17. May 2015 · Comments Off on 2015 Sawyer Training · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


On May 16, 2015 nine members of Squaw Butte meet up with four Boise National forest rangers for a sawyer recertification session. We met at the Triangle parking lot and truck pooled up to the third fork ranger cabin.

The weather was expected to be wet and windy so everyone dressed like they were going duck hunting in Maine.

Read More: Sawyer Training 2015      Pictures

Chain Saw and Crosscut Saw Training Course–Student’s Guidebook (U.S. Forest Service)
 Introduction and Chapter 1
 Chapter 2 – Chain Saw Use and Maintenance
 Chapter 3 – Chain Saw Tasks and Techniques
 Chapter 4 – Crosscut Saw Tasks and Techniques


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