09. May 2024 · Comments Off on SCNF – Pre-Season Partner Meeting Notes · Categories: Public Lands, Public Meetings, Trail Volunteer Groups

Hi everyone,

A big thank you to those who were able to join us for Monday’s SCNF Pre-Season Partner meeting. I know it’s a busy time of year for this group. Attached are meeting notes, which have also been uploaded to the SCNF External Partner Folder in Box. A reminder, this folder also contains some general safety documents, Risk Assessments, our Grants Calendar, etc. If any of you have trouble with this link, let me know and I’ll make sure to get you access.

If you have any questions, go-backs, or other things you wanted to talk about that we didn’t get to, don’t hesitate to reach out. We hope each of your organizations has a safe and memorable season and look forward to connecting with some of you in the field this year!       SCNF PreSeason Partner Meeting Notes 5.6.2024

29. April 2024 · Comments Off on Sawtooth Valley Wildland Fire Collaborative · Categories: Around The Campfire, Public Meetings


20. April 2024 · Comments Off on IDPR Accepting Applications to Fill Important Advisory Committees · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings


07. March 2024 · Comments Off on BLM – Grand View Travel Management Plan · Categories: Public Lands, Public Meetings



06. September 2023 · Comments Off on GBR Presentation – September 7, 2023 · Categories: Public Lands, Public Meetings

Dear Quiet Rec People,

I am attaching the presentation that will be given by Nate Shake of Bogus on behalf of GBR. Josh Newman, the Idaho City Ranger will be presenting the proposed expansion of the parking lot at Whoop Um Up. I had created a somewhat different presentation, which would look at the parking lot proposal within the larger context of recreation along Highway 21, but that is not what is going to be presented tomorrow. I will attach both what will be presented and what I wanted to present. The powerpoint (PDF) with the numbers in front is what you will see, and the one that ends with FINAL is what I intended to share with the group.

Thank you, first of all, for representing quiet recreation. I truly appreciate you going to the meeting to speak up for those not at the meeting. Secondly, we are not going to turn the clock back on motorized recreation, but we can voice what we want on our public lands, and what we want as trails and access on our public lands. The Over Snow Vehicle group is very well organized, with money to support their cause, and we are not and do not have deep pockets. Or any pockets. So our voices need to be our currency. Third and last, I hope you can attend the meeting with the idea in mind that we all need to collaborate, whatever our preferred method of recreation is. We all love our public lands, and want to be able to access and use our public lands.

Thanks again, and I am so sorry I cannot be at the meeting. I’m sure you all are happy I am not, given my current condition.

Best wishes,

Liz Bridges


GBR Presentation September 7 FINAL

2023-09-01GBR Presentation September 7 FINAL

20. June 2023 · Comments Off on Idaho Non-Motorized Trails Initiative Meeting Tuesday June 20th 10am · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings

Non-Motorized funding by State

Idaho Horse Council Administrator is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: IHC Non-Motorized Trails Initiative Meeting
Time: Jun 20, 2023 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 5656 2289
Passcode: 895117

One tap mobile
+16694449171,,87256562289#,,,,*895117# US
+16699009128,,87256562289#,,,,*895117# US (San Jose)

Idaho Non-Motorized Trails Poll

Non-Motorized Funding by State

Non-Motorized Resources

17. November 2022 · Comments Off on Public Meeting – Greater Boise NF Recreationalists · Categories: Around The Campfire, Public Lands, Public Meetings

Catharine Beverly-Bishop
Recreation Management Specialist
Forest Service
Boise National Forest
1857 HWY 16
Emmett, ID 83617

GBR Invitation2022-12-07

02. February 2022 · Comments Off on National Wilderness Skill Institute 2021 · Categories: Education, Public Meetings, Training Events



National Wilderness Skill Institute 2022 – May 24, 25 & 26, 2022


Some the more popular sessions:

21. December 2021 · Comments Off on Salmon-Challis NF Partners Post-Season Forum · Categories: Public Lands, Public Meetings

