30. September 2016 · Comments Off on High Valley DN/FONSI is signed · Categories: Current Events


From: Newton, Richard E -FS   renewton@fs.fed.us
Date: Fri, Sep 23, 2016
Subject: High Valley DN/FONSI is signed

Morning All,

I’m excited to announce that Cecilia signed the High Valley Decision yesterday.

I wanted to thank everyone for all the hard work, perseverance, and persistence. It was an involved process but in the end I believe it allows us to manage in a pro-active fashion and conduct treatments necessary to move the forest into a healthier state.

Please pass this info on to whoever you feel will be interested. I did not have a current list for the BFC and know I missed several key participants.

Thanks again and I look forward to working with you on the next landscape scale project (Sage Hen) on the Emmett District.

Have a great weekend!


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21. September 2016 · Comments Off on Boise Forest Coalition – Open Letter · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


To: Friends of the Boise National Forest
From: Boise Forest Coalition
Date: September 20, 2016
RE: Pioneer Fire Field Trip and Invitation to Boise Forest Coalition

Dear Friends,
We are writing on behalf of the Boise Forest Coalition (BFC). The purpose of this letter is to invite your attendance at an upcoming field trip to visit the Pioneer Fire and to encourage participation in the Boise Forest Coalition and our work. The Pioneer Fire burned across over 180,000 acres within the Boise National Forest this summer. The field trip is intended to provide a first-hand look at the impacts from the fire (both positive and negative) and to provide useful perspective as the Forest Service and BFC consider potential restoration and management actions identified through both the Burned Area Emergency Rehab (rapid response) and NEPA (project development) process. As a representative of an important constituency, we invite you to consider participating in the field trip, and learning more about opportunities to participate and support the efforts of the Boise National Forest and the BFC as we move forward to restore and protect our forests.

What: Field Trip to Pioneer Fire area

When: Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 9 a.m.

Where: Idaho City Ranger District (Highway 21, milepost 38.5, Idaho City)

Note: Bring a pack lunch, sturdy shoes, water and be prepared for a day in the field. Bus transportation will be provided from Idaho City.
RSVP Required: Brant Petersen, District Ranger, (Bpetersen02@fs.fed.us)

About the Coalition

The Boise Forest Coalition was formed in September 2010, bringing together diverse interests to craft recommendations for multi-faceted forest projects in the Boise National Forest. The citizen-led group is open to anyone with an interest in Boise National Forest management. We generally meet on the first Thursday of the month at a location that is relevant to our project work. Additional info, including protocols, meeting notes, etc. are available at boiseforestcoalition.org.

On Behalf of the Boise Forest Coalition,
Rachel Vandenburg, Steering Committee Member
Jonathan Oppenheimer, Steering Committee Member
Art Beal, Steering Committee Member

19. September 2016 · Comments Off on September 2016 issue of Northwest Horse Source · Categories: Around The Campfire


Read this September Issue

16. September 2016 · Comments Off on Take Action! Support the Land & Water Conservation Fund · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Dear BCHA Members:

As the 114th Congress looks toward its final months of work, we urge you to support the bipartisan agreement to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water
Conservation Fund that passed the Senate in April as part of the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015.

BCHA is a member of the LWCF Coalition that supports this bipartisan compromise. We want our members to be part of a major push to demonstrate our support.

Please sign your BCH state or chapter onto the LWCF Coalition letter that soon will be sent to Congress. The letter can be accessed here.

LWCF is one of our country’s most important conservation programs, supporting local communities and increasing access to the outdoors in every state and 99% of all counties. The program is overwhelmingly popular and has maintained broad bipartisan support over its 50-year history of successful, locally-driven conservation. Yet, in 2015, it was allowed to temporarily expire and then given only a short term renewal.

Since permanent authorization of the LWCF passed the Senate, but not the House, it is going to be on a shorter list of issues that must be addressed before the end of this Congress. It is part of the Energy Bill Conference Committee that is convening right now.

Why is this Important to Horsemen?

BCHA prepared a fact sheet on the importance of Congress reauthorizing the LWCF. To view a map or a listing of LWCF funded projects in your state, go to the LWCF Coalition website. As you will see, LWCF has benefited our national parks, national forests, state and local parks and other natural areas for over half a century.

The Energy Bill Conference Committee has included two other provisions that are important to BCHA members. The first creates a new National Park Maintenance and Revitalization Fund that is over and above LWCF—NOT taking authorized dollars away from LWCF—from offshore energy revenues. The fund would dedicate $150 million per year toward addressing the maintenance backlog in national parks, including trails.

Secondly, the bill would dedicate at least $10 million each year of LWCF funds that “shall be used for projects that secure recreational public access to Federal public land for hunting, fishing, or other recreational purposes.’’ This could include national forests and other public lands. So again, the public and horsemen could be the beneficiaries of directing this small portion (no more than 1.5%) of LWCF monies toward enhanced public access.

