06. September 2016 · Comments Off on BCHA – Current Issues · Categories: Current Events


BCHA-BCHW public scoping comments regarding the park’s Wilderness Stewardship Plan

Help BCHA secure more horseback riding opportunities at Mount Rainer National Park

BCHA Provides the Rationale for Why Congress Must Pass the “Forest Trail Stewardship” Bill

BCHA-BCHC sends public scoping comments regarding the park’s Wilderness Stewardship Plan

and many more GO TO WEB PAGE

A new poll by Colorado College shows broad support for federal public land ownership. Up to 60 percent of Western voters oppose proposals to sell federal land to private sources or transfer ownership to the states.

Against an uptick in anti-public lands rhetoric from militant extremists, a new Colorado College State of the Rockies Project Conservation in the West Poll released January 11, 2016 revealed strong public support for efforts to protect and maintain national public lands.

These results make clear Western communities care deeply about the public lands that embody the best of our nation’s culture, spirit and beauty,” said former U.S. Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar. “Western voters see our outdoor heritage as integral to our economy and our way of life, and they certainly don’t want to see their public lands seized by ideologues or sold off by politicians in Washington.

02. September 2016 · Comments Off on Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Visit Web Site

02. September 2016 · Comments Off on Idaho Horse Council Fall Meeting · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Agenda and IHC Notes by MB August 20 2016IHC Meeting

23. August 2016 · Comments Off on Wilson Corral TR135 & Gabe’s Peak TR136 · Categories: Current Events, Horse Camping, Work Parties and Projects

Project dates: August 20/21, 2016
National forest: Boise
Ranger District: Emmett
Trail Head Road: FR 653
Trail Miles worked: Completed TR135 / Complete Trail TR 136 (cleared to upper meadow on each trail)

TR135 Down Fall Encountered: 45
TR135 Down Fall Cleared: 45
TR135 Trail Brushed: where needed

TR136 Down Fall Encountered: 15
TR136 Down Fall Cleared: 15
TR136 Trail Brushed: Where needed

Wilson corral pictures

We encountered a lot of large downfall, much of it up-rooting’s of otherwise healthy trees on the Wilson Corral trail. A number of work arounds are no longer necessary as we reestablished the original trail bed. West mountain is the driest I have ever seen it in the 16 years I have been riding there. Creeks are dry and the grass in the upper meadow is brown.

On Gabe’s Peak trail many of the downfall were from previous years, and had work arounds, we reestablished the original trail bed, unless erosion made the work around a better option. A re-routing of this trail up to the ridge should be considered, with a number of switch backs replacing the 10 to 20 degree climb almost straight up. With the mostly dirt trail bed a lot of erosion is a problem as well as an almost un-hike-able trail.

Squaw Butte Members on the Project
Rob Adams
Lisa & Tom Griffith

Pictures taken on this project

23. August 2016 · Comments Off on Squaw Creek TR131 North & Poison Creek Tr134 · Categories: Current Events, Horse Camping, Work Parties and Projects

Blue trail Saturday / Red on Sunday

Project dates: August 6/7, 2016
National forest: Boise
Ranger District: Emmett
Trail Head Road: FR 625
Trail Miles worked: 5 TR131 / Complete Trail TR 134

TR131 Down Fall Encountered: 45 (about 2/3 of the trail was worked)
TR131 Down Fall Cleared: 45
TR131 Trail Brushed: First Mile (This trail need a lot of brush removed, it would make a great Boy Scout project)

TR134 Down Fall Encountered: 1
TR134 Down Fall Cleared: 1
TR134 This trail need to be remarked. Game and cattle trails make it very difficult to follow in many places, from the trail head to bridge needs brushing.

Sign at junction for TR131 & TR 134 is missing, just two nails in the tree it was attached to. Unless you know where to turn, you will miss the TR134 turn off.

We re-routed a section of the 131 trail that ran along squaw creek, a very large tree up-rooted right next to the creek and fell a crossed it. The large tree well is now part of the creek bed and with the next high water will completely wash out. See included pictures. We move the trail about 30 foot up the hill side which was protected by a rock and trees. There is a short 25 degree climb from old to new trail, the horses had no problem doing it.

We saw two back packers on TR131, a first, we ran into a number of cows and saw a lot of bear sign, but no wildlife. Huckleberry were very tasty.

We plan to go back to Squaw Creek the weekend of September 10 to complete the upper third of the trail.

Squaw Butte Members on the Project
Rob Adams
Leah Osborn
Travis (last name unknown)
Lisa & Tom Griffith
Shelly Duff
Kelley Ragland
Nancy Smith
Shannon Schantz

Pictures from this Project

12. August 2016 · Comments Off on National Saw Policy Webinar August 23, 11:30 Central Time · Categories: Current Events
National Trails Day

National Trails Day


National Saw Policy Webinar August 23, 11:30 Central Time

Learn about the new National Saw Policy!

Ask questions!

Hear why, how and who created the new policy!

Employees and cooperators are invited to attend a national webinar on the issuance of new national policy for the Forest Service Saw Program. A short slideshow will be presented to explain how the four year effort to create an overarching programmatic national policy (a new chapter in Forest Service Manual 2358), a revision to the Forest Service Handbook and a Forest Service Saw Operators Guide will help create a safer and more consistent saw program and better sawyers. Also learn about the National Sawyer Database and a new National Saw Program Manager position in the Washington Office.

Please join me, Robert Wetherell (USFS Saw Policy Specialist) along with Beth Boyst (Pacific Crest Trail Program Manager), Pete Duncan (Risk Management Officer-R5), Joni Packard (R1 Youth, Volunteer and 21CSC/Service Program Coordinator) as we answer your questions about how the new policy will affect your ongoing work with sawyers inside and outside the agency. This webinar is available to employees and cooperators alike. As most of the webinar will be devoted to answering your questions and providing clarification please come prepared to participate.

Does the new policy affect wild land firefighters?

Can volunteers be certified?

What do I need to change in volunteer, cooperating, challenge cost share and participating agreements that use sawyers?

All this and more!

Background information is available here!

Saw Policy | US Forest Service

The Forest Service, working with other agencies, partners and the public, established a policy for training and use of cross-cut and chain saws. Sawyers covered by those policies often maintain trails on national forests and grasslands, help fight wildfires, and work in wilderness where crosscut saws are required. The national saw directive standardizes training, evaluation, certification, and safety procedures for sawyers operating on lands managed by the agency.

Saw Operations Guide

FS Saw Operations Guide (.doc)

Federal Register notice

Final Directive for National Saw Program (link is external)

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02. August 2016 · Comments Off on Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation 2016 Summer Newsletter · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

SBFCaug2016 SBFCaug2016-2

Read the summer newsletter

30. July 2016 · Comments Off on Prosecutors: Bill Of Rights Shouldn’t Cover Malheur Occupiers’ Actions · Categories: Current Events


by Conrad Wilson Follow and Ryan Haas OPB | July 29, 2016 9:15 p.m.


15. July 2016 · Comments Off on Opinion – Idaho cowboys don’t need their ATVs in wilderness · Categories: Current Events

By Ken Cole and Kevin Proescholdt

We hear a lot about the custom, culture and tradition of livestock ranching, and we’ve all seen the images of the chap-wearing cowboy mounted proudly on his horse riding behind his herd.

But these days, it seems, Idaho’s Owyhee country cowboys aren’t so rugged. They’ve asked for special legislation allowing them to have virtually unlimited use of motor vehicles in the six Owyhee Canyonlands wildernesses, putting wilderness protection at risk across the country and undermining the existing rules that allow motorized use for grazing purposes only where and when it’s necessary — the same rules that govern wilderness cowboys everywhere else in the West.