Full PDF’s: SCNF Partnership 2021 Post-Season Meeting 121621

09. November 2021 · Comments Off on ITA 2021 Video · Categories: Around The Campfire, Public Meetings



21. May 2021 · Comments Off on Proposed Recreation Plan for the BLM Land in Eagle · Categories: Public Lands, Public Meetings

CALLING ALL  EQUESTRIANS (especially those who ride in the Eagle Area)

Please attend the open house to review Eagle’s recreation plan for BLM land.  Ultimately the plan is to connect this area of public land to trails accessible from Big Gulch and Little Gulch.  Spread the word!  This may be our last opportunity to save equestrian trails north of Eagle

Open House: Proposed Recreation Plan for the BLM Land in Eagle

Monday, May 24, 2021

Join us for an open house to review the City of Eagle’s Proposed Recreation Plan for the 2,200-acres of Bureau of Land Management land within the limits of the City of Eagle.

Date: May 24, 2021

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Council Chambers

Address: 660 E Civic Ln, Eagle, ID 83616

Karen Steenhof   karensteenhof@gmail.com

03. April 2019 · Comments Off on Public Lands Bill S1089 – Killed in 2019 Session · Categories: Public Lands, Public Meetings

We made it pretty far with the only piece of pro-access legislation of the 2019 session. In fact, it’s the only pro-sportsman related bill introduced this year, period. We provided the committee with high profile news reports of illegal access obstruction going unpunished, and the cultural and economic reasons to support public property rights. Ultimately non-issue concerns, obfuscating the true purpose of S1089, and the Wilks brothers’ testimony won the day.

IWF has made good headway for this idea of civil enforcement of access obstruction, and will carry that momentum today through the 2020 legislative session. But meanwhile, let’s dig into what we learned at the hearing:

The Wilks Bro’s personal lobbyist testified and worked to kill the bill. The lobbyist also happened to be the lawyer who wrote the Trespass Bill of last year. No surprise there, but upsetting that 6 of the 9 legislators sided with out-of-state billionaires over Idahoans, again. The lobbyist opined that S1089 would criminalize innocent behavior, but there are two things to point out about that claim. 1) The bill clearly addresses only “willful” acts, not accidental. 2) The Attorney General opinion for S1089 refutes that claim.


22. February 2019 · Comments Off on IHC Report February 2019 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Public Meetings

IDAHO HORSE COUNCIL report Respectfully submitted by Marybeth Conger- IHC Director for BCHI – one of seven

After IHC President Dixie Christensen called meeting to order, roll call was taken and motions carried to approve the November 17,2018 minutes as amended and the special director meeting of December 27, 2018.

The following guests and IHC membership representatives were introduced and welcomed: Randi McCallan- AQHA, Ann Martin- 2019 IHC Organizational member SCGH, Rhonda Gundert (Kimberly Kvamme’s friend), DeEtte Lindberg- IHB Executive Director, Dan Tackett, and Sabina Amidon- 2019 IHC Individual Member.

1. Treasurer’s Report & Financial Summary presented.

Unfinished Business:

2. Hiring of Executive Director- A committee was formed. Director input on what an Executive Director should do for the IHC. Please respond to committee email requests. IHC has temporarily hired a temporary secretary.

3. Please welcome and congratulate Cheryl Keshian as the IHC 2019 2nd Vice President.

4. Janine Townsend discussed Horse Statue. Cost could be $2,500- $3,500. Sabrina Amidon has one for the IHC to borrow temporarily. Janine will handle getting this horse to the 2019 Expo.

5. DeEtte Lindberg, Idaho Horse Board Executive Director, gave update. Senator Patti Anne Lodge working to present draft bill to increase equine fees.

Read complete report

IHC January 26 2019 report for BCHI 2019-02-07 Meeting Minutes

01. May 2017 · Comments Off on USDA Forest Service South Pioneer Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project EA · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings

Dear Interested Party:
The Forest Service has completed the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the South Pioneer Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project and is seeking public comment on this EA during the 30-day notice and comment period. The South Pioneer Project is located in Boise County approximately 18 miles northeast of Idaho City, Idaho, and 48 miles northeast of Boise, Idaho. The Project Area covers approximately 39,100 acres in the Boise River watershed. The EA is available on the Project web page: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=50694. If you would prefer a hard copy of the EA, please contact John Riling, Team Leader, at jriling@fs.fed.us or by phone at 208-373-4171. A summary document containing the Agency’s response to comments received during the February 2017 scoping period is also available on the project website.

