16. March 2016 · Comments Off on Idaho Non-Motorized Trails Summit · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

IMG_9575Idaho Trail Enthusiasts,

The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (IDPR) appreciates your participation in the recent Non-Motorized Trail Recreation Summit held February 10, 2016 in Boise. We were inspired by the number of folks who care about Idaho’s trails, and the energy and dedication you brought to the meeting. As promised, we are attaching a summary of the Boise event, meeting notes and a list of attendees.

We will continue and expand this conversation with meetings in eastern and northern Idaho in the coming weeks. Before the summer recreation season, we will convene a smaller, more strategic group of recreation volunteers and leaders to consider:
– Is there an idea for increasing funding for maintenance of non-motorized trails that would work in Idaho?
– Is there sufficient public interest – and leadership within recreation user groups – to mount a successful campaign for that idea?
– Next steps?

Several of you have already volunteered to get more involved. If you would like to lend your time and effort, as an individual or on behalf of an organization, pleased be sure to reply to Betty Mills at betty.mills@idpr.idaho.gov and we will keep you informed on further developments

In the meantime, please feel free to contact members of IDPR staff with any questions you might have. We appreciate your participation and support.

IPR-meeting summary_Boise_ final


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