Take Action

Again, please consider signing on to the Coalition letter by adding your BCH state/chapter to the list of LWCF supporters as soon as possible. It’s urgent. Congress is in session only for a few more weeks.

We would also appreciate you forwarding this invitation for sign-on to BCH chapters/units in your state. We need the fantastic geographic diversity among BCHA’s membership to sound off on the importance of LWCF in creating and expanding recreational opportunities in every state.

Thank you for taking action!

We are hopeful that Congress will act to permanently authorize this landmark legislation that recognizes the universal importance of LWCF, dedicates an annual funding stream to address the national park maintenance backlog, and dedicate a modest amount of LWCF funds to improve public access to public lands.

Donald Saner,
BCHA Chairman

07. September 2016 · Comments Off on This Land Is Our Land’: Defense Strategy · Categories: Current Events

OPR-1 Link to Pod Cast

06. September 2016 · Comments Off on BCHA – Current Issues · Categories: Current Events


BCHA-BCHW public scoping comments regarding the park’s Wilderness Stewardship Plan

Help BCHA secure more horseback riding opportunities at Mount Rainer National Park

BCHA Provides the Rationale for Why Congress Must Pass the “Forest Trail Stewardship” Bill

BCHA-BCHC sends public scoping comments regarding the park’s Wilderness Stewardship Plan

and many more GO TO WEB PAGE

A new poll by Colorado College shows broad support for federal public land ownership. Up to 60 percent of Western voters oppose proposals to sell federal land to private sources or transfer ownership to the states.

Against an uptick in anti-public lands rhetoric from militant extremists, a new Colorado College State of the Rockies Project Conservation in the West Poll released January 11, 2016 revealed strong public support for efforts to protect and maintain national public lands.

These results make clear Western communities care deeply about the public lands that embody the best of our nation’s culture, spirit and beauty,” said former U.S. Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar. “Western voters see our outdoor heritage as integral to our economy and our way of life, and they certainly don’t want to see their public lands seized by ideologues or sold off by politicians in Washington.

06. September 2016 · Comments Off on American Hiking wants to send you volunteers to help with your trail needs in 2017! · Categories: Around The Campfire

Dear National Trails Day® Event Hosts,

Thank you so much for participating in America’s largest celebration of trails on June 4, 2016! I wanted to send a special thank-you to you all for inspiring volunteers nationwide and hosting a trail stewardship activity at your NTD event. In total, 25,900 trail volunteers contributed $2.8 million in sweat equity on 466 projects, building and maintaining 1,200 miles of trail across America, all in one day!

I’m sure one day of service is not enough to take care of all of the trail maintenance needs you have, so I wanted to tell you more about our extended trail maintenance program, Volunteer Vacations. If you are not familiar with the program, Volunteer Vacations are week long trail building/maintaining projects organized by AHS & hosted by federal and state land managers, trail organizations and other nonprofit partner groups across the country. We understand that with reduced budgets and limited resources, trail building and maintaining needs often get backlogged or remain incomplete. Our Volunteer Vacations program is designed to send you a crew of eager volunteers, ready to assist with your trail needs. Any government land management agency or nonprofit organization can request a crew. (non-profit organizations will need to be Alliance Members of AHS to host)

American Hiking provides the following project assistance:
Promotion of your trip nationally through our website, printed trip schedule, industry events and through our sponsors and partners
Logistical support and communication throughout the planning and trip process
Volunteer food stipend for trips that cannot provide food
Assistance from a volunteer crew leader who will aid with menu planning, food shopping and lodging logistics

Volunteers Provide:
Volunteer labor and eager attitudes!
Camping gear (backpack, sleeping bag, tent, personal items) if indoor accommodations are not provided
Travel to and from a predetermined pick-up point, generally the closest major airport

Hosts Provide:
Project plan and backup plan
Technical expertise and supervision for the volunteers
Lodging/Accommodations for volunteers (cabin, lodge, house, improved or primitive campsite)
Tools & safety equipment/first-aid supplies
Group cooking supplies

Request a 2017 Volunteer Vacation Crew

Step 1: Read the Host Guide 2017 to determine if your organization can fulfill the responsibilities of hosting a Volunteer Vacations crew.

Step 2: Please consider the following, HERE, prior to submitting your request.

Step 3: APPLY ONLINE for a 2017 Volunteer Vacations crew


We will review your project request and let you know if we have any questions. All submissions will be contacted in October, 2016. If your project request has been accepted you will be asked to confirm final trip details and sign the 2017 Host Agreement. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Thanks again for hosting an NTD event and potential interest in hosting a volunteer crew with American Hiking Society!


Libby Wile, Senior Director of Volunteer Stewardship
American Hiking Society
8605 Second Ave I Silver Spring, MD 20910
p 301.565.6704 x 704

02. September 2016 · Comments Off on Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC) · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


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02. September 2016 · Comments Off on Idaho Horse Council Fall Meeting · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Agenda and IHC Notes by MB August 20 2016IHC Meeting