23. December 2014 · Comments Off on BCHI Santa arrives in Emmett! · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events











Saturday, Dec 20, 2014, the BCHI President Karen Kinball drew the calendar winners for 2014 and delivered a Christmas surprise for two Squaw Butte members. Phil Ryan and Robbin Schindele both won $1000.00 gift cards in this years raffle. So remember as you’re selling calendars to keep a couple for yourself and don’t forget to mail in your cards!

2014 Calendar Winners  (BCHI Web Site)

Jason Winters           Middleton, Id
Robin Schindele        Emmett, ID
Carol Young              Boones Mill, VA
Bonnie Stacy            Jerome, ID
Debi Riggin              Walla Walla, WA
Ray Robinette          Grangeville, ID
Les Chapman          Meridian, ID
Brenda McRoberts  Grangeville, ID
Cassidy Lindsey      Meridian, ID
Sharon Katzke        Caldwell, ID
Jo Hardy                 Grangeville, ID
Phil Ryan                Emmett, ID

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