05. August 2015 · Comments Off on Boulder-White Clouds are now protected as wilderness · Categories: Current Events

bwcm1In a huge and long-awaited win for conservation, Congress just passed legislation to permanently protect Idaho’s stunning Boulder-White Clouds region as wilderness.

The bill, which was first introduced in the House by Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID), passed the Senate on Aug. 4, designating more than 275,000 acres of snowy peaks and gorgeous lake-filled terrain as wilderness in the Boulder-White Cloud Mountains, one of the largest intact roadless areas in the country that lacked permanent protection. Soon it will head to President Barack Obama’s desk to be signed into law.

Victory! Thank Congress for protecting Boulder-White Clouds as wilderness!

The Wilderness Society has worked for decades with partners both locally and nationally to secure permanent protection for this truly exceptional stretch of wildlands. We would not be celebrating this victory without years of advocacy and generosity from you, our supporters. Thank you!

“The Wilderness Society is incredibly grateful for the stalwart work of Congress to work together for a remarkable place like Idaho’s Boulder-White Clouds,” said Jamie Williams, president of The Wilderness Society. “Legions of Americans can visit this wild landscape for years to come and it will remain unchanged—and for that we have countless local advocates to thank and the dedication of elected leaders like Congressman Mike Simpson, who led his colleagues toward bipartisan agreement. This is truly a time to reflect on the value of the Wilderness Act, fifty years since its passage, and the good work it continues to deliver for nature and the American people.”
READ MORE – Lots of great pictures

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