07. January 2014 · Comments Off on Boise National Forest – North Zone Trail Crew · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

2014 will be the 4th year of a Zone Trail Crew on the Boise National Forest. The North Zone (Emmett, Cascade, Lowman) currently has one of the largest trail crews in the region and has been able to do some outstanding work over the last 4 seasons. Much of this work comes with the help of our volunteer organizations, outside funding, and IDPR. I would ask each of you to look through the attached grant proposal and see if you might be willing to write a letter of support for this proposal. You will notice that this is for motorized trails. Many of the trails on the North zone are Multi-use allowing both motorized and non-motorized travel and they are utilized as such. As we move forward I would like to bring these groups together to help not only with trail work but managing any issues that may arise. As a part of this proposal we are also looking for volunteer commitments. If you would like to commit a number of hours to the “match” of this proposal please include that.

Many of the projects that we have taken on the past 4 seasons have come at the request of our users, we will continue to do so as we try one season at a time to bring our trails back up to standard. If you have questions, comments or concerns about this proposal please feel free to let me know. We input from everyone.

Thank you for your time and thank you for all of the work you have put in over the years.

Zach Poff
Lowman Ranger District
Boise National Forest
(208)259-3361 ext.7554

Trail Maintenance Pics        2014 trail maintenance grant

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