21. September 2016 · Comments Off on Boise Forest Coalition – Open Letter · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


To: Friends of the Boise National Forest
From: Boise Forest Coalition
Date: September 20, 2016
RE: Pioneer Fire Field Trip and Invitation to Boise Forest Coalition

Dear Friends,
We are writing on behalf of the Boise Forest Coalition (BFC). The purpose of this letter is to invite your attendance at an upcoming field trip to visit the Pioneer Fire and to encourage participation in the Boise Forest Coalition and our work. The Pioneer Fire burned across over 180,000 acres within the Boise National Forest this summer. The field trip is intended to provide a first-hand look at the impacts from the fire (both positive and negative) and to provide useful perspective as the Forest Service and BFC consider potential restoration and management actions identified through both the Burned Area Emergency Rehab (rapid response) and NEPA (project development) process. As a representative of an important constituency, we invite you to consider participating in the field trip, and learning more about opportunities to participate and support the efforts of the Boise National Forest and the BFC as we move forward to restore and protect our forests.

What: Field Trip to Pioneer Fire area

When: Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 9 a.m.

Where: Idaho City Ranger District (Highway 21, milepost 38.5, Idaho City)

Note: Bring a pack lunch, sturdy shoes, water and be prepared for a day in the field. Bus transportation will be provided from Idaho City.
RSVP Required: Brant Petersen, District Ranger, (Bpetersen02@fs.fed.us)

About the Coalition

The Boise Forest Coalition was formed in September 2010, bringing together diverse interests to craft recommendations for multi-faceted forest projects in the Boise National Forest. The citizen-led group is open to anyone with an interest in Boise National Forest management. We generally meet on the first Thursday of the month at a location that is relevant to our project work. Additional info, including protocols, meeting notes, etc. are available at boiseforestcoalition.org.

On Behalf of the Boise Forest Coalition,
Rachel Vandenburg, Steering Committee Member
Jonathan Oppenheimer, Steering Committee Member
Art Beal, Steering Committee Member