28. November 2016 · Comments Off on Draft plan released for 2 central Idaho wilderness areas · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings

bolder-white-cloud-draft-mgt-plan     \    Proposed Restrictions for Recreational Stock Use In The Boulder White Clouds Wilderness

Notice of Initiating the Assessment Phase of the Forest Plan Revision for the Salmon-Challis National Forest
whitecloudBy KEITH RIDLER – Associated Press – Monday, November 28, 2016

BOISE, Idaho (AP) – A draft plan unveiled Monday for two recently created Idaho wilderness areas prohibits campfires at high elevations to protect whitebark pine and eliminates horses and other recreational stock in some areas to protect alpine soils.

The U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management announced the availability of the 67-page document intended to guide management of the 138-square-mile Hemingway-Boulders Wilderness and the 142-square-mile White Clouds Wilderness, both in central Idaho.

The agencies say the goal is to manage the areas for recreation and other activities while preserving wilderness character.

The ban on campfires above 9,000 feet with some exceptions is intended to protect whitebark pine as well as snags and downed trees at high altitudes where firewood is scarce and living trees become targets.
“We cannot lose whitebark pine,” said Forest Service spokeswoman Julie Thomas. “There are not that many of them (that) we can start using them for firewood.”

The ban on horses and other recreational stock applies only to a portion of the White Clouds Wilderness, in part to protect riparian areas.

Dani Mazzotta of the Idaho Conservation League said 60 volunteers over the summer documented high-use areas, trash removal and wildlife sightings. She said the information was turned over to the federal agencies but it’s not clear if it was included in the draft plan.

“We’ll be diving into the wilderness plan in the next couple weeks,” she said President Barack Obama signed the Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act in August 2015 after Republican Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho got ranchers, recreationists and environmental groups to back the plan.

Simpson had been working on wilderness designation for 15 years, but some groups upset with the delay pushed Obama to designate a much larger area a national monument. That possibility is widely believed to have led to the wilderness bill passing despite opposition, particularly in rural Custer County where some of the wilderness area is located.

“A lot of people are upset with the fact that I didn’t call their bluff and see if they turned it into a monument,” said Custer County Commission Chairman Wayne Butts, noting he and the two other commissioners didn’t want to take that chance and signed on with Simpson’s bill.

He said that among the problems with the draft plan are negative comments about grazing cattle, a use specifically allowed as part of the compromise deal reached to create the wilderness areas.

The law also allows for the retirement of grazing allotments, and Thomas said one allotment has already been retired that overlapped a part of the White Clouds Wilderness.

The central Idaho wilderness areas created with Obama’s signature in 2015 also include the 183-square-mile Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness. Federal officials say the management plan for that area, which involves a different national forest and more BLM land, is being completed in a separate planning effort.

Public meetings to discuss the plan for Hemingway-Boulders Wilderness and White Clouds Wilderness are set for Dec. 5 in Challis, and Dec. 6 in Stanley and Ketchum.

Public comments are being taken through Jan. 5, with a final plan expected to be released in the spring.

Draft plan released for 2 central Idaho wilderness areas

Management plan for the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness (116,898 acres)

Sawtooth National Forest
2647 Kimberly Road East
Twin Falls, Idaho 83301

Bureau of Land Management
Challis Field Office
1151 Blue Mountain Road
Challis, Idaho 83226

PHONE: 208-737-3262
DATE: November 28, 2016

Sawtooth National Recreation Area and BLM Challis Field Office Seek Comments regarding the Hemingway-Boulders and White Clouds Wilderness Management Plan Ketchum, ID – The Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management are announcing the availability of the proposed wilderness management plan for the Hemingway-Boulders and White Clouds Wilderness areas. A wilderness management plan guides the preservation, management, and use of wilderness to ensure it is unimpaired for future use and enjoyment as wilderness. The draft wilderness management plan provides direction for managing the resources and uses within wilderness: recreation, search and rescue, research, wildlife, vegetation, while preserving wilderness character.

To access the draft plan, or for more information on the planning process, the wilderness areas, and interactive maps,

Please visit the interagency project website at: http://usfs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=5693f6ff6783482da33cb7c2bf9f12d2

You may also request hard copies or CDs containing the document by contacting the Sawtooth National Forest Office at 208-737-3200.

The BLM and USFS will also offer three public open-house meetings during the scoping period:
Challis, Idaho: December 5th, 5-7 p.m. at the Forest Service Office, 311 N. US Hwy 93.
Stanley, Idaho: December 6th, Noon-2 p.m. at the Stanley Community Center, Hwy 21.
Ketchum, Idaho: December 6th, 5-7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 220 Cottonwood Street.

Comments concerning this action will be most useful if received by January 5, 2016 through one of the following methods:
Send an email to: comments-intermtn-sawtooth-nra@usda.gov

Send a hardcopy letter to Sawtooth National Forest, 2647 Kimberly Road East, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301

Proposed Restrictions
The draft wilderness management plan proposes restrictions on two uses in certain portions of the wilderness areas: recreational stock and campfires. Click on headings for location details.

