21. October 2014 · Comments Off on Wild horse adoption planned in Boise · Categories: Current Events


October 21, 2014 10:28AM

The horses from the Hard Trigger Wild Horse Herd Management Area will be available at the Boise Wild Horse Corrals off Pleasant Valley Road in south Boise.

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Twenty-three wild horses gathered in southwest Idaho will available for adoption in Boise on Friday and Saturday.

Officials with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management say the horses from the Hard Trigger Wild Horse Herd Management Area will be available at the Boise Wild Horse Corrals off Pleasant Valley Road in south Boise.

Adoption hours from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday October 24, 2014 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday October 25, 2014.

The 2014 Extreme Mustang Makeover Champion Matt Zimmerman will conduct training demonstrations both days.

Those wishing to adopt a wild horse must be at least 18 years old, never have been convicted of animal abuse or cruelty, and have proper facilities and transportation. BLM Wild Horse Program


Matt Zimmerman

After a life threatening injury from a horse accident in August of 2011, I signed up for the Extreme Mustang Makeover. Not knowing if I was going to be physically able to train, but having the determination and the desire to reach my goals is what gave me the strength. A few quotes wandered my way about the time I was picking up my mustang and they read— “If you can dream it, you can believe it, then you can achieve it!” and “A champion wins first, then walks into the arena, and everyone else walks into the arena and tries to figure out what to do!”

My philosophy is that every horse must have trust before they can go on and accomplish anything. This is done by doing the correct groundwork to achieve respect and control of the horse without instilling fear. If the correct foundation is laid down from the beginning, then you will have a solid horse that will do anything for you and go anywhere you want without protest. I personally like to have all the horses that I start do a wide range of things so that they are diverse, because I feel it keeps the mind fresh and that keeps your horse wanting to be a willing partner. Plus, having a versatile horse gives you more options if some unforeseen thing happens and your horse can no longer compete in his specified field.
Extreme Mustang Makeover

The purpose of the competition is to showcase the beauty, versatility and trainability of these rugged horses that roam freely on public lands throughout the West, where they are protected by the BLM under federal law. The BLM periodically removes excess animals from the range to ensure herd health and protect rangeland resources. Thousands of the removed animals are then made available each year to the public for adoption. More than 3,300 wild horses have been adopted through Mustang Heritage Foundation events and programs since 2007

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