The new bill, S.1167, sponsored by Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, would not only allow ranchers to drive trucks, ATVs, motorcycles and other vehicles into wilderness, but also remove the management authority of the Bureau of Land Management to decide where motorized use is permissible. The ink has barely dried on BLM’s new management plan to govern these wildernesses, issued after three years of public involvement. It should be given time to work before being undermined.

The agency itself testified in Congress against the bill, explaining that S.1167 would undermine “the longstanding definition and spirit of wilderness as established in the Wilderness Act of 1964.” Twenty-six conservation groups have also opposed the bill, so why are groups such as The Wilderness Society in support? We think that they are more concerned about bringing back provisions of the deal they struck with ranchers, provisions that were rightly rejected by Congress when the final wilderness language was approved in the 2009 bill creating the wildernesses. Is deal-making more important than the conservation of these spectacular areas? Because The Wilderness Society made a Faustian bargain with a handful of Owyhee ranchers, do they think the Owyhee wildernesses and the American public should have to suffer for it?

If Owyhee ranchers don’t want to walk or climb into the saddle and ride into the wilderness, they should consider taking advantage of a grazing buyout option that was authorized by the enabling bill. Private parties stand at the ready to give Owyhee ranchers a fair price to relinquish their grazing permits and restore these desert wildernesses from harmful livestock grazing impacts. Rather than weakening wilderness by allowing additional motorized incursions, our legislators should instead support strengthening wilderness by getting the nonnative domestic livestock off. The bill would also set a dangerous precedent for all wildernesses in the U.S. where ranchers still abide by longstanding motorized restrictions.

Having cows in wilderness is compromise enough; having cowboys riding noisy motor vehicles is a bridge too far. S.1167 should be roundly opposed by anyone who cares about the integrity of wilderness laws.

Ken Cole is Idaho director for Western Watersheds Project, a regional conservation organization based in Hailey. Kevin Proescholdt is the conservation director for Wilderness Watch, a national organization based in Missoula, Mont.


S.1167 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): Owyhee Wilderness Areas Boundary Modifications Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

07. July 2016 · Comments Off on Mustang Maddy is coming to Boise · Categories: Current Events


Hi All,
I want to put this out to our group first to see if anyone is interested in working with Madison Shambaugh. www.madisonshambaugh.com (also on FB Madison Shambaugh).    Most people aren’t familiar with Madison. She won the 2015 Mustang Challenge where she was given a wild mustang to train for 100 days prior to the competition. She rode in to the arena and did the usual reining patterns, but bridleless. Madison has trained several mustangs and a zebra-she’ll have all 5 equines with her.  Watch a few of her videos to learn more.

I attended Madison’s horsemanship clinic in Virginia (long story about my unexpected surgery), but didn’t get to attend much of it. I offered to let Madison stay here on her way from Utah to another clinic and she is willing to do that. She has opened up Aug. 11th for private lessons ($100/hr), groups of 2-3 ($65/hr), and auditors ($25/day).

Topics are open: problem horses (bucking, rearing, pulling back, bolting, pushy, biting, trailer loading, etc), liberty, bridleless, and body control on the ground and under saddle for softer horses. She can evaluate a horse and rider and give them exercises to challenge them and advance them in their horsemanship skills.

Let me know ASAP if you’re interested. We’ll hold the lessons at Birt Arena in Nampa in the indoor arena (shade) potentially from 8am to 8pm.
I’ll have a flyer available soon.

Thanks! Lou Ann


06. July 2016 · Comments Off on 2015 BCHA Stat’s 2015 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events



03. July 2016 · Comments Off on Wilderness Volunteers Blog · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Exploring Bighorn Crags in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness

If it’s natural/biodegradable is it still litter?

Hanging Bear Bags, PCT Style

21. June 2016 · Comments Off on Idaho Non-Motorized Trail Recreation Summit Follow-Up · Categories: Current Events


Thank you for your continued interest and support for non-motorized trail recreation in Idaho. The three regionally held discussion summits were a huge success and we were able to gather a lot of great input. The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (IDPR) is currently synthesizing the information gathered in all three summit locations into a single, comprehensive report. Our goal is to make that report available very soon. Until that time, we’ve made the minutes, discussion topics, and attendee lists available online for easy access: http://www.parksandrecreation.idaho.gov/activities/hiking under the “Non-Motorized Summit” tab on the left.

Please feel free to contact IDPR with any additional questions or comments. Once the comprehensive report is complete, we will email you again with an attachment.
Again, thank you for your interest in recreation.



11. June 2016 · Comments Off on National Trails Day 2016 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events, Work Parties and Projects

Peace Creek

 Middle Fork of the Payette River
Squaw Butte BCHI
June 4 & 5, 2016

June 4, 2016 is American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day®, the country’s largest celebration of trails. National Trails Day events will take place in every state across the country and will include hikes, biking and horseback rides, paddling trips, bird watching, geocaching, gear demonstrations, stewardship projects and more.

Squaw Butte each year plans a national trail day project, it the past they have been held in state parks picking up trash, the Payette national forest fixing trail bed and this year at the Peace Creek Trail head, removing a large quantity of fallen trees that were blocking two trails.

Read More: 2016 National trails day             More Pictures

19. May 2016 · Comments Off on 2015 Season Accomplishments for the McCall/New Meadows Trail Crew · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events, Work Parties and Projects


PNFTrailCrew2015  See the whole report

18. May 2016 · Comments Off on FY 2015 Boise National Forest North Zone Trails Program Accomplishments · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events, Work Parties and Projects

2015 Trail Accomplishment end of season report NZT01Eagles Nest Trail Project
District: Cascade
Trail No. 11104
The Eagles Nest Trail was inspected on November 13, 2013. The trail was inspected from the boundary of Idaho State Land and Boise National Forest where the 400 road parallels the trail. The Eagles Nest trail is a moderate to high use trail located in a remote are on the Cascade Ranger District
Purpose and Need:
The project is located approximately 1 mile from a parking area along the 400 road. The trail crosses several small ridges and descends to the first stream and Stream Environment Zone (SEZ). The SEZ area is approximately 15 yards long. The trail then ascends up and over a small hill to the next SEZ. The length of the second SEZ is approximately 53 yards. The trail ascends out of the marshy area and heads northeast. The approaches to both areas are very steep and incised. The grades exceed 25% and there are large quantities of sediment entering the SEZs and the perennial stream that runs across the trail. The wet areas are highly impacted and have significant trail braiding from users trying to find a better route. The total length of the project is approximately 425 yards.
The reconstruction of this section will improve public safety, reduce significant ongoing resource damage, and improve the overall user experience.
Completed Repair: The project is currently under construction. The estimated time of completion is mid-October.
– Realignment and construction of approximately ¼ miles of new trail
– Decommissioning and restoration of ¼ miles of existing trail
– Construction of two Puncheon/Causeways approximately 70 yards long


Project in the Yellow Pine Area


11. May 2016 · Comments Off on why killing wolves might be a bad idea · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Click on Movie

05. May 2016 · Comments Off on Idaho’s Track Record Predicts What Happens When Public Lands are Sold · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Idaho Land Sales: A Prediction of the Future?
by Tony Hansen

For months now, the debate over whether states should be given ownership of Federally-owned lands has raged. Proponents of the move say the Federal government is incapable of properly managing the land and claim the ground should be returned to state control and that doing so would mean only improved management and not a public lockout.

Opponents say that doing so would almost certainly mean a net loss in access by the public.

So which side is telling a closer version of the truth?

Perhaps we can look to Idaho for historical insight.

