On Saturday April 21, 2018 members of Squaw Butte spent a full day with members of the Bogus Basin Ski Patrol lead by chief instructor Karen Alfonso-King in a full day of Wilderness first aid and CPR. While these pictures show us sitting down a watching, most of the day was spend laughing and doing. It is just hard to be applying a splint or doing an assessment at the same time. All who attended the class left with their first aid knowledge expanded and refreshed and more confidence that should the need arise that they would be able to use their first aid skills to render assistance in the back country or in their back yard.
SAM Splints are one of the simplest and most versatile pieces of first aid equipment available so at least one should be in every outdoor First Aid kit. A soft, malleable aluminium strip sandwiched in foam, the splints become fairly rigid once formed into a 3D shape, the more complex the shape, the more rigid they become.
Using SAM Splits SAM Split Video #1 SAM Splint Video #2 Using SAM splints to Maximun Effect
Detailed description of “STOP the BLEED” Steps
Wilderness First Aid P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Simulated Accident Kit Evac Helicopter LF1 LF2 NOLS
Medical Emergency Kit P1 P2
Wilderness First Aid (WFA) National Outdoor Leadership – NOLS
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