23. July 2023 · Comments Off on USFS – Lightning safety & preparedness in the outdoors · Categories: Education

5 ways lightning strikes people

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Lightning Safety Topic (002)


23. July 2023 · Comments Off on Goat Heads – Invasive broadleaf weed that spreads like wildfire · Categories: Education

One noxious weed a lot of gardeners deal with is the dreaded goat head weed. This weed forms a dense mat that overtakes almost any planting area and causes a lot of problems. Especially among garden beds where you grow ground cover, look out for this plant.

The first recorded instance of goat head weed occurred in California in 1902. As the decades went on, horticulturists noticed the noxious weed formed monocultures that outcompeted native plants. This led to the classification of the plant as an invasive species.

With that in mind, identification and removal of the dreaded goat head weed are on every one of us who grow. Among native habitat conservationists, farmers, and ranchers, we can reduce the chance of invasion by this weed into our gardens, our bare feet, and in the feet of our livestock.

So, what is goat head weed and how do you get rid of it? Read on, and find out!    READ MORE


What is the best spray for goatheads?
Chemical Herbicide

Two types of chemical control suited to removing goat head weed are glyphosate and oryzalin.