Project Description
The South Pioneer Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project proposes cutting hazard trees along NFS roads and trails, reforesting areas, decommissioning unauthorized routes, and salvaging additional trees killed by the wildfire to recover economic value to support restoration work. Salvage harvest activities are anticipated to begin in early summer 2017 and be completed by the end of the 2018 operating season, while activities such as reforestation would continue for approximately 10 years.
Immediate implementation is essential to successfully accomplish project purpose and need (e.g., address hazard trees that pose risks to public health and safety this next recreation season). Therefore, the Boise National Forest will request an emergency situation determination (ESD) to facilitate immediate implementation of the proposed activities during the 2017 field season. Only the Chief and Associate Chief of the Forest Service may grant an ESD (36 CFR 218.21(a)).

An emergency situation at 36 CFR 218.21(b) is defined as follows.
A situation on National Forest System (NFS) lands for which immediate implementation of a decision is necessary to achieve one or more of the following:
1. Relief from hazards threatening human health and safety
2. Mitigation of threats to natural resources on NFS or adjacent lands
3. Avoiding a loss of commodity value sufficient to jeopardize the agency’s ability to accomplish project objectives directly related to resource protection or restoration.
If the Chief decides this project qualifies for an ESD, the project will be exempt from the pre-decisional objection process (36 CFR 218). This exemption will allow us to implement the project as soon as the environmental analysis is completed and the decision is signed. Providing for immediate implementation following completion of the environment review allows the Boise National Forest to remove hazards safely, complete associated resource protection/restoration projects, and capture enough commodity value to market some of the trees. Often, if material proposed for removal cannot be sold, many of the project’s objectives cannot be met.

We recognize the importance of the public involvement process for this project and am aware that, should an ESD be approved, the expedited emergency procedure alters the structure of that process. Thus, as has been done since the fall of 2016, I will continue to employ a variety of communication options to share and receive information from interested parties. Visit the Pioneer Fire website at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/boise/home/?cid=fseprd530485 for up-to-date information.

How to Provide Comment

The Forest Service is contacting interested persons, groups, and agencies to make them aware of the project and to gather pertinent feedback. To be most useful, please make your comments as specific as possible.

Electronic, written, hand-delivered, and facsimile comments concerning this project will be accepted. Comments may be submitted through the South Pioneer Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project webpage at https://cara.ecosystem-management.org/Public//CommentInput?Project=50694.

Email comments must be submitted in a format such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), Adobe (.pdf) and Word (.doc) to: comments-intermtn-boise-idaho-city@fs.fed.us. Please put “South Pioneer” in the subject line of e-mail comments. Comments must have an identifiable name attached or verification of identity will be required. A scanned signature may serve as verification on electronic comments.

Written comments must be submitted to: Boise National Forest, Idaho City Ranger District, Attention: Brant Petersen, District Ranger, 3833 Highway 21, P.O. Box 129, Idaho City, Idaho 83631 or faxed to (208) 392-6684. The office hours for those submitting hand-delivered comments are: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Comments received in response to this request will be available for public inspection in the “Public Comment Reading Room” on the project webpage and will be released in their entirety, if requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.

Written, facsimile, hand-delivered, and electronic comments concerning this action will be accepted for 30 calendar days following the publication of the legal notice in the Idaho Statesman, the newspaper of record. The publication date of the legal notice in the newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calculating the comment period. Those wishing to comment should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by any other source. The regulations prohibit extending the length of the comment period. The legal notice will be posted on the project website within 4 calendar days of publication in the newspaper of record.

Stay Connected to this Project via the Web

To assist the Forest Service in meeting its goals of reducing our carbon footprint and to achieve a sustainable operation, we are transitioning to a web-based electronic comment system that allows all interested parties to receive project material (project updates, draft and final NEPA documents, and decisions) by e-mail. This new system gives you direct control over which mailing lists you are subscribed to and immediate electronic access to project documents as they are posted online. It’s easy, it’s good for the environment, and it gives “on-demand” access to projects.

