14. April 2015 · Comments Off on Transporting Livestock in Idaho 2015 · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


Transporting Livestock in Idaho         EIA MOU ID_WA_OR

***Please read below the word from the State of Idaho***
It means you no longer need a coggins test on your horse when traveling in or between IDAHO, OREGON & WASHINGTON. However, you DO need a Health Certificate signed by a veterinarian and a permit number (obtained thru a vet for Washington & Oregon). This is good news and should save everyone some time and money if just traveling the Northwest this summer!

The Idaho State Department of Agriculture has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the states of Washington and Oregon to allow an exemption to the EIA test requirement on horses moving between the 3 states. The MOU is attached.

Effective April 6, 2015 – Equine moving between the states of Idaho, Oregon and Washington are exempt from having a current EIA (Coggins) test prior to movement. All equine are still required to have an interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (iCVI or Health Certificate) prior to interstate movement. This testing exemption applies only to equine traveling between the states of Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Please contact the ISDA with any questions at 208-332-8540.

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