01. December 2010 · Comments Off on The Naked Man is still out there on the Trail · Categories: Around The Campfire

By Marybeth Conger, President

It seems the unknown naked man really enjoys that trail.  A small group went back to “investigate further” and sure enough he was still out there. Now the question that comes to mind, what should that trail sign say? Now that I have your attention, let’s think about 2010.


This year was another successful year for the SBBCH chapter thanks to all of you. Our membership continues to be strong and we grew the number of family memberships. Our calendar was full of Rides, Trail projects, Broom Polo events, Back Country Skills Clinic, Packers Play Day, Trail Safety Sessions, Sawyer class, First Aide/CPR, overnight Horse camping adventures to name just a few. There is something on our Activities list to appeal to most everyone.


Even in this economy, our finances grew thanks to the annual Yard Sale, your continuing membership fees, Donations from our website advertisers, and the % the chapter gets from the BCHI Calendar sales. We even spent some of this money in 2010. The two Radios purchased will help keep us safe on upcoming Trail projects and chapter events. We can use that rather large Saw to clear trails in Wilderness areas.


There was a tremendous amount of public meeting attendance by SBBCH members traveling at times all over the state to promote the goals and objectives of our organization. The chapter was well represented at the Sportsman’s Show and Horse Expo too. So how ever you contributed to SBBCH chapter be it trails projects, rides, education, public outreach, meeting attendance please take a moment to log your hours on our website.


 I had a tremendous amount of fun sharing the trail with you in 2010 and hope to do it again in 2011, once the snow melts a bit.




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