15. April 2015 · Comments Off on Stibnite Gold Project – Yellow Pine, ID · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

midasgold Midas Gold controls the world class Stibnite Gold Project, located in the historic Stibnite-Yellow Pine mining district in central Idaho, consolidating ownership of this important past-producing gold district under one owner for the first time in its history. With a multi-million ounce high-grade open-pit gold resource already defined, important antimony credits, and significant room for further growth, Midas Gold’s Stibnite Gold project is one of North America’s premier development stories.

14. April 2015 · Comments Off on Transporting Livestock in Idaho 2015 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Transporting Livestock in Idaho         EIA MOU ID_WA_OR

***Please read below the word from the State of Idaho***
It means you no longer need a coggins test on your horse when traveling in or between IDAHO, OREGON & WASHINGTON. However, you DO need a Health Certificate signed by a veterinarian and a permit number (obtained thru a vet for Washington & Oregon). This is good news and should save everyone some time and money if just traveling the Northwest this summer!

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the states of Washington and Oregon to allow an exemption to the EIA test requirement on horses moving between the 3 states. The MOU is attached.

Effective April 6, 2015 – Equine moving between the states of Idaho, Oregon and Washington are exempt from having a current EIA (Coggins) test prior to movement. All equine are still required to have an interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (iCVI or Health Certificate) prior to interstate movement. This testing exemption applies only to equine traveling between the states of Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Please contact the ISDA with any questions at 208-332-8540.

14. April 2015 · Comments Off on Guest Opinion: Dreamed-up takeover of public lands is a state ‘scam’ · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

The thing about scams and the people behind them is that they are often successful. Some scams are easy to spot, such as the Nigerian cousin you didn’t know you had who is in immediate and dire need of wired cash. The best scams — the ones that fool people — are more subtle, such as reckless efforts to convince Idahoans and other Western state residents that our public lands system is broken and that we all should give up our rights by transferring shared national lands to the states.

Arguments asserting states’ rights have been made to appeal to strong federalist sensibilities in Idaho. Statements that the federal system is broken and the state can fix it sound awfully appealing. But the state land grab isn’t about states’ rights; it’s about your rights to access your public lands.

Rarely do those in the west hold up Eastern states as places we ought to mimic. Advocates of taking away public land in Idaho have declared that Western states, unlike our fortunate Eastern brethren, got a raw deal when our country was formed, because we have less private and state land within our borders. According to these advocates, New Jersey and Maryland got it right, and Idaho got it wrong. In their view, having millions of acres where we all can camp, hike, fish and hunt without having to ask a landowner for permission means Idaho got it wrong.

Let me paint a picture of what it would be like if public lands are turned over to the state. Expect that all recreation uses will be subservient to extractive uses. State of Idaho lands are not public lands and are managed for maximum economic return, by constitutional mandate. Be ready for your favorite camping spot to be closed off, and don’t be upset if your hunting spot is now posted with a “no trespassing” sign. You may even find an oil rig or mining operation behind that sign.

Idahoans don’t travel to Maryland to go hunting, and rarely do we travel to New York to go camping. People from back East come here — and dream about the chance — to chase a wild bull elk or raft the Middle Fork of the Salmon, because we have what they don’t: access and wide-open spaces. We live in a place where money doesn’t buy your ability to hunt, fish, raft, bike, hike or ride your motorized vehicle. If you think the smoke and mirrors of state management won’t change that, think again.

The state Legislature has been “studying” the ability of the state to take public lands for the past two years. The state would have to either jack up taxes or sell public land to pay for management, because there is absolutely no way the state can afford to pay the estimated $111 to $390 million per-year cost to manage public lands. Sane minds would have thought it ended there, but recently the Idaho House of Representatives passed a compact bill (HB 265), joining other special interest lobbying groups, to spend your taxpayer dollars fighting to take your public lands. Just last week, Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch voted in favor of a budget measure that would facilitate the sale of public lands.

If this sounds crazy, it is. Yet the scam continues.

The next time your elected official tells you they support the state of Idaho taking over your public lands, tell them to keep their hands off your property. Public lands are yours and mine, and nobody has any business telling us what we can do with our land.

Brad Brooks is a longtime Idaho hunter, climber and outdoorsman. He works for The Wilderness Society in Boise.

13. April 2015 · Comments Off on Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events



08. April 2015 · Comments Off on Back Country Horsemen of America Works to Benefit All Trail Users · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

by Sarah Wynne Jackson

Back Country Horsemen of America protects our right to ride horses on public lands in a wide variety of ways across the country. They believe in putting a priority on the things that really matter, such as making our beautiful landscape accessible to all users and developing partnerships that help us accomplish that. BCH folks know there’s value in lending a hand, even on projects that don’t directly benefit horse users.

Building Relationships

Sometimes building relationships means pitching in even if you have to leave your horses at home. The Uinta Basin Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Utah have been looking for ways to get involved with trail work in Dinosaur National Monument. This National Park Service property along the Colorado and Utah border consists of 210,000 acres of river canyons, mountains, and basins that support over a thousand different native species of plants and animals. The Utah side also boasts dinosaur fossils and the world renowned Carnegie Fossil Quarry.

Although horseback riding is not yet allowed in Dinosaur National Monument, the Uinta Basin Chapter BCH contacted the land managers to offer their assistance with trail maintenance. Because of Back Country Horsemen of America’s reputation, they were told a face-to-face meeting was not necessary and were asked to help with work on a hiking trail. Uinta Chapter Back Country Horsemen members met with hikers, youth volunteers, and NPS em¬ployees to build rock cairns and a rock stair step on the busy Sound of Silence hiking trail.

