30. October 2016 · Comments Off on Succor Creek – Power Line Loop Ride · Categories: Around The Campfire, Fun Rides


Long time members of Squaw Butte know Moosely as the little horse that does!  What every is asked of him, be it carrying barbed wire, chain saws, the kitchen for a pack trip or a load of tin cans full of rocks he happily does it.  On October 29, 2016 he had an assignment that he truly enjoyed,  He was asked to take Rachel Pearce on her first horse back ride.  This ride was on one of our favorite fall rides in the BLM managed Succor Creek area of south western Idaho and South eastern Oregon. Rachel is the daughter of Mitch Pearce who is a good friend of  members Rob Adams & Rob Dhuyvetter.  Rachel has been taking an Equine Studies class at her school, and though it would be fun to ride a horse instead of just reading about them in books.  Moosely totally enjoyed the day, he and Rachel got along fine as long as they both agreed that the best place to be was within 50 foot of his buddy Kestrel who was being ridden by her dad.

Rachel picked a great day for her first ride, we caught a break between weather fronts and had almost perfect fall weather, cool without being cold and just a light breeze.  The rain of the previous days kept the dust down, and the rain with the help of some very busy beavers had the creek that flows through the canyon full of waters with some nice ponds to ride by and through.  Nancy smith  lead the ride and members formed into small groups spread over maybe 1/4 mile.  When all were back at the trailer and the stock taken care of, we shared a variety of foods and deserts before heading to our respective homesteads.  It was a great ride to end the Squaw Butte riding season and I am sure everyone is already looking forward to 2017.  Pictures provided by Mitch Pearce and Rob Adams.