To subscribe to this new system, go online to the South Pioneer Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project webpage: https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=50694. On the project website, you will see a box titled “Get Connected” on the right hand side of the page. Click on “Subscribe to Email Updates”. When you click on that item, you will be prompted to provide your e-mail address and select a password. When you have logged in, you will be able to manage your account by subscribing to projects by Forest, District, project type, or project purpose. You will also be able to change your e-mail address and password. If you no longer wish to follow the project(s), simply delete your subscription. Once you are subscribed, you will receive all project information via e-mail, unless you request hard copies.

Only those who subscribe to the mailing list, submit comments, or notify the Forest that they would like to remain on the mailing list for this project will receive future correspondences on this project. Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and considered; however, without an associated name and address, receiving further correspondences concerning this project will not be possible.

For further information on the project, please contact Brant Petersen, Idaho City District Ranger at 208-392-6681 or bpetersen02@fs.fed.us, or John Riling, Team Leader at 208-373-4171 or jriling@fs.fed.us.



Melissa Yenko

Acting Forest Planner

Boise National Forest

1249 S. Vinnell Way, Suite 200

Boise, ID 83709

Phone: 208-373-4245

Email: myenko@fs.fed.us


29. January 2017 · Comments Off on Dear Chapter Presidents, State Directors and Public Liaisons · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events, Public Meetings

This is the draft letter of our response to the HEMINGWAY -BOULDER AND WHITE CLOUD WILDERNESS MANAGEMENT PLAN. If you have any further comments send them to me and copy Phil Ryan. If you previously sent comments to Phil put those in letter form and send to the USFS. NOTE: Your letter must include and alternate solution to your objection or they will not look at it . The comment period deadline is Jan. 31st .

The more letters the better. HB-WC Comment Letter-draft

Bob Savage
Chairman BCHI

Phil Ryan

28. November 2016 · Comments Off on Draft plan released for 2 central Idaho wilderness areas · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings

bolder-white-cloud-draft-mgt-plan     \    Proposed Restrictions for Recreational Stock Use In The Boulder White Clouds Wilderness

Notice of Initiating the Assessment Phase of the Forest Plan Revision for the Salmon-Challis National Forest
whitecloudBy KEITH RIDLER – Associated Press – Monday, November 28, 2016

BOISE, Idaho (AP) – A draft plan unveiled Monday for two recently created Idaho wilderness areas prohibits campfires at high elevations to protect whitebark pine and eliminates horses and other recreational stock in some areas to protect alpine soils.

The U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management announced the availability of the 67-page document intended to guide management of the 138-square-mile Hemingway-Boulders Wilderness and the 142-square-mile White Clouds Wilderness, both in central Idaho.

The agencies say the goal is to manage the areas for recreation and other activities while preserving wilderness character.

The ban on campfires above 9,000 feet with some exceptions is intended to protect whitebark pine as well as snags and downed trees at high altitudes where firewood is scarce and living trees become targets.
“We cannot lose whitebark pine,” said Forest Service spokeswoman Julie Thomas. “There are not that many of them (that) we can start using them for firewood.”

The ban on horses and other recreational stock applies only to a portion of the White Clouds Wilderness, in part to protect riparian areas.

Dani Mazzotta of the Idaho Conservation League said 60 volunteers over the summer documented high-use areas, trash removal and wildlife sightings. She said the information was turned over to the federal agencies but it’s not clear if it was included in the draft plan.

“We’ll be diving into the wilderness plan in the next couple weeks,” she said President Barack Obama signed the Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act in August 2015 after Republican Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho got ranchers, recreationists and environmental groups to back the plan.

Simpson had been working on wilderness designation for 15 years, but some groups upset with the delay pushed Obama to designate a much larger area a national monument. That possibility is widely believed to have led to the wilderness bill passing despite opposition, particularly in rural Custer County where some of the wilderness area is located.