After a long work day, BCH members discussed with the land managers the possibility of a horse trail in Dinosaur National Monument and were invited to meet formally for further discussion. Lending a hand where it’s needed, regardless of personal interests, builds a rapport that benefits everyone. The Uinta Basin Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Utah will continue nurturing this relationship, making a way for us to enjoy this stunning landscape by horseback.

Preserving History

Back Country Horsemen of America values our country’s past and welcomes opportunities to preserve it. Managers of the Salmon-Challis National Forest recently began restoration of the Norton Ridge Lookout in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. This abandoned cabin sits on an open mountaintop at nearly 8500 feet elevation. Constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933 to house fire spotters, it is eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Treasure Valley Chapter of Back Country Horsemen of Idaho eagerly participated in the project which was carried out under the super¬vision of Archaeologist John Rose from the Challis office of the Salmon-Challis National Forest. Their purpose was to begin the restoration work necessary to maintain the cabin’s historical value and for the use and enjoyment of the structure by the US Forest Service and the public.

Treasure Valley Chapter BCH’s first task was to pack in wood shingles to be stored inside the cabin for re-roof¬ing at a future date. They trucked their horses and equipment seven hours to the trailhead at Meyer’s Cove. From there, they rode and led their pack animals 14 miles along Camas Creek to the spot where it flows into the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. The next day the group rode 11 miles upstream along the Middle Fork River to the Sim¬plot Ranch and airstrip, where the shingles were delivered by plane.

At this point, it was learned that the 11 mile trail from the airstrip to the cabin had not been cleared. Most of the TVBCH group spent four days clearing the trail and packing the shingles up to the cabin. It took another two days to pack out to the trailhead and return home. Despite the long trip and various challenges, the Treasure Valley Chapter of Back Country Horsemen enjoyed taking part in an important historic project.

About Back Country Horsemen of America

BCHA is a non-profit corporation made up of state organizations, affiliates, and at-large members. Their efforts have brought about positive changes regarding the use of horses and stock in wilderness and public lands.

If you want to know more about Back Country Horsemen of America or become a member, visit their website: www.bcha.org; call 888-893-5161; or write PO Box 1367, Graham, WA 98338-1367. The future of horse use on public lands is in our hands!

06. April 2015 · Comments Off on BLM / 4-H Youth In-Hand Trail Competition · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

IHCSince 2009, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the University of Idaho 4-H Youth Development have
partnered to offer an educational opportunity and fundraiser for Idaho 4-H Horse Clubs. 4-H members gentle and train weanlings (ages 4 months to 8 months).

This year, eight 4-H horse clubs picked out weanling mustangs in February, to gentle and train. 4-H youth and their weanlings will compete at the Expo in an In-Hand Trail competition class in the D & B Supply Round Pen, on Saturday 2:45 – 3:30, and Sunday, 9:15 – 10:00.

A demonstration will also be held on Sunday, in the Boot Barn Main Arena, Noon – 1:00. These weanlings will be up for adoption, by silent auction, on Sunday, after 2:00 pm. All proceeds from the adoption over $25 will go back to the individual 4-H clubs to help cover the cost of the training program, and other events.

Through this hugely successful partnership, BLM has adopted over 100 wild mustangs to loving families and homes from across Idaho. The program has raised approximately $10,000 for the 4-H youth and their clubs’ activities.

27. March 2015 · Comments Off on Roland Cheek’s Featured Book of the Month · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Roland Cheek’s Stories        Roland’s Facebook Page

About The Dogged and the Damned:

A tale inspired by the tragic story of a World War 11 combat soldier suffering the effects of what was, at the time, a little studied psychological impairment that, today, we call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s about a federal veterans psychiatric hospital and its well-meaning staff. And it’s about the soldier’s war at home as he repeatedly escaped confinement to live by his wits in the wilds. The story includes the efforts of a county law enforcement agency sometimes bewildered in its ongoing attempts to capture a fugitive the media sensationalized as a “Wild Man.” It’s a tale of people in a place and at a time when the author came to manhood amid that hospital’s nearby valleys and surrounding forest and mountains.

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24. March 2015 · Comments Off on SBBCHI Succor Creek Annual Fun Ride and Public Outreach · Categories: Around The Campfire, Fun Rides · Tags: , , , ,

Get Your Backside in the Saddle

The Outfitter

The Outfitter

If this keeps up we might need a bigger parking area. New faces, including the two legged and four legged kind, participated in the SBBCHI annual Succor Creek fun ride. In an attempt to stimulate interest in new membership, the fun ride has been opened up to the public. Over 20 riders managed to get their butts in the saddle on an early Sunday morning for a stunning ride through the Owyhee desert.

Amongst the riders were a few members who had recently undergone joint surgery of one kind or another; myself included. I’d had a total knee replacement, Bill Conger had a double total knee replacement and Phil was recovering from shoulder surgery. I figured between the three of us, we had enough artificial parts to build one outstanding bionic Squaw Butte member!

