08. December 2016 · Comments Off on Risch introduces community-backed wilderness bill for Scotchman Peaks in North Idaho · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events


U.S. Sen. Jim Risch introduced a bill Thursday to protect 13,900 acres in north Idaho as wilderness.

The Scotchman Peaks Wilderness Act of 2016 would protect a rugged range of mountains on the Montana border, near the city of Sandpoint and Lake Pend Oreille. Its low-elevation boreal and old-growth forests support a unique diversity of plants and Canada lynx, wolverine, mountain goats, moose and grizzly bears.

“If passed, this legislation would allow future generations of Idahoans to enjoy Scotchman Peaks, while at the same time protecting the needs and rights of local communities and tribes,” said Risch, an Idaho Republican. “This bill was introduced today to start the public process, and will not move forward until I hear from Idahoans directly about this topic. I look forward to holding a public hearing in the next Congress to receive input.”

The bill, introduced at the request of the Bonner County Board of Commissioners, has wide support including one of Idaho’s largest forest products companies and the Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce.

Support for Scotchman Peaks wilderness dates to the late 1970s. But in 2005, the Friends of Scotchman Peaks formed specifically to organize community support for wilderness designation for the area.

“Sen. Risch’s support of the homegrown Scotchman Peaks wilderness campaign reflects the far-reaching community support for permanent protection of one of Idaho’s often overlooked wild gems,” said Craig Gehrke, Idaho state director for The Wilderness Society.

Rocky Barker: 208-377-6484, @RockyBarker

08. December 2016 · Comments Off on The 50-Year Story Of Creating Idaho’s New Wilderness Area · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

The 50-Year Story Of Creating Idaho’s New Wilderness Area
IdahoPTV/EarthFix | Dec. 7, 2016 3 p.m. | Updated: Dec. 7, 2016 4:24 p.m.

Castle Peak is so hidden from view that you can’t see it from any highway.

But it just might be the most important mountain in Idaho. Castle Peak and the surrounding Boulder-White Cloud Mountains have stirred up fights over mining, recreation and conservation — fights that have changed the course of political careers, including that of a self-described “Democratic lumberjack from North Idaho” named Cecil Andrus who became governor after taking a stand over the future of this rugged, mineral-rich wilderness.

And now, a generation later and the efforts of Idaho’s Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson and others, it is part of the Northwest’s newest wilderness area.

The team at Outdoor Idaho has the story of the 50-years-in-the-making wilderness designation for a wonderland of peaks, lakes, headwaters and steep, remote forests.

Idaho Public Television calls it “some of the most dazzlingly diverse country in the West, deserving of the gold standard of protection.”

In its hour-long Special, the Outdoor Idaho crew visits the three new wilderness areas in the center of Idaho – the White Clouds, the Hemingway-Boulders, and the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness – to tell the fascinating story of how the threat of an open-pit mine eventually led to a unanimous vote for Wilderness in Congress. This program also examines some of the major battles yet to be decided.

The entire hour-long “Beyond the White Clouds” program will be available to view here until Dec. 19.