Recreational Stock
Limitations on are proposed on recreational stock use above Lodgepole and Quiet lakes, within Gunsight Creek, and within the Big Boulder drainage, excluding Walker and Island lakes. These limitations are proposed to protect fragile alpine soils and vegetation, including sensitive whitebark pine trees, riparian processes and aquatic biota.


24. November 2016 · Comments Off on Bernie Lionberger · Categories: Current Events

Dear BCHI Members,

It is with sadness that inform you that Bernie Lionberger 74 passed away November 18, with family around him. Bernie, born Nov. 28, 1941, had a passion for aviation, horses and the Dallas Cowboys.

A memorial service will be held at Yates Funeral Home, 744 N 4th St, Coeur D Alene on Saturday, Nov. 26, at 2:00. Cards can be sent to Sherri Lionberger at 8429 Evergreen Dr, Helena, MT 59602

I have sent a card in BCHI’s name.

Debbie Samovar
BCHI Secretary

Bernie & Sherri at BCHI convention 2007

The flyboys Summer of 88

23. November 2016 · Comments Off on 2016 End of Season Party (Pot Luck Dinner) · Categories: Current Events, Fun Days

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This is a POT LUCK Dinner to celebrate 2016 and start thinking about 2017

10. November 2016 · Comments Off on BCHI Calendars VS Dues Increase · Categories: BCHI /BCHA, Current Events

Back Country Horsemen of Idaho Member

At the September BCHI Directors Meeting some chapters expressed an interest in increasing BCHI dues to cover expenses rather than selling raffle calendars.

At my request, Kay Ryan and Rod Parks went through the finances. Attached is a letter of their findings.

Maybe one of the chapters that is against the calendar sales will have a proposal for the 2017 Convention. If we do not do a calendar after 2018, we will need to pass the dues increase in 2017, payable in 2019 or we will have to spend about $12,000 out of reserves until a dues increase is approved or another form of funding is put in force.

This letter will be in the February issue of Broomtales and on the Agenda of the March Convention.

Please look this over and discuss with you chapter.

Thank you,
Bob Savage


02. November 2016 · Comments Off on Mountain Bikes and the Wilderness · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Mountain bikers don’t need to ride in wilderness areas


Like many mountain bikers, I used to share the opinion that bikes should be allowed on any trails on public land, including wilderness areas. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to ride my bike anywhere that I want? I was a Southwest Idaho Mountain Biking Association board member for three years, and ride regularly around the West. My sense of entitlement to public land use came naturally.

However, that sentiment is rooted in an ignorance of why the Wilderness Act was passed, coupled with a lack of knowledge about how much access mountain bikers already have. Legislation sponsored by Utah Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch (S. 3205) panders to this lack of awareness — and the entitlement that it breeds.

Gutting one of our nation’s bedrock conservation laws, the bill will open designated wilderness areas to mountain biking, a move that should be soundly opposed. Public lands are treasured by everyone, not just mountain bikers, and are designated for many reasons, not just recreation.

Read more here:

Idaho’s new wilderness helps drive mountain bike bill

The Associated Press

More than 100 million acres of America’s most rugged landscapes designated as wilderness are off-limits to mountain bikers, but two Utah senators have introduced legislation that would allow bikers to join hikers and horseback riders in those scenic, undisturbed areas.

The proposal is controversial within the biking community and opposed by conservationists who say bikes would erode trails and upset the five-decade notion of wilderness as primitive spaces.

Read more here:

Should America’s wilderness be open to mountain bikes?


For most environmentalists, nothing is more sacred than America’s wilderness: 109 million acres of land in 44 states protected by Congress and “untrammeled by man,” where only hikers and horseback riders are allowed.

But many of the nation’s mountain bikers want in, too.

“Let’s talk about the science here for a second: A mountain bike tire is essentially as much damage as a bunch of hikers going up a trail with all their hiking poles, and it’s less damage than equestrian use,” said Eric Brown, trail director for the Whatcom Mountain Bike Coalition in Bellingham, Wash.

Read more here:


02. November 2016 · Comments Off on Trail Head Blog – The Manty · Categories: Horse Camping, Tips, Tricks and Tid Bits


The Manty
Posted by Sydney Paine on October 26, 2016

What is a manty?  Well to start with depending who’s book you read or what seminar you went to maybe even the last pack clinic you attended the spelling is probably different. (manty, mantie, manty tarp, etc)  The spelling of the word isn’t the only thing that changes, the size changes as well, along with the country or origin.  Those of you who run sawbucks like 7’ x 7’ manties, the guys that run decker pack saddles run 7’ x 8’ manties and there are still a handful living in the dream world looking for the almost no existent 8’ x 8’.  Why the difference?  Sawbuck guys like that seven foot square canvas for a rain fly. They can throw that perfect canvas square right over their saddle and it covers both sides.  Decker folks like, and need, that extra foot of canvas to wrap everything up and hold everything in place while they sling it onto the side of the pack saddle and head down that long and winding trail. READ MORE