04. June 2020 · Comments Off on BCHI – USFS Designated Volunteer Firearm Users for Stock Euthanasia · Categories: BCHI /BCHA

TO: Rod Parks
Just so folks aren’t overwhelmed with all the documents I sent you, the Regional Forester letter and 7 attachments are meant as a “packet” for the local Forest Service unit to be able to implement this framework (such as the template letter and template wording that local Forest Service staff will add to a volunteer agreement so a volunteer who is a designated firearm user for stock euthanasia is covered for workers’ compensation).

The three documents that will be relevant for BCH members will be the Qualification Inquiry, the list requesting folks who would like to be considered for designation, and the Job Hazard Analysis (specific to firearm use). The other documents in the packet are to help the local FS unit understand the framework and pull all the other pieces of this together, to help make it go as smooth as possible.

Also, as clarification, the Forest Service policy re: volunteers and firearms isn’t new — it’s been in place for many years (I’ve shared it below). What is being “piloted” in R1 is a framework to help make the policy more workable for volunteers who would need firearms for stock euthanasia.

Here’s the current policy:
Forest Service Manual (FSM) 1833.12 – Volunteers Using Firearms
Volunteers may carry firearms in situations where field-going employees (except law enforcement employees) would carry them. Such volunteers must receive appropriate training and certification for firearm use and meet any other requirements for firearms handling.

I hope that helps!









FROM: Rod Parks

Below is the official version of the Volunteer Firearm Users Policies & Forms. Only three attachments are pertinent to BCHI members.

Also Attached is a letter from Joni Packard that has the policy explained in a simple version.

BCHI members need reminded that this policy currently is a pilot program in Region 1 only and does not apply if any chapters are using a Challenge Cost Share Agreement to perform volunteer projects.

It is only offered if your chapter is volunteering on a signed Volunteer Agreement.

Another note, Joni Packard has retired so any questions should be emailed to David Sabo

Email: Dave Sabo <david.sabo@usda.gov>

Thanks, Rod Parks BCHI Chairman

R1 JHA Volunteer_firearm_animal_disposal -signed


Zipped file of USFS Documents

Euthanize a Horse in an Emergency with Gun


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