“A lot of people are upset with the fact that I didn’t call their bluff and see if they turned it into a monument,” said Custer County Commission Chairman Wayne Butts, noting he and the two other commissioners didn’t want to take that chance and signed on with Simpson’s bill.

He said that among the problems with the draft plan are negative comments about grazing cattle, a use specifically allowed as part of the compromise deal reached to create the wilderness areas.

The law also allows for the retirement of grazing allotments, and Thomas said one allotment has already been retired that overlapped a part of the White Clouds Wilderness.

The central Idaho wilderness areas created with Obama’s signature in 2015 also include the 183-square-mile Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness. Federal officials say the management plan for that area, which involves a different national forest and more BLM land, is being completed in a separate planning effort.

Public meetings to discuss the plan for Hemingway-Boulders Wilderness and White Clouds Wilderness are set for Dec. 5 in Challis, and Dec. 6 in Stanley and Ketchum.

Public comments are being taken through Jan. 5, with a final plan expected to be released in the spring.

Draft plan released for 2 central Idaho wilderness areas

Management plan for the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness (116,898 acres)

Sawtooth National Forest
2647 Kimberly Road East
Twin Falls, Idaho 83301

Bureau of Land Management
Challis Field Office
1151 Blue Mountain Road
Challis, Idaho 83226

PHONE: 208-737-3262
DATE: November 28, 2016

Sawtooth National Recreation Area and BLM Challis Field Office Seek Comments regarding the Hemingway-Boulders and White Clouds Wilderness Management Plan Ketchum, ID – The Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management are announcing the availability of the proposed wilderness management plan for the Hemingway-Boulders and White Clouds Wilderness areas. A wilderness management plan guides the preservation, management, and use of wilderness to ensure it is unimpaired for future use and enjoyment as wilderness. The draft wilderness management plan provides direction for managing the resources and uses within wilderness: recreation, search and rescue, research, wildlife, vegetation, while preserving wilderness character.

To access the draft plan, or for more information on the planning process, the wilderness areas, and interactive maps,

Please visit the interagency project website at: http://usfs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=5693f6ff6783482da33cb7c2bf9f12d2

You may also request hard copies or CDs containing the document by contacting the Sawtooth National Forest Office at 208-737-3200.

The BLM and USFS will also offer three public open-house meetings during the scoping period:
Challis, Idaho: December 5th, 5-7 p.m. at the Forest Service Office, 311 N. US Hwy 93.
Stanley, Idaho: December 6th, Noon-2 p.m. at the Stanley Community Center, Hwy 21.
Ketchum, Idaho: December 6th, 5-7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 220 Cottonwood Street.

Comments concerning this action will be most useful if received by January 5, 2016 through one of the following methods:
Send an email to: comments-intermtn-sawtooth-nra@usda.gov

Send a hardcopy letter to Sawtooth National Forest, 2647 Kimberly Road East, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301

Proposed Restrictions
The draft wilderness management plan proposes restrictions on two uses in certain portions of the wilderness areas: recreational stock and campfires. Click on headings for location details.

Recreational Stock
Limitations on are proposed on recreational stock use above Lodgepole and Quiet lakes, within Gunsight Creek, and within the Big Boulder drainage, excluding Walker and Island lakes. These limitations are proposed to protect fragile alpine soils and vegetation, including sensitive whitebark pine trees, riparian processes and aquatic biota.


28. April 2016 · Comments Off on Annual Boise National Forest Partnership Meeting – May 16, 2016 · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings, Work Parties and Projects

Subject: Annual Boise National Forest Partnership Meeting

Trail Partner Volunteers:

I hope all of you have had a good winter and are rested up for the summer season! Trail season has arrived and it is time for the annual Boise National Forest North Zone Trails Program Partnership Meeting. I was hoping to have the meeting in Boise area  the on Monday , May 16, 2016. I have talked with a few of you and 7:00pm seems to allow time for people in the outlying areas time to arrive. I was considering about having it at the following location:

Idaho Pizza Company
7100 W. Fairview Ave
Boise, ID. 83704
(208) 375-4100

It is a fairly centralized location and I have been to meeting with several groups there and you can get a bite to eat if you wish. If there are other suggestions, please let me know soon because I’ll have to see if one of the meeting rooms are available.

