16. September 2012 · Comments Off on A summer of Partnerships · Categories: Current Events


This summer was the second year that the Squaw Butte Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen of Idaho has partnered with the Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation on projects in the “Frank” The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness in central Idaho, the largest wilderness in the lower forty eight states.

The work projects were on Pistol Creek and Marble Creek on the west side of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. Both projects had volunteers form the Idaho Trail Association and Idaho Parks and Recreation along with the pack support and camp cooks from BCHI members from both the Squaw Butte and Treasure Valley chapters. Eric Melson of the SBFC (Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation) was the project organizer for both projects. Due to the devastating fires of the past twenty years the trail system in the wilderness is in very poor condition, much downfall and tread work was required to reopen the trails for public use. Pistol Creek was opened from the trail head at Snow Shoe Cabin to the middle fork of the Salmon River, some 17 miles. Marble Creek was opened from the trail head down the creek past Buck Creek, but will require one more project next summer working from the middle fork up the canyon to fully reopen the trail. This will be about 30 miles of trail.

Partnerships are a wonderful thing, BCHI members get to meet other volunteer groups all of which are doing the same thing, keeping the trail systems in our national forests and wildernesses open for the American people to use and enjoy. My question is where are the forest service trail crews? What happened to them and why? These are questions that the public needs to be asking the Forest Service.

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