Awareness List
USFS Job Hazard Analysis -JHA
USFS Volunteer Sign-In
USFS Trail Ranger Report

03. June 2015 · Comments Off on Experienced Pack – Riding horse · Categories: Around The Campfire, Tips, Tricks and Tid Bits

Now at his new home with Bill & Marybeth Conger



(aka King aka Acorn)

His name is König (pronounced Kurnig and means King in German) – my grandson can’t pronounce it so calls him Acorn.

8.5 year old quarter horse mustang gelding (born October 2006)

Approx 14.2 hands – 800-900lbs

He has awesome mustang feet and has been all over rough country barefoot. I do put shoes on him if I am going to be doing a lot of road riding or riding on the Weiser River Trail. Most of the time, he is unshod.

König was literally born on the trial. He was part of a string whose original owner traveled from Wyoming to Idaho and into Oregon on horseback. König has carried a pack most of his life.

He travels calmly through forest, desert and on busy downtown streets.

He rides nice as well. While he is not a bridle horse (arena type work) he handles nicely and carries himself very well. He has never had a bit in his mouth so I use a hackamore. The first time he was ridden we jumped on bareback with a halter and rode all over the Eagle Caps.

On a pack trip into the White Clouds, an unfortunate turn of events left us short a riding horse. We swapped König’s pack saddle for a riding saddle and a very inexperienced rider rode him throughout the remainder of the pack trip. I’ve used him as a backup horse when my regular riding horse has been laid up.

While he excels as a pack horse, I think he would make a fun kids horse and an awesome trail horse for somebody. He would not make a great arena horse without work in the bridle – although he has a decent stop and is responsive to basic leg cues when riding down the trail. His trot is a little rough for me – but I am use to a big, thoroughbred type gate. His lope is very nice and he can out-walk anything I have. Even though he has been ponied a lot, he has no issues taking the lead when I’m riding him.

He ponies like a dream. You never know he’s back there and is extremely pack aware.

He loads, trims, shoes, hobbles, high-lines, ties, etc..etc. No bad habits that I have seen, ever. When I first got him he was picketed most of his life, so he ties very well (does not pull back and is patient) He’s been on pasture since I’ve had him the last 3 years and is usually easy to catch. I often have to catch him first in order to catch my hard to catch horse.

When I am not using him, I pony him to keep him in shape and his feet solid for packing season.

I am not packing as much as I used to and won’t be using him enough to keep him. He is too nice a boy to turn out on pasture.


02. June 2015 · Comments Off on North West Horse Source – June Issue · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Read June Issue   /   Visit Website

02. June 2015 · Comments Off on Dumbest Idea Ever! · Categories: Current Events


Click Here to Read Bill                    Ken Ivory – American Land Council             Guest Opinion June 5, 2015


29. May 2015 · Comments Off on North Fork of the Owyhee Wilderness Project · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events, Horse Camping
Rob, Phil, Terry, Jon & Shannon

Rob, Phil, Terry, Jon & Shannon

By Rob Adams

It is Friday; I am sitting at my desk at the Simplot data-center trying to finish stuff up so I might get away from the office by 15:00. My cell phone starts buzzing in my pocket. I answer and it is Phil Ryan. Phil asks” if I carry a tow chain in my truck”, which I do. I said “yes”, and he said “good, because Jon doesn’t have one” and hung up.

Great, I knew they were on their way to the North Fork of the Owyhee wilderness and Phil felt we might need a tow chain. Another thing to fret over! We already didn’t have a clue if we could or even should try and pack the old barb wire out that had been rolled up the year before, now there was concern that we would get our rigs stuck also.

Read More  /  Pictures  /  Project Map


19. May 2015 · Comments Off on BCHI 2014 Volunteer Hours · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

2014 Back Country Horsemen of Idaho Annual Chapter Reports

17. May 2015 · Comments Off on 2015 Sawyer Training · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


On May 16, 2015 nine members of Squaw Butte meet up with four Boise National forest rangers for a sawyer recertification session. We met at the Triangle parking lot and truck pooled up to the third fork ranger cabin.

The weather was expected to be wet and windy so everyone dressed like they were going duck hunting in Maine.

Read More: Sawyer Training 2015      Pictures

Chain Saw and Crosscut Saw Training Course–Student’s Guidebook (U.S. Forest Service)
 Introduction and Chapter 1
 Chapter 2 – Chain Saw Use and Maintenance
 Chapter 3 – Chain Saw Tasks and Techniques
 Chapter 4 – Crosscut Saw Tasks and Techniques


14. May 2015 · Comments Off on Play Day’s at Chicks Roost · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


12. May 2015 · Comments Off on New Wyoming Law makes it a crime to share data about the environment with the fed’s · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Imagine visiting Yellowstone this summer. You wake up before dawn to take a picture of the sunrise over the mists emanating from Yellowstone hot springs. A thunderhead towers above the rising sun, and the picture turns out beautifully. You submit the photo to a contest sponsored by the National Weather Service. Under a statute signed into law by the Wyoming governor this spring, you have just committed a crime and could face up to one year in prison.