I have attached several items of importance for you and your members to review. The most important is the 2016 Voluntary Service Agreement. If your organizations current representative could review, sign, date the form and send it back to me as soon as possible that would be a great assistance. I would like to present them to my District Ranger for approval before the annual meeting. This is very important!

We will review 2016 work calendar, safety items, update daily sign-sheets, trail work reporting sheets, future projects, and any other trail topics you would like to discuss.

Some of the current projects already scheduled this year are the following:
2016 Annual Trail Maintenance
Ten Mile Bridge Replacement
Rice Peak Connecter Layout and NEPA
Stratton Creek Trail Reroute Layout and Repair
Stoney Meadows Bridge Replacement
Wilson Corrals Puncheon Layout and Reroute
Renwyk Reroute Layout
Bull Creek Puncheon Replacement
Julie Creek Heavy Maintenance
Peace Creek upper trail repair

Additional Programs
Implementation of 2016 Non-motorized Grant. Partnership with American Conservation Experience. Partnership
With Idaho Trail Assn, BCH of Idaho
Implementation of 2016 Motorized Maintenance Grant Partnership with Boise ATV, Emmett ATV, TVTMA and Idaho

Department of Parks and Recreation
Implementation of 2016 Mountain Bike Grant: Wewukiye Trail Construction. Partnership with SWIMBA
TVTMA annual Lowman Trail Maintenance Day
Emmet ATV annual Sage Hen Maintenance Day

If you have additional work days for me to add to the calendar please let me know. I would like to staff as many of your projects as possible.

If you know of any other individual who would like to attend, please pass this information along.

Thanks again for all of your support and help! I am looking forward to seeing all of you this season.

John Hidy
Boise National Forest North Zone Trails Supervisor
Lowman Ranger District
US Forest Service
Desk 208-259-3361 ext. 7539
Cell (760)920-2774

Boise National Forest Volunteer Project Sign in Sheet

2016Volunteer Trail Report Form

2016 VSA trails

2016B NFTrails Calendar

2016 Lowman_trail_ annual_maintenance

Emmett trail rotation 2016

cascade rotation 2016


02. December 2015 · Comments Off on Pacific Northwest Trail Advisory Council · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings

Trail Information
I am a member of the Selkirk Valley Chapter of the Idaho Backcounty Horsemen. and also a member of the newly established Advisory Council of the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail which held its first meeting in October 2015 in Sandpoint, Idaho and the next one will be in May 2016 somewhere in western Washington with subcommittees meeting between now and then. On the Council I represent the interests of Recreational Pack and Saddle users.

The planning process of regulating the trail is just beginning and it behooves all those who desire input to become familiar with the history and background of the PNT so as to effectively participate in the meetings as all are open to the public.

Attached is a pdf file from the USFS website which gives the background to the current work of the Pacific Northwest Trail Advisory Council of which I am a member. It is also available on the USFS website below along with detailed info about the planning process. The first meeting of the Advisory Council was held in October 2014 in Sandpoint Idaho and the next one will be in Western Washington in May 4 and 5 , 2016

The planning process is described on the USFS website: http://www.fs.usda.gov/pnt/

More info is available at the website of the Pacific Northwest Trail Association:http://www.pnt.org/

James R. Michaud
P.O. Box 765
Sagle, Idaho 83860
Email: southsaglejim@gmail.com

pnwst05 More Information

02. December 2015 · Comments Off on Owyhee Comprehensive Travel Management Plan · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings

DOI-BLM-ID-B000-2011-0002-EA (Owyhee Comprehensive Travel Management Plan)


08. May 2013 · Comments Off on BCHA News · Categories: Around The Campfire, Public Meetings

This News story was on the Local fox news during the convention:

Back Country Horsemen of America welcome Senator John Thune

The Black Hills region can be described as perfect horse country.  It’s the reason many people come here to live.  And many of those people have become a part of an organization working to preserve the Hills as a good place to take a horse. Black Hills Fox Reporter Al Van Zee has the story.

