February Update
And now to update you all on the latest news on funding our trail work. At this time, all of our cost share agreements with the US Forest Service have been put on pause while the new federal administration evaluates the federal budget. We have been working using funding from several Challenge Cost Share Agreements that allow us to be paid by the US Forest Service to perform the trail work on their lands. We have one ongoing agreement to replace about 130 trail signs that were damaged in the wild fires of 2022, and close to signing 2 more agreements to continue our volunteer trail work and to hire a hosted crew of 3 to replace 2 trail bridges in the Eagle Cap Wilderness this year. All of that is on hold for now and we do not know if any of it will be approved. Meanwhile, our Plan B is to apply for grants from non-federal organizations to tide us over until we have a better idea about how much support we will get from our federal partners. Please cross your fingers for us that something in Washington, DC settles out soon!
Now about trainings!
- We will again offer both a Crosscut Saw (May 16-18th) and a Chainsaw Training (May 30-June 1). I will be sending out another email next week to our sawyers that need to recertify, but in the meantime if you know that you want to take one or both of these classes send me an email and I will get you on the list. If you cannot attend these classes, our sister organization (Idaho Trails Association) will be presenting their saw training on May 9-11th in McCall. Contact me if you want to attend that one.
- We will be offering the Basic First Aid/CPR training again locally in Enterprise with Joyce Himes, and I would like to sponsor a Backcountry First Aid class, as well. This is a class that is intermediate between Basic and Wilderness First Aid. There is an online component (2-6 hours) and an in person component (6 hours). It is supported by the Oregon Trails Coalition. Please let me know if you would like to attend either type of First Aid Training.
- I will be presenting our own training in Communication and Navigation, and also a training in Rope Rigging for Trail Work. Again let me know if either of these is of interest. Once I have a list of participants, I will find a date that works for the most people.
- Our stock handlers will be presenting a class in how to operate safely around pack animals and how to help the handlers prepare and load packs on the horses or mules. This training will be in early May, possibly the 10th. Stay tuned for a firm date, and let me know if you are interested in attending this training.
And lastly, our partners at the US Forest Service have asked us to help get the word out about their Volunteer Wilderness Ranger positions in the Lakes Basin of the Eagle Cap Wilderness. If you or someone you know is interested in being a Volunteer Wilderness Ranger this summer here is the link to the application:
Phew! Guess I wasn’t so brief after all, but I hope this was at least interesting if not actually useful! I look forward to seeing you all at the Annual Meeting and out on a trail this next summer!
Mike Hansen
Executive Director
Wallowa Mountains Hells Canyon Trails Association