Wyoming doesn’t, of course, care about pictures of geysers or photo competitions. But photos are a type of data, and the new law makes it a crime to gather data about the condition of the environment across most of the state if you plan to share that data with the state or federal government.

Read More:

Wyoming law against data collection: Protecting ranchers by ignoring the environment.

Justin Pidot is an assistant professor at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law.

11. May 2015 · Comments Off on Western Riding Club · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Poker Ride-2

10. May 2015 · Comments Off on BCHA National Board Meeting 2015 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

bcha-sd01 2015 NBM report

10. May 2015 · Comments Off on Camp Hodia · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Dear Friend,

I am participating in The 20th Annual Diabetes Ride on May 17, 2015, in support of Camp Hodia, which provides a wonderful service to Idaho Kids with Type 1 Diabetes. I am committed to raising much-needed funds to support this worthy cause, and with your help through pledging, and sharing this link with friends and family, we can all help make a big difference in the lives of Idaho Kids!

You can quickly and easily make a tax-deductible donation today through my secure fundraising website: Cini’s Fundraising Page where your gift will make a big difference for Idaho kids. Any amount, large or small, is greatly appreciated as is your willingness to forward this on and request others help as well.

If you would like to take a few minutes and learn more about Camp Hodia, please view this YouTube video or perhaps check out their website: www.camphodia.org and perhaps even join in your own pledge raising campaign for this amazing organization!
Thank you!

P.S. If you have any questions or if you would prefer to donate by check or cash, please contact me directly.

Cini Baumhoff


07. May 2015 · Comments Off on USDA Forest Service Williams Creek Project Decision Memo · Categories: Current Events


Dear Interest Party,

The Decision Memo for the Williams Creek Project is now available on the project web page: http://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=45705 . The Williams Creek Project will implement restoration activities to increase forest resiliency on lands west of Highway 55 in Valley County, just north of Banks, Idaho.

On March 31, 2014 Idaho State Governor, C.L. “Butch” Otter, submitted a request to the Secretary of Agriculture to designate landscape scale treatment areas on National Forests within Idaho that are at high risk of insect and disease mortality pursuant to Section 8204 of the 2014 Agricultural Act, known as the Farm Bill. As stated in Governor Otter’s letter, “Forest Supervisors and their staffs worked with local collaborative groups, resource committees or other local governments and citizens to select the boundaries of proposed landscape areas.”

On May 20, 2014 the Chief of the Forest Service, Thomas L. Tidwell, sent a letter to Governor Otter designating landscape areas requested in Idaho. The Williams Creek Project area falls within one of the 50 designated landscape areas.

The Williams Creek Project will treat nearly 1,600 forested acres to reduce risk to insect and disease disturbance, while improving wildlife habitat and promoting the development of large trees such as ponderosa pine and western larch. An outcome of these activities will increase forest resiliency while providing approximately 11.5 million board feet of wood products that will help the local economy and create jobs.

This decision utilizes the new categorical exclusion authority and environmental review process for a collaborative restoration project in an insect and disease landscape treatment area established under the Agriculture Act of 2014 (Farm Bill). As discussed in the decision, without remediation, risk rating information predicted that at least 25% of the forest within this project area would die over a 15 year time frame due to insects and disease.

Decisions that are categorically excluded from documentation in an EA or EIS are not subject to an administrative review process (pre-decisional objection process) (Agriculture Act of 2014, Subtitle A, Sec. 8006). Project work could begin as early as this summer.

Additional information about this Project may be obtained by contacting Richard Newton, Emmett District Ranger, at 208-365-7000. Additional information can also be found on the Williams Creek Project web page.


Randall Hayman
Boise National Forest
Forest Planner/Tribal Liaison
1249 South Vinnell Way, Suite 200
Phone: 208-373-4157
Email: rhayman@fs.fed.us

07. May 2015 · Comments Off on BCHI 2015 Convention · Categories: BCHI /BCHA


Convention High Lights

06. May 2015 · Comments Off on BCHA Volunteer Hours Committee Report – 2014 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

2014 Volunteer Hours Report
2014 BCHA Volunteer Hours Report Summary

04. May 2015 · Comments Off on Take Action: Ask Your Senators to Support S. 1110, the “Forest Trails” Bill · Categories: Current Events

SB1110 Read all about the bills and how to support them!

02. May 2015 · Comments Off on Wilson Creek – BCHI meets Just Horsin’ Around · Categories: Around The Campfire, Fun Rides


This was our third and last get to know Back Country Horsemen, public fun ride for the 2015 riding season. We had encouraged members to bring friends to the first two rides and did again for this ride. Friend introducing friends to BCHI had been our most successful method of getting active new members. Lou Ann trying to get the word out wider posted the ride on the Just Horsin’ Around web site. It was successful as eight of our twelve guest came from that posting.