Access to wilderness areas in the U.S. is becoming more and more difficult as more and more back-country roads are closed to motor vehicles, especially in the country’s National Forests. So more and more people, and especially people who have difficulty walking rough terrain, are coming to realize that many wilderness areas are simply inaccessible except on horseback. The Back Country Horsemen of America is made up of many such people. And the group is held it’s national convention in Rapid City this week. One of the stated goals of the organization is to insure that public lands remain open to riding and to help government and private agencies maintain the back country assets.Addressing the convention in Rapid City this afternoon was South Dakota Senator John Thune, who related his own western South Dakota upbringing where horses and horseback riding were a large part of the way of life. The horse culture is tightly encoded in the DNA of the Black Hills. And its history goes all the way back to the first horses brought here by Native Americans hundreds of years ago. And the Back Country Horsemen say they want to make sure the Black Hills area remains horse country.

White Clouds could become a National Monument?CIEDRA – Read the full story


Here is the report from the Cate Bradley, National Park Service, from the panel discussion at the International Trails Symposium. I asked the presenters from the National Park Service, the BLM and the USFS to discuss the future of maintenance on America’s trails…as federal funding for trails becomes more and more limited from all federal agencies…and how youth corps, volunteers, and organizations can help fill the gap anticipated for the future.

Forwarding to the National Directors as promised in my Vice Chair report.

Happy Trails, Yvette  Public Funding Stream for Trails and Equestrian Groups

BCHA National Directors:

As some of you may know, Rick McLean resigned yesterday as our Executive Director. In the process of a week of discussions and emails between Rick and myself, Rick felt that the evolving job description of the Executive Director to emphasize fund raising was not what he had signed on for with the BCHA. Priorities change and the momentum needed to grow the BCHA to meet the ever increasing challenges we face require fund raising efforts.

We thank Rick for his tenure with us and wish him well with his family and trail riding time.

Going forward, with the guidance and agreement of our Executive Committee; 1) the Chairman will temporarily assume the duties of the Executive Director position, and; 2) use the monies in that position’s 2013 budget to cover the expenses of the fund raising effort, and; 3) begin a deliberative search to fill the Executive Director position possibly to commence with our 2014 budget. Again, all this in coordination with Executive Committee.

I welcome your comments, suggestions and criticisms,

Jim McGarvey
Chairman, BCHA
C: 706-669-1015


25. February 2012 · Comments Off on Boise & Payette Forest Coalitions · Categories: Public Meetings


The Idaho Forest Restoration Partnership connects, informs, and supports collaborative groups working to restore the resilience of Idaho forests.  The Partnership is a coalition of six 501(3)(c) organizations; SAF Snake River Chapter serves as fiscal agent.

The partnership was formed to help strengthen collaborative forest restoration efforts across Idaho.  The partners have agreed to support four principles in a common vision for our forests:

1.In Idaho’s forests, strategic forest restoration is essential to address the current challenges posed by uncharacteristic wildfire, insects, disease and climate change.

2.Active management is needed in some areas of public forests to restore their resiliency.

3.A healthy forest industry is an important and necessary part of a restoration strategy to offset restoration costs and to provide jobs and economic stability in rural communities throughout Idaho.

4.Collaborative groups can provide useful advice and recommendations on forest restoration projects, through cooperation between citizens, including interest groups, elected officials, and pubic land managers

Boise Forest  Coalition & Payette Forest Coalition both accomplished a lot in 2011 and are forming working groups for 2012.

Boise NF  Map  2011 recommendations,  2012 collaboration team forming

Payette NF  2010 recommendations2011 recommendations

Bob Rainville, 

Mediator and Facilitator Boise Forest

(208) 830-1444


08. February 2012 · Comments Off on Idaho Environmental Forum · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings


Idaho Environmental Forum #189 resents a special President’s Day luncheon with U.S. Senator Mike Crapo and his special guest, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, Tom Tidwell. For details

10. April 2010 · Comments Off on April 2010 Wilderness Meeting · Categories: Public Meetings, Work Parties and Projects

Hi Everyone;
Winter has left the Emmett Valley, but yesterday we had our second meeting with the wilderness group and it snowed all day. We met with the Forest Service, Wilderness Society, the Idaho Trails Association, and Back Country Hunters and Anglers. We are making progress in working together for projects in the Frank Church Wilderness.