The Wilderness Society recently filed a public records request for an analysis of the Idaho Department of Lands. What they found is interesting indeed.

Since 2000, the state of Idaho has sold more than 100,000 acres of publicly-owned land. The buyers? Timber companies, cattle ranchers, lakeside homeowners and privately-owned fishing clubs along the banks of prime trout waters.

That 100,000-plus acres is part of more than 1.7 million acres of public land the state has sold of the roughly 4.25 million acres Idaho received at statehood. That’s a sell-through rate of roughly 41 percent.
History is clear on what will happen if our national public lands are given to the state, Brad Brooks, The Wilderness Society’s Boise-based deputy regional director told the Idaho Statemen. They’re almost certain to end up in hands that will lock the public out.

Read Report




02. May 2016 · Comments Off on Northwest Horse May 2016 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Cover Story: Getaway Horse Play – Your Horse Wants To Go!

Equine Wellness: Barefoot, Shod or Boots?

Getting Help in a Backcountry Emergency

Trainer’s Corner: Becoming a Student

The Adventures of Spanky and Dally

Back Country Horsemen of Washington – Joe Watt Canyon Ride

Spring time in Kittitas County finds the elk herds leaving their winter feeding grounds, early spring flowers in full bloom and the annual Back Country Horsemen of Washington Joe Watt Canyon Prize Ride. This year the ride will be May 14th, with camping available both before and after the ride – a Discover Pass is required for this area. This beautiful, popular ride travels the foot hills of the LT Murray elk feeding station, giving vast mountain views and rolling hills of wild flowers in bloom. Riders will enjoy lots of single track trail mixed with abandoned roads for 3 hours of riding. Mixed in along the ride route are manned stations offering games of skill to the participants so that they may hopefully build a winning poker hand good enough to win one of the many prizes being offered back at camp.

This year’s ride proceeds will go to help fund BCHW Tahoma Chapter to complete trail projects in the Norse Peak Wilderness. The ride flier with all the information is posted at www.bchw.org and on Facebook at BCHW Joe Watt Canyon Prize Ride

28. April 2016 · Comments Off on Annual Boise National Forest Partnership Meeting – May 16, 2016 · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings, Work Parties and Projects

Subject: Annual Boise National Forest Partnership Meeting

Trail Partner Volunteers:

I hope all of you have had a good winter and are rested up for the summer season! Trail season has arrived and it is time for the annual Boise National Forest North Zone Trails Program Partnership Meeting. I was hoping to have the meeting in Boise area  the on Monday , May 16, 2016. I have talked with a few of you and 7:00pm seems to allow time for people in the outlying areas time to arrive. I was considering about having it at the following location:

Idaho Pizza Company
7100 W. Fairview Ave
Boise, ID. 83704
(208) 375-4100

It is a fairly centralized location and I have been to meeting with several groups there and you can get a bite to eat if you wish. If there are other suggestions, please let me know soon because I’ll have to see if one of the meeting rooms are available.

I have attached several items of importance for you and your members to review. The most important is the 2016 Voluntary Service Agreement. If your organizations current representative could review, sign, date the form and send it back to me as soon as possible that would be a great assistance. I would like to present them to my District Ranger for approval before the annual meeting. This is very important!

We will review 2016 work calendar, safety items, update daily sign-sheets, trail work reporting sheets, future projects, and any other trail topics you would like to discuss.

Some of the current projects already scheduled this year are the following:
2016 Annual Trail Maintenance
Ten Mile Bridge Replacement
Rice Peak Connecter Layout and NEPA
Stratton Creek Trail Reroute Layout and Repair
Stoney Meadows Bridge Replacement
Wilson Corrals Puncheon Layout and Reroute
Renwyk Reroute Layout
Bull Creek Puncheon Replacement
Julie Creek Heavy Maintenance
Peace Creek upper trail repair

Additional Programs
Implementation of 2016 Non-motorized Grant. Partnership with American Conservation Experience. Partnership
With Idaho Trail Assn, BCH of Idaho
Implementation of 2016 Motorized Maintenance Grant Partnership with Boise ATV, Emmett ATV, TVTMA and Idaho

Department of Parks and Recreation
Implementation of 2016 Mountain Bike Grant: Wewukiye Trail Construction. Partnership with SWIMBA
TVTMA annual Lowman Trail Maintenance Day
Emmet ATV annual Sage Hen Maintenance Day

If you have additional work days for me to add to the calendar please let me know. I would like to staff as many of your projects as possible.

If you know of any other individual who would like to attend, please pass this information along.

Thanks again for all of your support and help! I am looking forward to seeing all of you this season.

John Hidy
Boise National Forest North Zone Trails Supervisor
Lowman Ranger District
US Forest Service
Desk 208-259-3361 ext. 7539
Cell (760)920-2774

Boise National Forest Volunteer Project Sign in Sheet

2016Volunteer Trail Report Form

2016 VSA trails

2016B NFTrails Calendar

2016 Lowman_trail_ annual_maintenance

Emmett trail rotation 2016

cascade rotation 2016


18. April 2016 · Comments Off on USFS Trail Funding Talking Points · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Contact: Babete Anderson, National Press Officer, (202) 205-1782, branderson@fs.fed.us


15. April 2016 · Comments Off on Saturday April 23, 2016 BCHI Trailer Rodeo · Categories: Current Events, Tips, Tricks and Tid Bits

Trailer Rodeo Learn More

13. April 2016 · Comments Off on Squaw Butte Public Fun Rides · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

PR2016During the months of February, March and April the Squawbutte Chapter of BCHI hosts three public fun rides as a way to introduce potential member to the organization and get current and former members back on their horses after the winter layoff. With the Owyhee area being generally snow free in February and March, we hold our first rides in that area.

Celebration Park, Birds of Prey
February 21, 2016 – 26 Members and Guests signed up for this event, not all showed up. Lou Ann also posted this event on a local horse site and that attracted more guest! Weather was blue sky’s with a crisp breeze from the east. Due to the number of riders, we broke up into a number of groups and took different trails out to the old corrals for a snack break. Laurie B and Linda E continued up the canyon almost to Swan Falls. All returned to the parking lot with smiles and claimed they would be back for the March ride to Diamond Basin. Photo’s by Laurie, Lisa and Rob.

Diamond Basin – Owyhee Foot hills
March 20, 2016 – Diamond Basin Corrals 43.10950,-116.60297 GPS On this almost perfect March day, 50’s with a light breeze and blue skies, 24 members and guest meet at the corrals on the old stage coach road to Sliver City. By 10:30 most had arrive and were saddled up. Terry & Phil lead off and in small groups the rest followed up the old stage coach road. We shared this road with 4-wheelers, side by sides and motor cycles. All encounters were pleasant with courtesy show by both the motorized users and the horsemen. After the 4 hour ride, we share finger food and got to know each other a bit better. A very successful ride! Photo’s by Lou Ann, Nicole, Laurie, Lisa & Rob

Johnson Creek Fun Ride and Potluck
April 10, 2016 Johnson Creek Ride and Potluck. Johnson Creek is just outside of the once town of Montour, ID. Montour is about three miles south of Sweet, ID and was removed a number of years ago and the area became wet lands for birds and wild life on the Payette River. Regan Peak a core of an old volcano, towers over the area. Johnson Creek, is a primitive public road that heads south and if you follow it far enough you would reach the Emmett Cycle Park. On this day, we had 16 riders who enjoyed exploring the area with trail boss, Terry MacDonald. After the ride the group, joined other members at Linda and Rob Adams home in Sweet for a spring potluck. Great food was enjoyed by old and new members as they got caught up on what they had been doing over the winter months.