When I arrived at the trail head parking lot, a number of trailers I didn’t recognize were already parked. I said to my guest Rose, looks like another group is holding a ride. After unloading my stock, I spoke to a couple of woman saddling up horses at the trailer next to us. I said “What group are you a member of?” Oh, we are here for the Back Country Horsemen ride we saw posted. “oh”. I said, and then “Welcome” and introduced myself. I quick tour of the other trailer had the same results. Soon trailers, I did know started showing up, including Lou Ann. I made her go around and greet all the guest she invited

After all had saddled up, we held a greeting and safety meeting and broke up in to two groups. The first group lead by Terry and Laurie left first for Wilson Creek canyon and the second group followed about fifteen minutes later.

Highlights of the ride was Shannon demonstrating a new technique for creek crossing, Chick’s new Arab gelding, a rattle snake suggesting we take a slightly different route, one that didn’t go quite so close to him, and the exploration of some canyons I had not ridden before on the east side of the road.

The Potluck afterwards featured taco’s and SOAPS (Sin on a pretzel stick)

Read More


30. April 2015 · Comments Off on Untrammeled – full version · Categories: Around The Campfire, Horse Camping


Watch 3 Miles An Hour – a Montana PBS documentary that showcases our Wilderness Trips

The Story of a Forest Ranger 1954 USDA-US Forest Service

Watch “Untrammeled“. This is a movie about getting youth out in the wilderness, some for the very first time, and passing the baton of wilderness stewardship to this younger generation. Bob Marshall Wilderness Outfitters had a huge role in making this movie a success. We hope you enjoy it.

30. April 2015 · Comments Off on BCHA Young Persons Packing Scholarship · Categories: Current Events

Bob2015 2015 Scholarship Announcement    Link to on-line or down loadable forms

29. April 2015 · Comments Off on Bill Murphy & Dan Murphy · Categories: Current Events










BCHI members Bill & Lois Murphy,  Facebook Page    Email: hsbold220@aol.com

Bill is currently under treatment for pancreatic cancer.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Bill and Lois













Dan & Connie Murphy Facebook    Email: djmurphy39@gmail.com

Murphy, Daniel, 54, of Meridian, died Thursday, April 30, 2015 at his home. Arrangements are pending at Summers Funeral Homes, Ustick Chapel, Meridian. – See more at

Daniel J. Murphy
1961 ~ 2015

Dan Murphy, 54, of Meridian died April 30, 2015 after a long battle with liver disease. Born on March 3, 1961, Dan was the first child born to Dwight and Dixie Murphy. In the small town of Council, Idaho, Dan flourished as a three-sport athlete in football, basketball, and track. He loved growing up in Council hunting, fishing and camping with his family. He learned his strong work ethic from his Dad and by working in the hay fields and on his grandparents’ farm.

Dan married Connie Storm in 1982. They had three children: Kristin, Brenda, and Bradley. Dan enjoyed being an active participant in his children’s lives by coaching basketball, baseball, and football; assisting with Boy Scouts; and volunteering his medical knowledge at summer camps. In 1986, Dan started his career in Emergency Medical Services as an EMT at Meridian Rescue One and United Ambulance. In 1989 he got his dream job with Ada County Paramedics. He was passionate about being able to help others in their greatest time of need.

In his retirement years, Dan focused all of his time and energy on his precious granddaughters, Katelynn and Grace. He shared with them his love of the outdoors: camping, fishing, and sledding were some of their favorite moments together. The girls loved to spend as much time as possible with Poppa. Whenever they were sick, they always wanted to snuggle and spend the day with Poppa Dan.

Dan is survived by his wife Connie Murphy of Meridian; children Kristin (David) Swanson of Boise, Brenda and Brad Murphy of Meridian; father Dwight Murphy of Council; grandmother Marie Murphy of Cambridge; siblings Denys (Pamela) Murphy of Council, Deena (Blair) Combe of Buhl; grandchildren Katelynn and Grace Swanson of Boise; and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews. He was proceeded in death by his mother Dixie Murphy; grandparents Joe Murphy, Dick and Esther Clarke.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the CWI Foundation Paramedic Program account number 91040. The foundation provides scholarships to students enrolled in the paramedic program. Mail to CWI Foundation, Mail Stop 1000, PO Box 3010, Nampa, ID 83653.

Funeral services will be held Thursday, May 7 at 11 am at Ten Mile Christian Church, 3500 W Franklin Road, Meridian. Graveside services will be Friday, May 8 at 2pm at Hornet Creek Cemetery in Council.

Memories and condolences may be shared with the family on Daniel’s webpage at www.summersfuneral.com
Published in Idaho Statesman on May 5, 2015