RearViewWe split the large group into several smaller groups. Smaller groups are often more manageable with less impact on the terrain. The natural varied paces of the horses usually determine the groups traveling dynamic; the Passo’s, Walkers and Rob’s mustang taking the lead. My horse will walk at whatever pace I ask him too and that is normally in the back of the herd. I can better keep an eye on everyone (not that anyone needs keeping an eye on – but it makes me feel better) and snap pictures without interrupting the flow.

We left the trailers at approximately 10:30 AM. Light jackets against the morning spring breeze were sufficient for comfort.  Several of the members were well on their way as I waited for the last foot to stick a stirrup. I resisted the urge to call out: “Move ‘em up….head ‘em out!”

If it weren’t for Lou Ann – I’d be the most directionally challenged of the bunch. Lou makes me look like an orienteering master! Less than a mile up the road we met Lou Ann coming in from the wrong direction. Well…it wasn’t wrong, exactly, even if it was not the ideal way to enter Succor Creek from Meridian. The important thing was she got there, not how she got there.

A young cowboy, a guest of a member, bailed off his horse, slid into Lou’s driver’s seat and backed her rig off the road. He jumped out, dashed to the back of the trailer, unloaded Lou’s gelding and saddled him before the rest of us could say “Bob’s your uncle.” Turns out 25 year-old Warren works for a Montana outfitter. He all but threw Lou into the saddle and we were off once again. Sort of like an equine pit-stop.

The Chick's

The Chick’s

My small group caught up with the Chicks at the gate leading to what I call the “On Top:” an ATV road running north and south above the campground and below the old Indian Cave.  Chick and Lorraine lost Sammy, Chick’s beautiful Arabian grey of natural causes earlier in the month. Lorraine was riding an up and coming bay Arab/Quarter cross, Casanova. This was Casanova’s first ride outside the training arena. Casanova was a bit nervous. Not uncommon for a young horse amongst a large group of riders. Chick and Lorraine would switch saddles and do a little Pirelli while the rest of us went on. It is against my nature to leave a member behind, but Chick felt Casanova needed some alone time to get beyond the skittishness magnified by the group.

Dripping sweat and labored lungs brought us to the apex of the first of several steep climbs encountered on the ride. I barely got out the words, “Everyone check your cinches,” when I caught sight of Warren methodically going from rider to rider checking cinches and tightening as needed. This must be what it’s like in the days of Lord’s and Ladies of the manner. “Oh, George…I wish to ride today. Prepare the Black for western discipline.” A meticulously groomed and gleaming black stallion magically appears in the outer courtyard awaiting your riding pleasure. Upon returning home, you toss the reins to the always dutiful George and your horse is miraculously returned to his paddock, freeing you to enjoy mint julips on the terrace with Captain Butler and….

I glanced back often hoping to catch sight of the Chick’s. I reached a vantage point that allowed a glimpse of two tiny riders in the bottom of the canyon. Both riders aboard and clipping along at a good pace. No need to fret any longer.

A string of bandits

We followed the trail across the On Top to a gate leading down to the “Hole in the Wall.” Roger dismounts to open the gate. All riders get through ahead of a barrage of ATV’s; one after another filtered through the gate – 14 in all. I thought this might be where we’d lose our young Cowboy. A curvy girl peering from behind goggles did a double take from the back passenger seat of a Yamaha four wheeler. Warren damn near lost his seat as he pushed the front of his felt hat off his forehead. “Well hello! Looks to me like that little gal ‘d be a site happier on the back of this horse than the back o’ that four whiller!”  From the sheer velocity of her head whipping around and lingering glance, I believe he might be right. The boy was not lacking in confidence.

We met the larger group on their way back to camp. Janine and Lou Ann turned back with the others. I wanted to show Marina, Rogers’s granddaughter, the Hole in the Wall. Linda, Devon, Mildred, Roger, Marina and Warren and I continued to the Hole in the Wall. In a normal water year, a waterfall pours over the top of the rim rock pooling in the center of the crescent shaped rock formation. It was not a normal water year. The Hole in the Wall was bone dry; as dry as I’d ever seen it.



We rested the horses, snapped a few pictures and mounted for the ride back to camp. I marveled as Mildred popped into the saddle. I remarked to Warren, “I sure hope at 80 some years old I can still get my butt into the saddle like that.” While secretly thinking: Who am I kidding – I wish I could get my butt into the saddle like that today! Mildred is my idol and inspiration. I handed her a can of Beanee Weenee’s.  She scrunched up her nose. “You expect me to eat these nasty things?” No Mildred, I’m pretty sure those things would kill you – that can is at least 15 years old. We’ll be lucky if it doesn’t explode before I snap a picture.

Marina put her horse’s feet to work as he danced and fought the bit. This was one 10 year old who wasn’t letting her horse get away with bad habits. The horse jigged to be up with his buddy, Rogers big bay gelding. I stopped asking Marina if she was doing ok when I watched her collect the horse and make him do everything but what he wanted until he stopped misbehaving. Well done, Marina.

We arrived back at camp just as Rob took the last of the burgers and hotdogs off the grill. Some might call it late – I call it perfect timing. As always, the spread of food was impressive.Potluck

I passed Bill coming back from watering his horse. The conversation went something like this:

Bill: Does your knee pop when you ride?

Me: Not when I ride – but when I walk sometimes. It doesn’t hurt, just feels weird.

Bill: Mine feel like they are loose and shifting around, especially when I’m on the tractor.

Me: Come to think of it, mine do that when I’m on the tractor too. And it did start to do it about the last ½ mile of our ride today.

Bill: I don’t like it. It bugs me.