08. April 2016 · Comments Off on Wildfires and Heat Waves: How To Protect Your Home and Life · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

fireThe year 2015 set new wildfire records in the United States. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, almost 10 million acres burned. Many thousands of homes burned in these fires, each one full of memories – now reduced to ashes. Over seventy fire fighters perished in their efforts to combat wildfires in the US in 2015, not to mention citizen deaths.

If you live in a seasonally dry climate with abundant flammable vegetation, your residence is vulnerable to wildland fire. Lightning, accidents, and criminals ignite these fires every year. Fire is unpredictable. If there are weaknesses in your home’s fire protection scheme, fire can gain the upper hand because of some overlooked or seemingly inconsequential factor. Don’t let that happen to you.

As a homeowner, you can take a number of steps to protect your property and reduce the spread of wildland fires. This guide provides information and lists clear action steps you can take to avoid becoming a statistic. Keep reading for more information.

Surviving a Wildfire

Two factors have emerged as the primary determinants of a home’s ability to survive wildfires: choosing fire-resistant roofing material and creating a wildfire defensible zone. First, it is important to choose a fire-resistant roofing material that is rated a minimum of class C when building a house in or near forests or grasslands. (Class B and A offer progressively better protection.) Avoid flammable materials such as wood or shake shingles. Second, create a fuel free zone around your home where fire has nothing to burn – this is called the defensible space. By creating a wildfire defensible zone, homes are less vulnerable from this naturally occurring phenomenon and the chance of spreading wildfires is greatly reduced.

If you are a homeowner and you are interested in protecting your home from wildfires, follow the FireWise guidelines. While you may not be able to accomplish all of these measures, each will increase your home’s safety and survival during a wildfire. Start with the easiest and least expensive actions. Begin your work closest to the house and move outward. Keep working on the more difficult items until you have completed your entire project.

Choose surrounding vegetation wisely: maintain a greenbelt (irrigated if possible) immediately around your home using grass, a flower garden and/or fire-resistant ornamental shrubbery. An alternative is rock or other non-combustible material, which may be preferable if your house is made of wood or other flammable materials. Avoid using bark or wood chip mulch in this area.

Read the following list for practical steps you can take to protect your home and property and preserve life.

08. April 2016 · Comments Off on Wilderness Survival Guide: How To Stay Alive if Lost, Hurt or Stranded · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Imagine a fun afternoon hike around Mt. Baker. You’re enjoying the quiet of the forest, the dappled light shining through the trees, and the intoxicating smell of the leaves when thick fog rolls in unexpectedly at 4:00 p.m. In a panic, you follow the wrong trail for hours along a progressively steeper face until you’ve run out of daylight.

Imagine being on a snowmobile in the back-country with friends, zipping through the powder and chasing each other between the tree trunks when a blizzard sets in and the last snowmobile doesn’t show up at the rendezvous point.

Or imagine the mountain biking trip you’ve been daydreaming about for months, bombing down the mountain with the wind in your face. You get separated from your group on a tricky portion of singletrack, and decide to press on when you come to an unknown fork in the trail. Feeling exhausted and dehydrated, you take a corner too fast and crash, taco–ing your front wheel and breaking your collar bone.

Lost, hurt, stranded – these scenarios and others like them play out over three thousand times per year in the United States. Folks heading outdoors in search of adventure don’t plan on getting lost or hurt in the wilderness. It can happen to the best of us, and when it does, people underestimate the challenges of the wilderness and overestimate their own ability.

To help you avoid becoming a statistic by rightly explaining the dangers of the wilderness and ensuring that you are physically and mentally prepared for any snags during your adventures, we’ve put together this wilderness survival guide.


  • Stay Found – Make Survival Training a Waste of Time
  • Fear the Weather – Wilderness Enemy Number One
  • Communication – It’s Not Just For Married People
  • Buddy Up – One Is The Loneliest Number
  • Survival Kit – The New Ten Essentials, Plus…
  • Survival Priorities – Remember The Rule of 3

Read More


29. March 2016 · Comments Off on Bogus Basin Forest Health Project · Categories: Current Events



Project Area Map

24. March 2016 · Comments Off on Got a sick horse – Call Dr. Google · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


This cartoon is obviously a joke, but as a long-time equine vet, scenarios like this are too familiar to me. Misinformation (often found on the Internet – a/k/a “Dr. Google”) leads caretakers to make guesses about their horse’s condition rather than contacting a vet. check out our local vet page on the Squaw Butte Web Site

Thank you for your interest in Horse Side Vet Guide, a mobile application for horse owners and equine professionals for the iPhone and Android. You have received this email because you signed up for more information at www.HorseSideVetGuide.com or from the app itself. Thanks!

20. March 2016 · Comments Off on Guest Opinions – Public Lands · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


New Mexico land transfer experiment ended badly for state control advocates


It is no secret that some state legislators in the West want to boot federal land management agencies from their states. They argue that the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service cost too much and are too detached from local values, and that states could make money by running our vast open spaces like a privately owned business.

The Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based libertarian think tank, is of that opinion and has developed models to replace federal agencies with private interests. What many people don’t know is that Congress implemented one of the Cato Institute’s ideas in 2000, on the 89,000-acre Valles Caldera National Preserve in New Mexico. For some critics of the federal government, this was the experiment in land management that would signal the end of the BLM and Forest Service in the West.

Give states chance to manage small portion of U.S. forests


At a Feb. 24 House Appropriations Committee meeting on the Forest Service budget, Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., suggested there might be some merit to selling off federal public lands. Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, pointed out that the people of Idaho love their public lands because they use them for a wide variety of uses. They would not like to see them auctioned off.

There is a better solution than to sell off federal lands. Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, has a bill that would create experimental areas of 200,000 or more acres in several states to see whether state management of federal lands is feasible.

Idaho’s misguided attempt to legalize a Bundyesque occupation


Senate Bill 1338, brought to us by Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll R-Cottonwood, purports to allow counties to declare Federal land a “Catastrophic Public Nuisance.” The proposed legislation which then claims to allow a county or its sheriff to take steps to abate the nuisance. Presumably this means the county can order trees be logged, roads be constructed, or prescriptive fires be lit on Federal land.


For most Idahoans, our expansive landscapes are seen as a great heritage to be explored and cherished. These lands provide quality habitat that sustains rich fish and wildlife populations that naturally draws or creates lifelong sportsmen and women. Our Idahoan character and western culture have been shaped in part by our uninhibited exploration of wild places.


A handful of bills recently introduced in the Idaho State Legislature strike a worrisome note. These bills — SB 1338, HR 582 and HR 586 — would have the effect of introducing a measure of chaos into extant methods of public land management, and ultimately erode our capacity to preserve the natural bounty of Idaho. SB 1338 would give sheriffs and county officials the ability to unilaterally impede federal management initiatives, while HR 582 and 586 represent efforts to transfer public lands from federal to state control.


Recently the Idaho Senate passed SB 1338, a bill that, if enacted, will bring disarray to land management across our state. An earlier version, drafted by out-of-state lobbyists and special interests, had to be withdrawn due to gross inaccuracies. While this version has corrected spelling errors and reduced inaccuracies about our state, it is still wrong for Idaho

16. March 2016 · Comments Off on Idaho Non-Motorized Trails Summit · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

IMG_9575Idaho Trail Enthusiasts,

The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (IDPR) appreciates your participation in the recent Non-Motorized Trail Recreation Summit held February 10, 2016 in Boise. We were inspired by the number of folks who care about Idaho’s trails, and the energy and dedication you brought to the meeting. As promised, we are attaching a summary of the Boise event, meeting notes and a list of attendees.

