03. December 2012 · Comments Off on “Let them take a good look!” · Categories: Current Events

steep narrow trail

Riding a good mountain horse or mule is a wondrous experience. To be aboard a horse or mule working to travel on a high rocky mountain trail, completely tuned into their environment, is an experience never to be forgotten. It is about as close to the man and beast connection that one can get. In a worrisome (kind of really dicey) location the rider and ride (horse/mule), must be willing to trust the other. This kind of trust comes only from a lot of experience (wet saddle blankets) on one or both of the player’s parts. Read More

Want to pack light, leave the propane stove home, and consider using a back packers wood stove  Read More

Links to check out   Littlebug.com     Trailstoves.com       Titanium-hexagon-stove

01. December 2012 · Comments Off on Forest Service turns to private groups · Categories: Current Events, Tips, Tricks and Tid Bits

West Brownlee Creek

Forest Service turns to private groups to fill in gaps left by dwindling dollars for work on trails

By ERIC BARKER of the Tribune

 Backlog stats more than 20 years old
Both locally and nationally, nobody knows just how bad the trail maintenance backlog is. A 1989 audit by the Government Accountability Office, now more than 20 years old, estimated the agency faced a $200 million maintenance backlog that resulted in the loss of 5,000 miles of trail. Since that time, Forest Service budgets and the agency’s workforce have shrunk, recreation demand has grown and wildfires that exacerbate the problem have grown in size and intensity.  Read more.

new trail

Marble Creek

29. November 2012 · Comments Off on Interview for Trail Blazer · Categories: Current Events

Trail Blazer

I did an interview for Trail Blazer awhile ago and it is in this month’s issue, Nov 2012, on page 52,53,54,55.  We have permission to send out the link, which can be open by clicking on the cover. Michael K. McGlenn, Chairman BCHA, mike@mikemcglenn.com

















17. November 2012 · Comments Off on Welcome Randy Rasmussen · Categories: Current Events, Member Profiles

mule string

Dennis Dailey officially retired from the BCHA as our Wilderness Advisor at the National Board meeting in Oregon this past April. No one can deny the value that Dennis brought to BCHA and fortunately for us Dennis is still actively involved with the BCHA. Chairman, Mike McGlenn set out to find a trustworthy replacement for Dennis and with the task completed we now welcome Randy Rasmussen who comes to use with the much experience and enthusiasm.

10. November 2012 · Comments Off on SPOT ON! · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events

Hunting trip

It seems wrong to say that Columbus elk hunter John Chepulis was lucky. He’s lying in a Bozeman hospital intensive care room hooked up to a ventilator to help him breathe, heavily sedated and fighting pneumonia. But his situation could have been much worse.

“This whole thing, to me, has been divine intervention from the beginning,” said Bonnie Chepulis, John’s wife.

Life Flight

Here’s the article on John Chepulis’ wreck. John is past president of the Montana BCH and was at the BCHA National Board Meeting in Eugene Oregon and Butte Montana.

Please keep John and his family in your thoughts and prayers.


Nov 16 update

 John has made remarkable progress toward recovery and has been moved to Billings to a state-of-the-art acute care hospital for patients who require time to heal from catastrophic injury or illness.

His new address is: John Chepulis, Advanced Care Hospital of Montana, 3528 Gabel Rd, Billings MT 59102


25. October 2012 · Comments Off on News & Updates · Categories: Current Events, Tips, Tricks and Tid Bits

40 bumber sticker

BCHA Bumper Sticker designed by Robbin Schindele

Richard Newton

Welcome, Boise Nation Forest new District Ranger, Richard Newton.  Before coming to the Boise Nationa forest, Richard was a district ranger of  the Caribou-Targhee National Forest. Richard has a long relationship with volunteer organizations like BCHI and SCA.

trailer wreck

Trailer wreck near Ola, ID

10. October 2012 · Comments Off on Dennis Dailey · Categories: Current Events

shadow packing

Open letter from Dennis Dailey to BCHA leadership

16. September 2012 · Comments Off on A summer of Partnerships · Categories: Current Events


This summer was the second year that the Squaw Butte Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen of Idaho has partnered with the Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation on projects in the “Frank” The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness in central Idaho, the largest wilderness in the lower forty eight states.

The work projects were on Pistol Creek and Marble Creek on the west side of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. Both projects had volunteers form the Idaho Trail Association and Idaho Parks and Recreation along with the pack support and camp cooks from BCHI members from both the Squaw Butte and Treasure Valley chapters. Eric Melson of the SBFC (Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation) was the project organizer for both projects. Due to the devastating fires of the past twenty years the trail system in the wilderness is in very poor condition, much downfall and tread work was required to reopen the trails for public use. Pistol Creek was opened from the trail head at Snow Shoe Cabin to the middle fork of the Salmon River, some 17 miles. Marble Creek was opened from the trail head down the creek past Buck Creek, but will require one more project next summer working from the middle fork up the canyon to fully reopen the trail. This will be about 30 miles of trail.

Partnerships are a wonderful thing, BCHI members get to meet other volunteer groups all of which are doing the same thing, keeping the trail systems in our national forests and wildernesses open for the American people to use and enjoy. My question is where are the forest service trail crews? What happened to them and why? These are questions that the public needs to be asking the Forest Service.

08. February 2012 · Comments Off on Idaho Environmental Forum · Categories: Current Events, Public Meetings


Idaho Environmental Forum #189 resents a special President’s Day luncheon with U.S. Senator Mike Crapo and his special guest, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, Tom Tidwell. For details

30. January 2012 · Comments Off on In memory of Charles Dulane Fulton · Categories: Current Events

1-17-1915 to 1-15-2012

DulaneBCHA loses one of its founding fathers with the passing of Charles Dulane Fulton, Jan 15, 2012, two days short of his 97th birthday. “Dulane was one of the four who sat around the campfire and formed the first club of BCH in Montana,” said Rod Parks, BCHI National Director.

There is a brief article on all the founding fathers on the BCHA Website at: http://www.backcountryhorse.com/Founders_Page.html .

Dulane will be missed by all who appreciate the mission and dedication of an organization he helped to form. For Dulane’s complete obituary, click here.