Me: Do you think it’s normal? *Please tell me you think it’s         normal.*

Bill: God, I hope so.


The haul back home over one of the roughest, tire popping, gravel roads in Oregon affords ample time to contemplate on the success of another Backcountry Horseman outing. We met some wonderful prospective new members we hope to see more of in the future. We reflect on the sadness of our four legged partners we have lost and look forward with hope in the new mounts that will fill the empty hoof prints they left behind. We glean inspiration from Mildred’s agile horsemanship.  Determination from the likes of Phil and Bill’s tenacity; Hope in the future from Marina’s youth.

No matter the age of the rider or the number of plastic parts they might boast, you just can’t keep a good Backcountry Horseman’s butt out of the saddle.

BootsClick for full set of Pictures on Picasa


24. March 2015 · Comments Off on BCH of California Clears Storm Damage · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

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21. March 2015 · Comments Off on BCHI at work · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


16. March 2015 · Comments Off on Green Grass for Horses: Approach with Caution · Categories: Around The Campfire

Karen E. Davison, Ph.D.

Spring has sprung and green pasture is coming on like gangbusters in most parts of the country. For most of us, this is good news because green grass relieves some pressure of searching for quality hay at a reasonable price. Of course, with the rising cost of fertilizer, it may be hard to decide which is the lesser of two evils: high-priced hay or high-priced fertilizer. However, if you have pasture and intend to utilize it for horses, there are some things to consider.

Take it slow

Keep in mind that going from dry hay and grain to lush, green pasture is a drastic change in diet and may increase the risk of founder or colic. Horses that are in the pasture full time will gradually become accustomed to the emerging green grass as it comes up. But horses that haven’t had green grass should only be allowed to graze for an hour or two at first, then gradually increase grazing time by an hour every couple days until the horses are out full time. It is also a good idea for horses to have eaten dry hay prior to turnout so they are not overly hungry. Individual horses will have different tolerance levels to the diet change and the nutritional profile of the grass, so a slower introduction is usually better.

Meet horse nutrient requirements

Spring pasture often looks beautiful and nutritious but can be very high in water and low in fiber content. In this stage of maturity, pasture may not meet a horse’s minimum requirement for dry matter intake and it may be necessary to provide 10 to 15 lbs. of dry hay per day until the pasture matures. Even when the pasture is sufficient to maintain horses in good body condition with no supplemental grain, there will still be nutrient deficiencies. Providing a forage balancer product such as Purina® Enrich Plus™ will supply a balance of protein, vitamins and minerals to complement pasture. This product is formulated to meet nutrient requirements of mature horses with 1 to 2 lbs. per day, whereas most feeds are formulated to be fed at a minimum of 3.5 to 4 lbs. per day

Ensure adequate pasture

Pasture simulates a natural environment for horses and is considered beneficial to horses from a nutritional standpoint and from a mental health perspective as well. You may have enough pasture to serve both functions but, in many cases, pasture space is simply a place to roam around and nibble for a few hours a day. To determine if there is enough pasture for grass to be a significant source of nutrition, you have to consider the available acreage, type of forage and the number of horses or stocking rate.

The very best pastures may support one horse per acre, but average conditions may require closer to 2 to 3 acres to sustain one horse grazing full time. The effective stocking rate will depend on the type of grass, fertilization and rain fall. For shorter varieties of grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, pasture must grow 3 to 4 inches tall to provide adequate forage for horses. Taller grasses, including Coastal bermudagrass, should sustain a height of 6 to 8 inches. Stocking rates may be improved if there is an option to rotate pastures. Grazing tall forage varieties down to 3 to 4 inches and shorter varieties to 2 inches in height, then rotating to another pasture for four weeks can help maximize grazing potential of available acreage. Rotating pastures is also a good way to reduce the risk of internal parasite infestation. A good rule of thumb is that if you can see manure piles in your pasture and if horses are grazing close to those manure piles, your pasture is overgrazed and horses should be removed to let it recover.

11. March 2015 · Comments Off on SBFC Winter 2015 Newsletter · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


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10. March 2015 · Comments Off on Horse & Mountain Bike Trails · Categories: Around The Campfire

Click to read                 More Information

Here are some insights into what Mtn Bikers prefer – you may wish to know this, in order to explain how their outdoor expectations differ from what horse riders prefer, and neither wants to interfere with the other’s enjoyment of the outdoors.

20. February 2015 · Comments Off on GUEST OPINION: BOULDER-WHITE CLOUDS · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


February 20, 2015

The next generations of conservationists want to hike and explore wild landscapes like the Boulder-White Clouds, just as the first travelers who discovered them. The only difference is we use fancier equipment.

My generation, the “millennials,” hikes, backpacks and floats the wilderness just like our forefathers have. But advances in materials and technology now allow us to go farther and lighter than ever before. You can now pack two weeks of food and gear into a 65-liter pack that weighs only 30 pounds. I know this because for the last six years I worked as a wilderness ranger in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness and spent my summers backpacking while clearing trail with cross-cut saws and axes.

I consider myself a public servant, care taking wilderness for the benefit of all Americans. I love wild places just as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean I’ve sold off my mountain bikes because they’re nonconforming uses in wilderness.

The traditional conservation demographic has shifted. Instead of just backpackers, hunters, anglers, boaters and climbers speaking up for healthy landscapes, mountain bikers are voicing their concerns about access to and protection of America’s wild places. Adrenalin-fueled activities piloted by younger activists should now have a seat at the table. So what does that look like for the future of conservation and our beloved Boulder-White Clouds?