We will continue and expand this conversation with meetings in eastern and northern Idaho in the coming weeks. Before the summer recreation season, we will convene a smaller, more strategic group of recreation volunteers and leaders to consider:
– Is there an idea for increasing funding for maintenance of non-motorized trails that would work in Idaho?
– Is there sufficient public interest – and leadership within recreation user groups – to mount a successful campaign for that idea?
– Next steps?

Several of you have already volunteered to get more involved. If you would like to lend your time and effort, as an individual or on behalf of an organization, pleased be sure to reply to Betty Mills at betty.mills@idpr.idaho.gov and we will keep you informed on further developments

In the meantime, please feel free to contact members of IDPR staff with any questions you might have. We appreciate your participation and support.

IPR-meeting summary_Boise_ final


14. March 2016 · Comments Off on Boise man seeks to make Idaho a thru-hike destination · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

ICTBy: Lacey Darrow

Posted: Mar 13, 2016

“Unlike any trail in the country, this is the biggest stretch of wilderness that you can hike,” explained Clay Jacobson, an avid thru-hiker.

Jacobson has spent months if not years of his life hiking trails across the country.

From the more than 2000 mile Appalachian Trail to the 2600 mile Pacific Crest Trail, step by step, he’s done it. Just this past summer, he took on the Idaho Centennial Trail, a nearly 1000 mile long trail stretching from Nevada to Canada.

“To go out and have that kind of experience, that life changing type of experience in Idaho just creates a bond with the place,” said Jacobson.  Jacobson says unlike the AT of the PCT, hiking the Idaho Centennial trail is literally taking the path less traveled.

Each year thousands set out to thru-hike the AT and PCT but Idaho’s thru-hike only sees a handful of folks each hiking season.

“You know the Pacific Crest Trail is a beautiful maintained trail that goes for 2700 miles. The Idaho Centennial Trail is a line on a map that you can follow on the ground sometimes, other times it disappears,” said Jacobson.

A big reason why is not only because it’s not well known, but because it passes through arguably the most remote area in the lower 48, where man is merely a visitor in the land of wolves and bears and does not remain.

“The Idaho Centennial Trail is intangible in the sense that it is more of an idea than a real trail,” explained Jacobson.

It’s the idea of a real trail that have Jacobson canvassing the state to raise awareness of the Idaho Centennial Trail and the pristine areas it passes through.

“We have a unique opportunity here in Idaho to explore these places and to protect these places. They have been protected by generations that came before us, so areas like the Frank Church and the Selway-Bitterroot wilderness, they only exist here,” said Jacobson.

Maintaining the trail comes with a price-tag. Forest service and BLM trail crews are stretched thin already.

“Maintaining and keeping the trail in hike-able conditions is a huge project. One, it’s going to take a lot of money, and two, it’s going to take a lot of people working together,” said Jacobson.

With the Centennial Trail weaving through millions of acres of wilderness, mother nature can make long stretches of the path virtually invisible in a short amount of time. Fallen trees litter the trail creating a natural obstacle course that can be difficult for even the most experienced hikers.

“The maps are not very reliable. The routes haven’t been updated, along with every year there is fire damage and trails change,” said Jacobson.

Despite these challenges, Jacobson says making the trail synonymous with long distance hiking not only for Idahoans, but for adventure seekers across the nation is as simple as more folks lacing up their boots, and going for a hike.

“You have to have people out there hiking it,” said Jacobson. “It will change the character of the trail a little bit but overall it makes it more assessable to more people.”
ICT2 Connect to ICT Website

06. March 2016 · Comments Off on Diabetes Ride – Squaw Butte is forming at Team for this Event · Categories: Current Events, Fun Rides


Lisa & Tom Griffith (lyle_41@msn.com) are forming a team for this years Diabetes Ride which is on Sunday May 16, 2016. This is a fun day for an excellent cause. Contact Lisa for more information and check out the ride website

2016 Ride Brochure       ride flyer 2016        Rosie Flyer


01. March 2016 · Comments Off on Idaho Trails Association · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Our Mission

The Idaho Trails Association promotes the continued enjoyment of Idaho’s hiking trails.

Our Purpose

To facilitate the active enjoyment of Idaho’s public lands and hiking trails, the Idaho Trails Association brings together citizens and develops partnerships to foster:

  • Care-taking of Idaho’s hiking trails through stewardship projects, including trail construction and maintenance.
  • Development of traditional trails maintenance skills.
  • Understanding and appreciation, through education, of Idaho’s unique trail resources.
  • Preservation, protection and access to Idaho’s hiking trails through outreach and advocacy.



More Information

ITA Brochure

ITA Flyer

Annual Reports

2015 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report

2013 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report

2011 Annual Report

2010 Annual Report

18. February 2016 · Comments Off on Parks and Rec Looks for a Way to Fund Idaho’s Trails Before They’re Gone · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

iptrOn February 11, 2016 Phil Ryan, Bill Holt, Robbin Schindele, Rob Adams and over one hundred other concerned users of non-motorized trail met at the Andrus Center for Public Policy. The Idaho Parks & Rec “Summit on Non-Motorized Trail Recreation in Idaho” was organized by Leo Hennessy, the non-motorized trails program manager for Idaho Parks and Recreation, who is worried about trails. READ MORE




14. February 2016 · Comments Off on Directors, Members, Friends and Family and All Horseman · Categories: Current Events

horseracingPlease forward to your Clubs, Relatives and Friends that will support us.

Now is the time to contact your Senators.
This is vital to our success. Senator Patti Ann Lodge and Senator Chuck Winder are introducing the bill.
When you call, E-mail or write reference the bill as ” The Gaming Commission Bill”

Attached is a copy of the Bill, talking points and a list of the Senators on the State of Affairs Committee.
It would be good if we thanked Senators Lodge and Winder for their willingness to help us.
Also contact your County Commissioners.

There has never been a time where there is so much at stake for so many in the Horse Industry and all things related to this industry.
We can all come together and pass this legislation. The future has never been brighter. It is reassuring to talk to our peers across
this state and know they are with us in this effort. It is up to each of us to include and inform others so they can help.
A tremendous amount of work has been done to get us to this point. Now its up to each of us to do our part and we will succeed.
Make sure we include 4H and FFA parents and leaders as they have a huge stake in this legislation.
It is critical that we get this bill out of committee which is the first step of getting it passed.

Thank You
Debbie Amsden
Executive Director
Idaho Horse Council
(208) 465-5477

Idaho Horse Expo April 15,16, & 17,2016
“Promote, Protect, & Preserve the Equine Industry in Idaho “

Talking Points combined document

Gaming Commission bill 021216 final

Senate State of Affairs Committee

07. February 2016 · Comments Off on Storm Over Rangelands · Categories: Current Events

FEBRUARY 3, 2016
Storm Over Rangelands: Boise Land Seizure Conference and the Spectacle of Lawlessness at Malheur

Ammon Bundy had planned to appear at Utah Freedom’s “Storm Over Rangelands” Conference in Boise on Saturday. Storm Over Rangelands is the title of Sagebrush Rebel Wayne Hage’s 1990s book.

I was present at the surreal ceremony honoring Adrian Sewell, a rancher from New Mexico who “renounced” his grazing permit at Malheur, three days before the Bundy arrest. Lavoy Finicum stated at the ceremony that ranchers would be protected if they had trouble with the Feds – implying militia intimidation.

It was also announced that an Oregon rancher was to similarly renounce his permit in Jordan Valley, Oregon (on the Idaho line) on Friday, which was a day before the Boise conference. Instead of a triumphant gallop through Jordan Valley and taking Boise by storm, Bundy’s free roaming days ended on the road to John Day just a few days before. He was arrested heading to instigate trouble in Grant County, and LaVoy Finicum was killed.

