18. March 2014 · Comments Off on Interior Secretary awaits Idaho invitation to talk about Boulder-White Clouds designation · Categories: Around The Campfire

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell may want an official invitation from the state’s congressional delegation to study the Boulder-White Clouds National Monument proposal, but that’s unlikely to happen.

All four Idaho Republican senators and representatives expressed opposition in February to use of the 1906 Antiquities Act by President Barack Obama to designate the central Idaho mountains as a national monument.

“I think we would be very happy to meet with the community, whoever invites us,” Jewell said in Boise on Monday.

ISJThe Stanley City Council authorized letters last week asking Jewell and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Thursday or their staffs to meet with the council on or about June 12.

“We want them to explain their intent in more detail and exactly what measures would be required in a management plan to protect the historic, scientific and cultural values,” said Councilman Steve Botti.

Designation of a 570,000-acre Boulder-White Clouds National Monument has emerged as a serious option, especially since the death of Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson’s bill. His bill would have protected swaths of wilderness while preserving some popular ATV and motorcycle trails. A monument can be created with a president’s signature and does not require congressional action; it also has more flexibility in its implementation than does land designated wilderness, which generally bans all mechanized uses, including bicycles.

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