It means a community approach to management on a trail-by-trail basis. It means reaching across the table to negotiate for the benefit of the landscape – not to benefit a particular party or interest. It means being flexible, patient and professional.

The Wood River Bike Coalition working with the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA), The Wilderness Society, Idaho Conservation League, Outdoor Alliance, along with numerous other organizations, 46 businesses, and local county and state officials all support a national monument because of its ability to reflect Idahoans’ broad interests. A monument delivers the conservation objectives, while also preserving prime recreational opportunities.

The Obama administration, like them or not, has proved it wants to hear and consider local sentiment before moving forward, and any action will be based off decades of local involvement. Well, the BWC have been a conservation topic for the last 40 years; Rep. Mike Simpson’s CIEDRA bill was introduced over a decade ago, and reintroduced several times since.

And while the latest iteration of CIEDRA is a noble attempt, it has yet to result in a bill that represents the full interests of Idahoans. Now more than ever, there are additional recreation pressures that need to be considered. National monument status is sensical, does not need legislative approval and has room to negotiate travel planning for all parties, especially mountain bikers.

The collaborative group has worked together to find a balance – ensuring sensitive areas get heightened protection to safeguard critical habitat, yet allowing mountain bikes to access some of the most distinctive backcountry rides in the country. This community-based approach is the future of conservation. A national monument is the Idaho solution.

The millennial generation has just as much, I would wager more, skin in the game to decide the future of the Boulder-White Clouds as any of the old guard. We’re the ones who will end up managing it, maintaining it and ultimately paying for it. And yes, it’s true, management comes at a price, but to us the price of protection in perpetuity is worth it. #MonumentsMatter #GetLoudForTheClouds

Eric Melson, of Boise, served as the Frank Church program director for the Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation from 2010 to 2015. He is a graduate of Colorado State University.

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Our next National Monument: Idaho’s Boulder-White Clouds (Feb 27, 2015)
By former Rep. Larry LaRocco (D-Ida.)

Last week was historic with three more national monument designations: Pullman in Chicago, Honouliuli in Hawaii and Browns Canyon in Colorado. President Obama has now designated 16 national monuments using the executive authority of the Antiquities Act. The Antiquities Act gives the President authority to permanently protect places of natural, cultural and historic value and, as an Idahoan who loves the outdoors, I support the Boulder-White Clouds as national monument number 17.

The congressional efforts to save Central Idaho’s Boulder-White Clouds, the largest unprotected roadless area in the U.S. outside of Alaska, are dangerously stalled. And as a former staff member of Sen. Frank Church (D-Ida.) and former member of Congress myself, I fear further waiting won’t yield a favorable outcome. Church instilled in all of his staff a great passion for untrammeled public lands, a legacy that remains today. In his four terms from 1957 to 1981 representing Idaho in the U.S. Senate, Church was an influential leader on many fronts, but is perhaps best known for preserving much of Idaho’s spectacular wild lands and waters.

He was an integral player in the passage of the landmark Wilderness Act in 1964, one of America’s greatest conservation achievements. In Idaho, he led successful efforts to protect some of the state’s most treasured landscapes– Gospel Hump, the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, the Sawtooth Wilderness and National Recreation Area, and later the River of No Return Wilderness, re-named the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness in his honor. And he and his wife Bethine backed protection of the Boulder-White Clouds region.

The Boulder-White Clouds is considered one of the last best wild places in North America and deserves permanent protection. Fishing and hunting opportunities abound. There is a stunning array of animal species from chukar partridge to wolverine; rugged, alpine terrain for hikes and climbers alike. With the addition of the East Fork of the Salmon that provides abundant clean water, the area is a literal heaven for sportsmen and outdoor recreation enthusiasts.

Idahoans are grateful to Rep. Mike Simpson (R) for his tireless efforts on behalf of the Boulder-White Clouds for the past 11 years. Unfortunately, his bid to gain Wilderness status has repeatedly failed to gain traction in Congress. The gridlock shows no sign of breaking even now after he’s made several concessions to try to win support. This is no fault of the Congressman’s but rather another indicator of protracted congressional malaise.

After waiting for decades, I recently joined 43 of my former colleagues from Church’s office and asked Obama to protect Church’s legacy by proclaiming a Boulder-White Clouds National Monument. Church’s work isn’t over and it’s time Obama used his authority to protect one of the last “crowning jewels” of Idaho as a national monument.

LaRocco served in the House from 1991 to 1995 and was the author of the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, PL 103-64.

20. February 2015 · Comments Off on What Horses See · Categories: Around The Campfire

whatHorseseeFrom Everett Lewis, a Washington Backcountry Horseman, comes this wonderful video that is just as applicable to those of us riding the horses as the bikers and hikers that also want to learn how to be safe around equines. Everett has distilled the myriad of “what should happen” items into three easy to remember steps that we can share with the growing number of people on the trail. The life you save my be your own.

STOP – Horses spook easily, and may perceive movement, especially quiet movement, as a predator — and bolt.

TALK – Human speech is reassuring and comforting for the horse. Continue to talk until the horse has passed.

MOVE DOWN – to the low side of the trail. If horse gets spooked, you don’t want it going off the steep side or horse and rider can be injured. Enjoy the video that Everett produced to help educate hikers and bikers, as well as horsemen on how to share the trails together.