We have scheduled two projects for this summer. One north of the Salmon River and one South of it.  This is a great opportunity to work with other user groups and build a foundation of cooperation within the various groups. Remember what we said several years ago, “partnerships are the key to success”. If any of your chapter members can make these work projects please let me know and I will relay the information on to the forest service.

1. The first project is on the Churchill Trail out of Dixie. This project will have Ian Barlow using Traditional equipment to remove large trees and rocks. He uses sky rigging, ropes, slings, and pullies just like they did when the trails and roads were made in the mountains. The dates are June 25-26-27-28. The forest service would like about 8 to 10 people each day so people don’t have to work the full four days. We don’t need horses on this project, but if you bring them maybe you can get in some riding up around Dixie, I don’t know the trails there, sorry!

2. The second project is at Yellowpine on Missouri Creek. This trail has not been cleared in 12 years so expect to clear lots of fallen trees. The dates for this project are July 10-11.  We plan to have campfire gatherings in the evenings and this will be a great way to meet the people who walk those dusty trails and a great way for them to see that horse people are not all crazy. There are trails around the Yellowpine area to ride so bring your animals, good water, I don’t know about the grass in the area so plan on bringing hay.

If any of your chapter members are interested in these projects please let me know. As a side note: the federal mint is going to issue 6 new quarters this year and one of them will be the “Frank Church Wilderness” coin. If this area is going to be the gem of the wilderness areas in the United States, then it is up to us to help in any way we can as BCHI to keep those trails open.

Also, the NYC group will be working on Pistol Creek from June until mid August. They need people to pack in supplies for them, please contact Joe Williams if you can help.


Potential Idaho trail projects


Hi folks – sorry to be slow getting back to you all on results of the Idaho Trail Association meeting earlier this month. Here is a summary of potential projects for this year, for ITA and in partnership with others.


June 25-27 – Churchill trail, in the FCRNRW, on Nez Perce NF, near Whitewater trailhead on Salmon River, working with the informal wilderness trails partnership. Cutting out 1.5 miles of trail with crosscuts and other tools, which has not been cut in 12 years. Opportunity to work with Ian Barlow using rigging to move large logs.


July 9-11 – Missouri Creek trail, at edge and into FCRNRW, on the Payette NF, east of Yellow Pine, working with the informal wilderness trails partnership. Cutting out 6 miles of trail that has not been opened in three or more years.


Aug. 7-8 – Duck Lake to Hum Lake trail, in Secesh proposed wilderness, on Payette NF, near Lick Creek summit, ITA taking lead, working with Clem Pope at Krassel RD and with Jeff Halligan. Basic trail maintenance.


Aug. 15-21 – Dan Ridge Trail in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, on Powell RD of Clearwater NF. ITA working with Selway-Bitterroot Foundation, which will arrange for packer and crew cook for 6-10 people.


September – Boise Front trail project, working with David Gordon, Ridge to Rivers coordinator, at location and time to be set. ITA taking lead and partnering with Backcounty Horsemen of Idaho if possible.


Based on the April 8 meeting in McCall, ITA will work with the informal wilderness trails partnership for the Churchill trail and the Missouri Creek trail.


We are working to set up at least a bare bones ITA website, for contact points. We anticipate sending out a public version of the project list for the Duck-Hum lakes trail, Dan Ridge and Boise Front, with contact points for people to get more information and to organize additional participation. Does Holly or anyone else anticipate putting out a public call for volunteers, with contact/information points, and do you want to coordinate efforts? We also have some ideas for trails in the Boise Front and need to narrow a plan.


Hope we can continue to coordinate trail projects…john

John McCarthy

Idaho Forest Director

The Wilderness Society

950 W Bannock St. Suite 605

Boise, ID 83702

208-343-8153 x4



04. September 2008 · Comments Off on Public Lands – September 2008 Comment Period · Categories: Public Meetings

Cascade Ranger District – Proposed action Report (pdf)

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