Read More

31. January 2016 · Comments Off on Keep public lands in public hands · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

BY JIM CASWELL January 27, 2016 (Guest Opinions – Idaho Statesman)

America’s national forests, refuges and other public lands are one of the most successful ideas our nation has ever created, and it’s heart-wrenching to see them at the center of a dispute that has spiraled needlessly into violence and the loss of life.

Whether it’s self-styled militants in Oregon or legislators in Boise, there is little sense in painting a target on a resource that has benefited so many for so long.

Together, Americans own 193 million acres of national forests and 245 million acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management. These lands have been a vital part of the nation’s fabric for a century, providing sustained yields of timber and valuable minerals, world-class fish and wildlife, vast recreational opportunities and drinking water.

As one who spent 40 years in public land management for federal agencies and the state of Idaho, I’ve seen my share of disputes over public lands and resources. It hasn’t always been pretty, but amid disagreements, there’s always been recognition of how vital public lands are to the American people and especially to the health of many Western economies and communities.

When laws are broken and public lands exploited, local communities suffer most. Westerners know this, which is why collaboration and forging common ground — not breaking the law — are the norm for settling disagreements.

Situations like an armed takeover usually happen when outsiders exploit a situation for self-interest. The consistent attempts in Idaho and other legislatures to seize control of public lands are a perfect example. Public land grab efforts almost never rise up from local communities. They are instead galvanized by partisan politics, mainly at the national level, where the real agenda is wresting public lands from public hands and ultimately privatizing them for nonpublic uses.

As a forest supervisor and director of the BLM during the George W. Bush administration, I know well there are problems with the current public lands system that need fixing. Managing public lands for multiple uses is complicated, and the task is growing more so as America grows and changes.

Given the complexities, it’s difficult to find the right balance. In almost every decision land managers make, someone is displeased.

But the answer is certainly not taking away public lands, as some would have us believe. “Transferring control” of public lands to states will almost surely result in parcels being auctioned off; states simply can’t afford the management costs. Once public lands are privatized, Americans will lose access to them, forever.

Instead of a massive land transfer, we should work for solutions that keep public lands in public hands. Any solution has to start with local communities. Luckily, this is something Idaho knows how to do.

When Idaho developed its own federal rule for managing national forest roadless areas, we reached out to counties and asked them to lead the effort. Working with folks on the ground — hunters, anglers, campers, loggers, foresters and biologists — county commissioners embraced the challenge. In the end, Idaho ended up with a plan that, through hard work and compromise, addressed the needs of everyone involved.

There’s a valuable lesson here. The entire land transfer debate is driven by national politics. Much like the standoff in Oregon, it reeks of outside influence and does not serve the people of Idaho.

Frustration around public lands is real. But that doesn’t make violence the right response or land transfers a realistic solution. The best answer to our problems is to join hands to fix the management, and to keep the truly greedy hands driving this debate off our public lands.

Jim Caswell served as director of the Bureau of Land Management under Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne. He also headed Idaho’s Office of Species Conservation under Govs. Kempthorne, Risch and Otter.

Read more here:


23. January 2016 · Comments Off on Idahoans deserve better than Labrador’s absurd posturing over Malheur · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Leave it to Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, to take advantage of an escalating bad situation in Oregon to espouse his views on how “federal” land management “strips hardworking Americans of the ability to profit from their labors.”

Let’s get one thing straight: This is not federal land. It is public land. The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is owned by Americans from Anchorage to Miami. It is not owned, and never has been, by the likes of the gun-toting seditionists who are holed up in the refuge headquarters. Whether it’s the Malheur Refuge, or the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, or the City of Rocks National Monument, America’s public lands are managed for the benefit of millions of Americans — not just the parochial “profit” interests of the livestock, logging and mining industries Labrador champions.

Americans own our public lands, and we’ve hired the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to provide the stewardship that will provide all of us the benefits we as a nation have identified that those lands should provide. Clean water. Clean air. Open space. Wildlife. Fish. Recreation. Every day the stewards of our public lands balance as best they can these resources and values.

These public lands were secured from the depredations of profit-driven industries by the vision of people like President Theodore Roosevelt, who recognized that without proactive steps these lands would be overrun by those who see nothing but a bottom line of their personal wealth. Thanks to the reservation of public lands, we in Idaho still can enjoy cedar trees that were old when Lewis and Clark came through and rivers that are as wild as they were when Idaho became a state. This good fortune was not an accident. It came about by the foresight of others before who long recognized that too often “profit” translates to muddy streams, clear-cut hillsides and overgrazed deserts.

Equally disturbing is Labrador’s attempt to trivialize the crimes for which the Hammonds were convicted. The transcript of the Hammonds’ court case is clear on the magnitude of the crimes for which they are now serving the remainder of their sentences. One of the basic foundations of this great nation is the rule of law. The Hammonds broke the law and are now paying the price.

Labrador’s labeling the felonious actions of an armed mob as “civil disobedience” is an embarrassment for the citizens of Idaho. Idahoans deserve public officials who respect the law instead of providing a platform for those who believe that they have a right to force their minority opinion upon the nation with the threat of armed violence.

There’s no patriotism involved in the Oregon situation. Those championing the seditionists want to turn back the clock on Idaho and America’s public lands to nearly a century ago, to when wildlife, clean water and clean air came in poor seconds to “profits.”

Kevin Lewis, of Boise, has spent a lifetime recreating on public lands throughout the West.

23. January 2016 · Comments Off on Backcountry Horseman of Idaho (BCHI) member was guest speaker · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Backcountry Horseman of Idaho (BCHI) member was guest speaker at the Cayuse 4-H Education Camp

Submitted by BCHI’s Roving Education Chair Reporter, Marybeth Conger


On Friday, December 11, 2015 Charles Chick, a local member of the Squaw Butte Chapter of Backcountry Horseman of Idaho (SBBCH) was the guest speaker at this horse-less overnight educational camp for kids. His wife Lorraine helped, and set up the SBBCH chapter display, the BCHI Banner, and handed out the BCHI “Placemats” that show statewide all BCHI chapters. The camp was hosted by the Payette Country 4H Horse Leaders Association and was held at the Payette Country Fairgrounds in New Plymouth, Idaho. It was a fun educational winter overnight camp-out for the horse kids to learn about the Backcountry Horseman organization and work on their 4-H projects.

Forty eight horse kids, along with their parents, and 4-H leaders were in attendance. Charles began with a “who we are” introduction of Backcountry Horseman of America, Backcountry Horseman of Idaho, then brought it down to the chapter level. He discussed the backcountry horseman mission and what members do such as having fun clearing trails, building things on trails, being responsible on the trails, our volunteer service and partnerships to help keep trails open. Next was a “Horse normality” conversation, so the kids could learn the traits of a backcountry horseman’s horse. The presentation lasted about 45 minutes with great questions coming from the kids.

The Chick’s had a giveaway drawing for a BCHI calendar, another way to educate. They had terrific fun with this community outreach event, and encourage other members of the backcountry horseman organization to promote expansion through education. “The tools to do this type of thing are out there for us to use” says Charles. He prepared by reviewing BCHA and BCHI website information, and got copies of BCHI Placemats for handouts. Keep in mind there is a provision in the BCHI budget to reimburse chapter for copies of these placemats.

So, kudos to Charles and Lorrain Chick, who have shown us one way to have fun with education and promote our organization.