See More                   Mountain  Bike Poster                Trail Hiker Poster

17. February 2015 · Comments Off on Are you looking for a chapter of BCHI to join? · Categories: Around The Campfire, BCHI /BCHA


A Non-Profit Service Organization


09. February 2015 · Comments Off on Just a Trail Horse :~) · Categories: Around The Campfire, Fun Rides


Unconsciously my chin lowers slightly, followed by an imperceptible movement of downcast eyes in answer; “Oh, yeah – he’s just a trail horse.”

“Just a trail horse.” How many times have I been set back by that simple statement? The same statement heard time and again that sets my blood to boil. The same statement I am ashamed to admit has come from my own lips.

Read More!


08. February 2015 · Comments Off on 10 things all gun owners should know – Alex Kincaid · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Deadly Force: A Prosecutor’s Perspective

08. February 2015 · Comments Off on Wilderness Volunteers ORG · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


02. February 2015 · Comments Off on BCHA Leadership Team 2015 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

BCHA Officers Contact List 2015

01. February 2015 · Comments Off on Back Country Pack Stock Use · Categories: Around The Campfire

Probert, Cheryl -FS <cprobert@fs.fed.us>
Here’s a video we did on the Bridger – Teton stock program to try to raise support for stock use internally.

pac2Horses are used all over the National Forest System, especially in the west to get work done on trails and in Wilderness areas. What’s interesting about the Blackrock Ranger Station in the Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming, is the way they get such specialized horses. They use wild mustangs that have been rounded up off of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and given to the Forest Service for free as weanlings or yearlings and then they train them to do work in the Wilderness.

click on pictures to watch video’s

12. January 2015 · Comments Off on Sawyer – USFS Volunteer Certification · Categories: Around The Campfire



Apprentice Sawyer – “A” Sawyers have completed the nationally approved classroom and field training for general saw work (such as bucking, limbing, and the first basic steps in felling) or specialized uses. (such as construction, maintenance, and fencing) Generally they are trained at the local unit and must be supervised by a B or C level Sawyer during saw work activity, which may include slashing and felling in the least complex situations. During certification, the certifier has the authority to impose restrictions on Apprentice Sawyers as deemed necessary based on the skills demonstrated.Intermediate

Intermediate Sawyer – “B” Sawyers are skilled saw operators capable of performing saw tasks as specified on their certification card without Supervision. Intermediate Sawyers are not permitted to certify other Sawyers. The certifier has the authority to impose restrictions on Intermediate Sawyers as deemed necessary based on the skills demonstrated.


Publications and training manuals

BCHO Sawyer Page    /     Squaw Butte Training      /   Test your Situational Awareness

27. December 2014 · Comments Off on Some interesting Horse Stories · Categories: Around The Campfire


Suggested by Robbin Schindele

Adventures at Tölt Speed with Riding Iceland


Mustang herd seen through a Go Pro



5 Things Confident Riders Avoid

23. December 2014 · Comments Off on BCHI Santa arrives in Emmett! · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events











Saturday, Dec 20, 2014, the BCHI President Karen Kinball drew the calendar winners for 2014 and delivered a Christmas surprise for two Squaw Butte members. Phil Ryan and Robbin Schindele both won $1000.00 gift cards in this years raffle. So remember as you’re selling calendars to keep a couple for yourself and don’t forget to mail in your cards!

2014 Calendar Winners  (BCHI Web Site)

Jason Winters           Middleton, Id
Robin Schindele        Emmett, ID
Carol Young              Boones Mill, VA
Bonnie Stacy            Jerome, ID
Debi Riggin              Walla Walla, WA
Ray Robinette          Grangeville, ID
Les Chapman          Meridian, ID
Brenda McRoberts  Grangeville, ID
Cassidy Lindsey      Meridian, ID
Sharon Katzke        Caldwell, ID
Jo Hardy                 Grangeville, ID
Phil Ryan                Emmett, ID

19. December 2014 · Comments Off on South Dakota PBS show · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

SDPTV This is the link to the SDPB program. The first 10 minutes is on the Harney Peak Tower restoration project and the next five and a half minutes is on the Black Hills Back Country Horsemen of South Dakota.

18. December 2014 · Comments Off on Horse Side Vet Guide · Categories: Around The Campfire

HVG Visit Website

13. December 2014 · Comments Off on Tom Dorrance: A Most Extraordinary Horseman · Categories: Around The Campfire

td01Tom Dorrance: A Most Extraordinary Horseman
by Jim Overstreet, copyright 1994, published by permission of the author

Thirty or more unbroke horses milled restlessly in a large corral at Cow Camp, summer headquarters on Montana’s Flying D ranch. Boots Shell, the manager, asked a small, dark-haired horseman what kind of horse he’d to like ride when he roped the broncs. “Something that’s never been handled much would be best,” he said. The other cowboys, who had only met the quiet man the night before listened incredulously. It was the summer of 1964 and Tom Dorrance was already fifty-four years old.
dorranceSome of the horses waiting to be ridden were five, six, and seven year olds that for one reason or another had never been handled. Although their breeding was a mixture of good Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse blood, they’d spent most of their lives just eating grass in the big ranch pastures. They were corralled once or twice a year with the riding horses only to be turned out again untouched. Several others had been broken “at,” that is someone had attempted to break them but hadn’t been successful.

