01. May 2014 · Comments Off on Extreme-Weather Strategies · Categories: Around The Campfire


It’s a beautiful morning, and you’re eager to get out on the trails. The weather forecast calls for a chance of moderate afternoon winds and a slight chance of rain. But you’re not worried. When you set out, the skies are clear, and you plan to be home by lunchtime. Besides, a little rain never kept you home – and you’ve packed a jacket, just in case. By midmorning, however, the weather suddenly deteriorates. You’re miles from home, and the wind is gusting up to 60 miles per hour. Dark thunderclouds boil up. Heavy rain pounds down. Then the hard rain becomes punishing hail. Your horse tries to swing his rump to the storm. As you try to keep him on track, he stumbles and falls to his knees. Visibility is almost nil. Now, you’re truly scared. What should you do? Dismount and seek shelter, or quickly head for home – if you can find your way? How could you have better prepared for such a storm? Here, we’ll tell you how you can prepare for six types of extreme weather conditions that might hit singly or together – high wind, drenching rain/thunderstorms, lightning, hail, snowstorms/blizzard, and extreme cold. Then we’ll tell you the course of action you should take in each case to help keep you and your horse safe, tell you what not to do, and provide expert tips. We’ll also give you six additional survival tactics and a list of resources for extreme-weather gear.  Read More!

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