28. October 2023 · Comments Off on Public Lands: Upper Mores Project · Categories: Education

READ FULL DOCUMENT: 2023-08-03_UpperMores_CommunityMeetingPresentation

READ FULL DOCUMENT: 2023-06-16_UpperMores_PreScoping_ProposedActionReport
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NEPA Public Scoping period underway. https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/boise/?project=64242

Comment period closes November 20.

Recreation proposals have been split out to another yet-to-be-named and detailed NEPA scop, so the remaining Proposed Action (PA) for Upper Mores project is now almost exclusively a vegetation-management action under Emergency Authority.

It does not address trails improvement proposals that clubs and IDPR have worked on with the Forest Service prior to and during the pre-scoping period.

However, we do look forward to working with FS on what is tentatively named Highway 21 Recreation EA to address Recreation improvements in a separate but concurrent process. Happily, the new project scope may be on a wider scale than the initial project area boundary the Upper Mores proposal.

There is one particular item in the PA that is worth commenting on, which is the picture on page 10: It is no longer an applicable example of need to remediate a legal route as specific problem no longer exists.

In coordination with IDC Ranger District, IDPR’s Trail Cat Program has repaired all trouble spots on NFR314 from top at NFR380 down to near Idaho City.

Alex Ernst

Land Access Coordinator

IDPR – Recreation Bureau