(Read Part 1)  (Read Part 2)

11. December 2014 · Comments Off on New Bumper Sticker Available – Every Trailer Should Have One! · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

BCHAAvailable Soon at the BCHA On-line Store


09. December 2014 · Comments Off on Next Generation of BCHA · Categories: Around The Campfire

??Tamara Applebaker, Oregon, High Desert Trail Riders BCH

Tamara has learned to love the back country on horseback and appreciate the beauty and solitude there. She has been an active participant on trail projects and with fish packing. She helps with the Kid’s Corral at the Horse Packing and Wilderness Skills Clinic and is making it her Senior project this year at Klamath Union High School. She participates with the Packing Clinic committee organizing the event as well. The Bob Marshall two week pack trip this last summer was a huge experience for Tamara after being on some shorter trips in Oregon and California.

03. December 2014 · Comments Off on 2014 Miles & Hours Total – Squaw Butte · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


2014 Presidents Report

25. November 2014 · Comments Off on Life Flight – A membership all back country travels should have! · Categories: Around The Campfire



    More Information

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25. November 2014 · Comments Off on Boise National Forest – North Zone Trail Crew Report · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


2014 trail crew report


21. November 2014 · Comments Off on Walk like a Penguin · Categories: Around The Campfire


Winter Video

05. November 2014 · Comments Off on SADDLE UP AMERICA! Colorado’s Hobo’s Hideout and BCHA’s Jim McGarvey · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


GARY HOLT and TINA MAE WEBER visit with JIM MCGARVEY chairman of BACK COUNTRY HORSEMEN of AMERICA. What the recent agreement with BCHA and the National Park Service means to you, the Trail Rider!

Saddle Up America

From the Chairman’s Saddle

Kentucky BCH agreement with NPS

26. October 2014 · Comments Off on Wilson Corral – October 2014 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Fun Rides


Wilson Corral Trail Report – Oct 2014
USFS TR 135 trail discription

Nancy & Shannon’s Adventure

Our adventure started early Saturday morning, we left Shannon’s house by 7:30 am, and thought how great we are actually leaving on time. We were so proud of ourselves. Then we get to the cutoff for Sagehen and had to decide which fork to take. That should have been the first clue that things were not gonna turn out good. From the directions posted it said take the 2nd fork. So we did, and boy howdy we had no idea what we were in for. Not only was the road skinny for a horse trailer and no pullouts,but from the rain the night before the black mud was like grease in spots. Once we almost lost traction on a very curvy hill. So needless to say we have calluses from holding the steering wheel and finger prints in the dash .. When we finally reached the expected meet up place we found lots of hunters and no place to turn around, and no Rob either.. We asked the hunters if they had seen Robs rig and they assured us they had not. So we thought well we may as well get the heck out of there, besides how many more gray hairs could Shannon sprout.. ?? The hunters moved vehicles so we could get turned around and we went back 3rd fork which was like a freeway compared to 2nd fork. We came straight back to the Eagle foot hills and rode there just to unwind a little and say we had rode this day.. So make sure you don’t take 2nd fork with a trailer and especially if it has rained.  (The route they took was the middle option, the directions suggest 3rd fork, the blue option)

17. October 2014 · Comments Off on Skydiving Beavers · Categories: Around The Campfire


Idaho decided the best way to move beavers was to airdrop them!
Just the title – “Transplanting Beavers by Airplane and Parachute” – of this 1950 report in the Journal of Wildlife Management raises questions. Like, for goodness sake, why? And how? Did they specially make tiny beaver-sized parachutes and goggles, and push them out of the cargo hold, one by one, like a tiny dam-making army? Once on the ground, did the beavers suffer post-traumatic stress from the sudden drop? Or did they spend the rest of their days mourning in rivers, longing for another taste of the sky? Read More

Beavers, Their Dams Put to Work Restoring Streams Read More

Beavers as neighbors Read more

09. October 2014 · Comments Off on BCHA Executive Board 2014 – 2015 Initiatives · Categories: Around The Campfire

Page1Read More!


09. October 2014 · Comments Off on Cutting Season is over – Winterizing your Saws · Categories: Around The Campfire


Click on Pictures   Video


27. September 2014 · Comments Off on Bucks Basin Ride – Council Mountain · Categories: Around The Campfire, Fun Rides, Horse Camping

On September 14 a small but enthusiastic group of 4 riders set out into the Payette National Forest to clear trail and explore the Bucks Basin area. Once at the trail head, the lower trail was well defined and in good shape. There were only two areas that required some minor deadfall cleanup. Further up the trail the path became less defined as it passed through a meadow and cattle loafing area. Due to the lack of a visible trail, the group did a bit of “bush whacking” up a rocky slope in search of the trail. Once above the meadow, a few scattered cairn and trial markers guided us to the summit above Lake Basin. The views were fantastic and we spotted a small group of mule deer near the top. After a relaxing lunch in Lake Basin, the group struck back for camp. The weather was dry and pleasant and all rider and mount performed well.


