29. September 2023 · Comments Off on Sawyer – Wildland Fire Lessons – Swamper hit by tree · Categories: Education, Safety

Burbridge, Brian – FS, UT <brian.burbridge@usda.gov>

Good afternoon all, Below is a good RLS where a tree being felled went in an unintended direction and struck a swamper involved in the operation.  Thankfully all involved were treated and released from the hospital. This is a good opportunity to have a conversation about the good side/bad side of the tree and the natural lean of a tree.  When things don’t go as planned and the hinge is inadvertently compromised, where will the tree likely fall? Thanks.

Lookout Fire Swamper Hit by Tree RLS

29. September 2023 · Comments Off on Fish & Game Proposal · Categories: Current Events

Shed Antler Gathering Season Closure Proposals

Due, in part, to the effects of the severe winter of 2022-2023 on big game in eastern Idaho, the Idaho Legislature passed Senate Bill 1143 during the 2023 legislative session (see Idaho Statute 36-507), which gave the Idaho Fish and Game Commission authority to seasonally restrict the possession, transportation, and collection (including searching for, locating, and gathering) of naturally shed antlers and horns and antlers and horns from animals that have died from natural causes.

Big game animals face many challenges trying to survive the winter. Those challenges increase during severe winter weather events. People entering big game winter ranges during severe winters increase the energetic stress on animals that are already struggling to survive. An emergency shed gathering closure would be designed to reduce stress on wintering animals by reducing the number of people on public land big game winter ranges during severe winters. The statute does not apply to private land.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is gathering input from Idahoans on implementation of the statute. The Department would appreciate your input on the establishment of Emergency Shed Antler Gathering Closures on an as needed basis, when and where severe weather events occur. Depending on winter severity and impacts to populations, closures could be extended or implemented for the winter immediately following the year of the severe weather event to decrease energetic stress and increase overwinter survival to help populations recover.  READ MORE