23. January 2016 · Comments Off on Local Backcountry Horseman Donate to Community · Categories: Current Events

Local Backcountry Horseman Donate to Community- Robbin, Marybeth, Phil, and Kay “Deliver the Goods “

On January 12, 2016 Robbin Schindele and Marybeth Conger, members of the Squaw Butte chapter of Backcountry Horseman of Idaho delivered to the Emmett Valley Friendship Collation 259 lbs. of food to help stock the shelves there. Earlier on December 23, Phil and Kay Ryan, also members of Squaw Butte chapter of Backcountry Horseman of Idaho delivered to the Pet Adoption League another 150 lbs. of food and pet supplies. These donations were gathered at the Chapter’s end of year Christmas party on December 19. For more information visit the website at sbbchidaho.org.


Pictured left to right are members Marybeth Conger and Robbin Schindele, Squaw Butte Backcountry Horseman president.


Pictured left to right are members Phil Ryan and Kay Ryan

16. January 2016 · Comments Off on Sutton Mountain and Painted Hills Area Preservation and Economic Enhancement Act · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Jan9-01Scenic mountain is centerpiece of wilderness proposal
In this photo take Nov. 11, 2015, Ben Gordon, Oregon Natural Desert Association stewardship director, and Chris Perry, a judge in Wheeler County, pose below Sutton Mountain near Mitchell, Ore. The duo have worked together to craft a wilderness proposal to protect the area near Mitchell. Sutton Mountain is a long, 29,000-acre fault block that rises just above the Painted Hills, a popular tourist destination in the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. (Zach Urness/Statesman-Journal via AP)

Sutton Mountain and Painted Hills Area Preservation and Economic Enhancement Act (S. 1255)

On May 7, Sen. Merkley introduced legislation to designate roughly 58,000 acres of wilderness in the John Day River Basin. The bill includes Sutton Mountain, Pat’s Cabin, Painted Hills, and Dead Dog wilderness study areas that encircle the Painted Hills Unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument.
The Sutton Mountain bill would protect incredible vistas, deep canyons, and prime habitat for elk, mule deer, raptors, and unique plants.

The legislation is supported by local county commissions and elected officials, landowners and residents, business owners and conservation groups, whitewater rafting and boating communities, and hunters and anglers.

Read more about Sutton Mountain        Text of S-1255

Active America Wilderness Legislation (bill in congress)

16. January 2016 · Comments Off on Idaho Forest Restoration Partnership · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


04. January 2016 · Comments Off on Federal bill could impact recreation, conservation in Idaho · Categories: Current Events

jan042016IDAHO FALLS – Garett Reppenhagen always had a love for the American wilderness.

But after serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom and having what he calls some pretty severe experiences, spending time in the great outdoors has taken on on special meaning for Reppenhagen. It was there among pine-filled forests that he was able to reflect on his experiences and cultivate a sense of healing.

Today, Reppenhagen is the Rocky Mountain director of the Vet Voice Foundation, where he advocates for conservation issues. As a conservation activist, Reppenhagen says his healing wouldn’t have been possible without a little-known piece of legislation called the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). And if you live in Idaho, chances are you’ve benefited from it too.

Established by an act of Congress in 1965, the LWCF supports recreation and conservation projects throughout the country. Its four main programs the Stateside Assistance Program, Federal Land Protection Program, Forest Legacy Program and the Cooperative Endangered Species Fund are funded by fees from the oil and gas industry and don’t use taxpayer dollars.

If you’ve ever taken your kids to a city park in Idaho Falls or rafted on the South Fork of the Snake River, you’ve probably enjoyed land preserved by LWCF. From 1966 to 2011 the fund supplied more than $1.7 million to Bonneville County alone, many of those funds going toward the development of parks and recreational facilities.

Since 1991, the fund helped protect 9,500 acres along the South Fork of the Snake River. LWCF has also contributed to conservation efforts in Salmon-Challis and Sawtooth national forests and Grand Teton National Park.

Rob Bishop “The Land and Water Conservation Fund is broken. The law has been hijacked by special interests too close to the government and must be reformed.” Congressman Rob Bishop, R-Utah, Chairman of House Natural Resources Committee

But under a new proposal put forward by Congressman Rob Bishop, R-Utah, acquiring new public land may become more difficult.

Read More

01. January 2016 · Comments Off on S1110, National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act · Categories: Current Events


30. December 2015 · Comments Off on Emmett business clothes “The Hateful Eight” · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

C & C Sutlery supplied hundreds of items to the Tarantino movie’s production

Movie and TV orders augment C & C’s regular business from Civil War re-enactors

Kurt Russell, left, and Samuel L. Jackson in “The Hateful Eight.”

An Emmett company provided many items of clothing for the production, but the owner said he generally can’t tell from the finished product which items came from his company. Samuel L. Jackson in “The Hateful Eight.” C & C Sutlery co-owners and spouses Charles Lox, and Ellen Knapp

Most of the online orders for Civil War-era replica clothing and gear received by C & C Sutlery in Emmett come from Civil War re-enactors or museums and parks looking to outfit mannequins in Civil War exhibits.

But once in a while, owner Charles Lox receives orders from a different kind of deep-pocketed customer: costume and props teams for movies such as “The Hateful Eight,” auteur Quentin Tarantino’s blockbuster Western opening today across the Treasure Valley.

Samuel L. Jackson plays a bounty hunter who claims to be a sheriff in “The Hateful Eight.” Kurt Russell plays a bounty hunter named John “The Hangman” Ruth in”The Hateful Eight.”

When movie production crews call, they generally clean out Lox’s shelves, provided he can ship the orders next-day air.

“If we can get it to them, they’ll take it all,” Lox said. “They are always in a hurry.”

In the film, a motley mix of eight dangerous characters hole up in a small Wyoming town during a blizzard following the Civil War. Kurt Russell plays a bounty hunter transporting a fugitive played by Jennifer Jason Leigh. Samuel L. Jackson also plays a bounty hunter.

Lox said his business shipped hundreds of garments, including shell coats, pants and belts, to “The Hateful Eight” set in Telluride, Colo., as well as cartridge boxes and other props.

Lox said he usually can’t tell which garments worn by actors in movies came from his shop.

“When you look at the movie, you might not recognize our merchandise because they really dirty it up,” Lox said. “And after that they probably throw it away.”

Lox was a Civil War re-enactor when he started the company in 1976 while living in Champaign, Ill. He was an avid Civil War re-enactor in those days, and he started supplementing the income he earned selling industrial supplies by setting up a tent at re-enacted battles full of Civil War clothing and replicas.

Lox didn’t focus on sutlery full-time until he moved to Emmett in the mid 1990s. The Internet was just coming online as a retail outlet, allowing Lox to fill orders rather than sell at events. Today, he co-owns the business with his wife, Ellen Knapp. They employ two part-time workers and contract sewing work to five seamstresses in Emmett, Middleton and Boise.


29. December 2015 · Comments Off on In Idaho, rancher buyouts take a big step forward · Categories: Current Events

Idaho’s White Cloud Mountains seem like an unlikely place for the beginning of a positive shift in public-land management. They gleam high and cold above the seemingly endless sagebrush plains of southern Idaho, one of the most conservative states in the West. Yet it was here last year that Republicans worked with environmentalists to plant a legislative seed that may help reverse a century of decline for native plants and wildlife all over the West.CPBWC Summers last only a few weeks in the White Cloud Mountains, and with off-road vehicles and mining closing in on these once-remote expanses, environmentalists have campaigned since the 1970s for wilderness protection. Recently, frustration with congressional inaction led to a push for a 600,000-acre national monument, which President Obama seemed ready to endorse. Then the Republican Idaho congressional delegation agreed to compromise on a 275,000-acre wilderness bill that passed last August. Read More

23. December 2015 · Comments Off on FY 2015 BNF North Zone Trails Program Accomplishments · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events




2015 Trail Accomplishment end of season report

Wilson Corrals Reroute
District: Emmett – Trail No.135004
The Squaw Butte Backcountry Horsemen completed a half mile reroute on the Wilson Corrals trail to improve public safety and reduce resource damage. The first mile of trail goes through a very boggy meadow then continues up the creek bed for several hundred yards. The creek is habitat for Bull Trout. A suitable reroute for the creek section was surveyed by Boise National Forest North Zone Staff and was constructed by Squaw Butte Backcountry Horsemen. The meadow section is scheduled for repair in 2016.

