25. April 2014 · Comments Off on Keeping Trails Open for You – Back Country Horsemen of America · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

BCHA ensures you, your children, and future generations can enjoy the wonder, beauty, and joy of unspoiled landscapes and viewscapes. Help us stay on the job!


Robbin Schindele produced and directed this video!

Why the Campaign?

Because our trails on public lands need you.

Like you, the men and women of Back Country Horsemen of America (BCHA) care about protecting and sustaining a safe and accessible outdoor experience for our families and future generations. But we can’t do it alone. We count on our partners and you to help us preserve access to public lands. In 2012, only 37% of the 158,000 miles of National Forest Service trails received basic maintenance. Only one-quarter of these trails meet standard regulation for public use.

Gaps of investment, oversight, and maintenance point to a future with fewer sustainable trails in our 144 National Forests.

Please take a few minutes to support and share our campaign! Trails may be owned by government entities, but volunteers are needed to keep them open and maintained.

A National Foundation has posted a Challenge Grant of $25,000 when we hit our goal! That means for every $1 you donate .50 cents will be added to your donation when we reach our goal!

The Untrammeled video .

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