More Pictures

DutchOvenGulchTrail _DSC0643 _DSC0629 _DSC0617



26. September 2014 · Comments Off on Cornucopia: A Journey Through The Mountains Of Gold · Categories: Around The Campfire


What begins as a relaxing, back to nature backpacking trip into Oregon’s rugged Eagle Cap wilderness soon evolves into a three month adventure of a lifetime for three people and a big white dog.Physically unprepared and ill equipped, the party sets out on a three day hiking trip only to discover Mother Nature is not always willing to accommodate such novice trespassers in her back yard.Forced to confront the challenges of nature’s wrath head on, each hiker learns true loss is not in the absence of material things, but rather the failure to discover the strength which is inside each of us.Follow the incredible journey as these ragtag wanna-be hikers set out to discover new trails and discover instead that sometimes it’s not always the destination, but the journey that is most remembered  See more Eagle Cap Pictures









22. September 2014 · Comments Off on USFS Draft Report & Cover Letter · Categories: Around The Campfire


Report Cover Letter

Draft Report June 2014

Enclosed is a report that summarizes the listening sessions held this spring across the Intermountain Region, including the sessions in Boise. The Regional Leadership Team has discussed the report information and there has been clear value to them to read the contents. Thank you for your participation.

David R. Olson
Public Affairs Officer
Boise National Forest
1249 S. Vinnell, Suite 200
Boise, ID 83709
208-373-4105 (w)
208-861-0768 cell

16. September 2014 · Comments Off on Chainsaw Chaps – Why wear them? · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


The story of a Chainsaw Chaps Injury (Blog Post)

Watch this Chap demonstration video

Chain Saw Safety – Training Video

Chainsaw Accident Statistic

Chainsaw Chaps Guide

12. September 2014 · Comments Off on Lou Ann’s is all ready for the morning commute! · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


12. September 2014 · Comments Off on Subscribe to BCHA E-Blast List · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Subscribe to List

04. September 2014 · Comments Off on Trailer Maintenance – Keeping your stock safe · Categories: Around The Campfire

When was the last time you checked your trailers tire pressure? Just a few pounds of pressure low can make a huge difference in handling and load capacity. Just a quick look before loading can prevent a picture like this somewhere along the road.  Use a tire pressure gauge on each tire & spare before using your trailer.  That few minutes can save you a lot of grief and expense later.
tiresTPchart psi

Click on picture

Learn how to read your trailer tires             Proper tire Care & Safety

Trailer Safety Check List                             Trailer Safety Inspections and Maintenance

01. September 2014 · Comments Off on Cupp Corral Cut-off Trail – August 31, 2014 · Categories: Around The Campfire


Cupp Corral Cut-off Report    Camping area Latitude: 44.48816  Longitude: -115.71245

21. August 2014 · Comments Off on Middle Fork Payette river trail – TR033 (north end) · Categories: Around The Campfire, Work Parties and Projects

PMF01Nine members of Squaw Butte spent a great weekend at a new camp site for us, off FR 409 east of Cascade, ID on the head waters of the Middle Fork of the Payette river. The forest service map on Trail 033 indicates this is it northern termination and checking it out and doing some trail maintenance seemed like a good idea. The camp site is one of the best we have every used, the trail was a disappointment. After clearing about 3/4 of a mile the trail could not be found, it is likely it was washed out by high water over the years.
PMF02The trail head / camping site was excellent with trailer parking, water for stock and shade for setting up a great group area.
PMF03This sign indicated we were in the right place and we found a defined trail bed and logs that had been cut by prior trail maintenance efforts.
PMF04A survey on Friday night indicated that the trail had some major downfall and the best plan of action was to start the project on foot, and only get the stock on the trail after we had cleared the first 1/2 mile of trail.

PMF06Unfortunately at the 3/4 of a mile mark the trail could no longer be located. It appears that the original trail bed has been washed away by the river and we could go no further. After a good lunch, the group did a nice afternoon ride.
PMF07While the group didn’t accomplish what they had hoped on trail 033 north, we all had a great time. SEE MORE PICTURES

18. August 2014 · Comments Off on Montana Pack Trip, Bob Marshall Wilderness 2014 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Horse Camping

Mike McGlenn, past chairman of BCHA (2011-2013), Bill Conger and Phil Ryan spent a week in late July riding in Montana’s horseman’s paradise the Bob Marshall Wilderness.

One of the Bob’s great trail heads – a model for how all horse trail heads should be setup!
bm4Bill and Phil in camp
bm5View’s like this make the Bob special and popular with horseman all over the west
bm6Mike, Phil and Bill
bm7Phil spending some quality time with his horse as another pack string passes.
bm8One of the many bridges in the Bob Marshall
Back at the trail head after a great trip. To view more picture, CLICK HERE!

10. August 2014 · Comments Off on Kennally Creek Project · Categories: Around The Campfire, Horse Camping


Susan Jenkins – McCall Trail ranger on the weekend – I felt terrible that we didn’t have a project! But it was a good weekend, nonetheless. I only learned late last week that someone else had cleared the trail. I didn’t have a backup trail that would have included a place for folks to camp with stock. You are right, though, about the time spent with Laurie, Lou Ann and Phil. We had a great time with them. Phil was gracious enough to provide the trail folks with a short packing lesson Saturday morning. It certainly raised their interest in using stock for trails work. It was all they talked about this morning at the office. (Which makes me extremely happy, given that the trail crew is comprised of a lot of kids that ride motorcycle dirt bikes on our trails.)    See Pictures of the project
photo 1photo 2

02. August 2014 · Comments Off on Sawtooth Pack Trip – July 2014 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Fun Rides, Horse Camping


Five members of Squaw Butte spend seven day exploring the Sawtooth wilderness.  Pictures of the trip are available on the website.

Rob’s account of the trip           The Chicks Pack Trip Account