2016 Grant Proposals (Boise National Forest)

2016 Maintenance Grant:
Funding Source: Off-Road Motor Vehicle Fund (ORMV)

Description: The intent of this project is to maintain a large amount (Rotation 2 approximately 250 miles) of the 682.4 miles of motorized trail located on the North Zone of the Boise National Forest in an attempt to mitigate resource damage, address public safety concerns, and enhancing current trail opportunities. This is the grant which has been successfully funded for many years in the past.

2016 Non-Motorized Trail Maintenance Grant:
Funding Source: RAC Southwest Idaho Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) or RTP

Description: The intent of this project is to maintain approximately 80 miles of the 230 miles of non-motorized trails located on the North Zone of the Boise National Forest in an attempt to mitigate resource damage, address public safety concerns, and enhancing current trail opportunities. It would fund a youth corps (American Conservation Experience) crew for two pay periods (four weeks) to work on the non-motorized trails that cannot be maintained through (ORMV Funding). Many of the non-motorized trails have seen little to no maintenance due to limited CMTL funding and grant constraints.

2016 Wewukiyi Trail completion grant:
Funding Source: IDPR Mountain Bike Fund

Description: The intent of this project is to complete the last section of the Wewukiyi mountain bike trail and rework previously constructed portions of trail. This trail project is located near Warm Lake on the Cascade Ranger District. This project has been worked on for many years. With limited funding available, due to grant match requirements and limited CMTL funding, this trail has been built in sections and has seen little use. Because of the limited use, the completed sections of trail are currently in disrepair or non-existent. The grant would fund a crew (possibly Lowman Ranger Districts: Crew Five) for one pay period to log out the entire trail corridor and the last section to be constructed. Additionally, the grant would fund the South West Idaho Mountain Bike Association’s (SWIMBA) Single Track Bulldozer for one pay period. Additionally it would fund the replacement of two North Zone chain saws with Stihl 391s. The North Zone would match with one pay period of crew time and SWIMBA volunteer time.

2016 Equipment Purchase:
Funding Source: Motorbike Recreation Account (MBR)?

Description: The intent of this project is to purchase two Honda CFR 230s. The current North Zone motorcycle fleet is ageing and requiring costly annual maintenance. A number of the bikes are over 12 years old and have seen hundreds of miles of trail. The purchase of new bikes would improve efficiency and safety by reducing the down time to continually repair broken or worn parts and reduce the possibility of a break down in a remote location.

06. December 2015 · Comments Off on National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act · Categories: Current Events

Introduced in House (02/10/2015)

National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act

Directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to publish a national strategy to significantly increase the role of volunteers and partners in trail maintenance.

Requires the strategy to: (1) augment and support the capabilities of federal employees to carry out or contribute to trail maintenance; (2) provide opportunities for volunteers and partners to carry out trail maintenance in each region of the Forest Service; (3) address the barriers to increased volunteerism and partnerships; (4) prioritize increased volunteerism and partnerships in those regions with the most severe trail maintenance needs, and where backlogs are jeopardizing access to national forest lands; and (5) aim to increase trail maintenance by volunteers and partners by 100% within 5 years.

Directs USDA to study opportunities to improve trail maintenance by addressing opportunities to use fire crews in trail maintenance activities.

Deems a volunteer with a partner organization to be considered a federal employee for the purposes of civil claims relating to damage to, or loss of, personal property of a volunteer incident to volunteer services.

Sets forth provisions for the selection of priority areas for increased trail maintenance accomplishments.

Directs USDA to establish a pilot program to offset all or part of the land use fee for outfitting and guiding permits.  Full Text    Sample Letter to Congress
Write your representatives to CO-Sponsor this Bill

02. December 2015 · Comments Off on Pacific Northwest Trail Advisory Council · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings

Trail Information
I am a member of the Selkirk Valley Chapter of the Idaho Backcounty Horsemen. and also a member of the newly established Advisory Council of the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail which held its first meeting in October 2015 in Sandpoint, Idaho and the next one will be in May 2016 somewhere in western Washington with subcommittees meeting between now and then. On the Council I represent the interests of Recreational Pack and Saddle users.

The planning process of regulating the trail is just beginning and it behooves all those who desire input to become familiar with the history and background of the PNT so as to effectively participate in the meetings as all are open to the public.

Attached is a pdf file from the USFS website which gives the background to the current work of the Pacific Northwest Trail Advisory Council of which I am a member. It is also available on the USFS website below along with detailed info about the planning process. The first meeting of the Advisory Council was held in October 2014 in Sandpoint Idaho and the next one will be in Western Washington in May 4 and 5 , 2016

The planning process is described on the USFS website: http://www.fs.usda.gov/pnt/

More info is available at the website of the Pacific Northwest Trail Association:http://www.pnt.org/

James R. Michaud
P.O. Box 765
Sagle, Idaho 83860
Email: southsaglejim@gmail.com

pnwst05 More Information

02. December 2015 · Comments Off on Owyhee Comprehensive Travel Management Plan · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings

DOI-BLM-ID-B000-2011-0002-EA (Owyhee Comprehensive Travel Management Plan)


30. November 2015 · Comments Off on Un-Branded DVD’s & BlueRay · Categories: Current Events

Available for streaming on Netflix

Synopsis: Four young Cowboys hatch an outrageous plot to adopt, train, and ride a string of wild mustangs 3,000 miles from Mexico to Canada through the wildest terrain of the American West. The trip became an epic journey of self-discovery, tested friendships, and iconic landscapes that included runaway horses, a sassy donkey, perilous mountain passes, rodeos, sickness, injury, and death. The Audience Award winner at Telluride Mountainfilm and Hot Docs Film Festival, Unbranded is a soaring tale of danger and resilience, an emotionally charged odyssey that shines a bright light on the complex plight of our country’s wild horses.

• “Unbranded is a journey with heart and soul.” -Examiner.com
• “You’ll undoubtedly channel your inner cowboy…” -Hollywood Reporter
• “Unbranded is a Kit Carson-esque tour through the mountains and deserts of the west with no shortage of drama.” -Outside Magazine
• “Unbranded is a compelling – and often comedic – story about friendship, adventure and our interdependence with nature.” – Reel Screen
• “Unbranded is a soaring tale of resilience and adventure that will make you laugh, cry, and develop a newfound deference for these emblematic Western creatures.” – Sedona Red Rock News
• “Unbranded will make you want to quit your job and ride a mustang from Mexico to Canada.” -Mother Jones
• “Unbranded is brimming with drama in the midst of jaw-dropping landscapes.” -Los Angeles Times
• “Visually Stunning.” -Toronto Star
• “A horse-lover’s must-see.” -Columbus Alive
• “A Gripping Story of Bold Adventure.” -Western Horseman
• “The screen is filled with verdant landscapes and a contemplative appreciation of their untrammeled majesty.”-Film Journal International
• “You would freak out too if you got a cactus stuck in your lip.” -Indiewire
• “Most importantly, we learn about the problem of land and wildlife management – a problem that is vital for us to solve if we want to leave a proper legacy for our children.” -Reel Life with Jane

