01. July 2021 · Comments Off on Dagger Falls Trail – Rock · Categories: Public Lands

Joe on the “new” trail, beside bypassed rock with others below left

Bart and Joe on a “practice” tree

Brian, Bart, Lew & Joe with a big tree, Dagger Creek Campground in background, river below

Just wanted to forward some info re trail clearing. Joe Williams packed 5 FS volunteers upriver from Dagger Falls on June 9th, then on the 10th, Bill Bell & myself (Steve Sanderson) joined Joe, Lewis Herrington, Bart Baer (Joe’s neighbor) and Brian (? a pharmacist from Meridian I think) and we all rode up trail 2013 about 3 miles to clear a large boulder that had slid down and blocked the trail in the middle of a rock slide area.

On the way, we cleared several smaller trees and on rather large one that was blocking the trail.

The rock and several others as large, were too big to move or break up so we relocated the trail by building a ramp to the upper part of the rock and around it, then a ramp back down to the trail. Quite a chore but we got it done. Here are a few pictures from the trip. I thought you would like to know since I think Joe, Bart & Brian are SB chapter members.

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