24. June 2013 · Comments Off on The folks at Free Horses in Idaho · Categories: Around The Campfire


From: curt

We are announcing our new Facebook page “Free Horses in Idaho”. It is a page where people who find that for one reason or another they can longer keep their animals, can list them for no charge. The animals can be listed from $0 to $600.

Our purpose is to try and help horses, donkeys, mules, ponies and burros find loving homes before they have to go to auction. With the large group of surplus horses in America today many of these horses end up with kill buyers. Even with the end of horse slaughter in the US (we hope), these animals are still being sent to slaughter in Canada and Mexico.

Although we are new, we are following the pattern of several other pages including Free horses in Oregon, and Free horses in Washington. We hope to have a quick impact. Any horse $600 or less can be entered on our page. We would encourage you to visit our page. In order to limit what kill buyers can see it is a closed group. Feel free to join and add your animal to our page. Please read the “Rules of the Road” under Files on the main page.

Free Horses in Idaho www.facebook.com/groups/149754131883141/

You can post your information and pictures, or you can link to your another site such as a Craig’s List ad by simply copying the url (the web address at the top of your browser) and pasting it in the dialog box when you post your animal. You can also add any additional information you may have.

This page is meant to cover horses in Idaho. There may be some overlap with eastern Oregon and eastern Washington around major metropolitan areas such as Spokane, Lewiston, and Boise. When your horse is no longer available, please message us so that we can delete the listing for your horse. That way you will not be bothered with additional inquiries. Please pass our page on to others you may know who are looking for a horse for the long term or for some reason find they can no longer care for the animal that they already have. The limit is $600.

Please forward this email to other groups, organizations, and distribution lists so that we can increase the number of animals who can find loving homes.

Regards, The folks at Free Horses in Idaho

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