08. March 2014 · Comments Off on Found in the Idaho Stateman · Categories: Around The Campfire

Nature Conservancy’s Kareiva urges people-based environmentalism

The Nature Conservancy’s Chief Scientist Peter Kareiva has questioned some of the basic myths of environmentalism: that nature is fragile, that its highest value is as a place of solitude and that it’s best when people aren’t in it.

Don’t just criticize Idaho Trails; help keep them in shape!

Boise, Idaho • Environmentalists and mountain bikers have reached agreement on a proposal for protecting the Boulder-White Clouds as a national monument.

The Idaho Statesman (http://bit.ly/1qtfmdF ) reported Tuesday that the agreement creates zones to maintain wilderness characteristics in some areas, while continuing mountain-bike access to the popular area north of Sun Valley.

Marijuana growing on our national forests causes significant harm to the land, water and animals. The toxicants and lethal weapons found at these sites are both shocking in terms of amount, and raise concerns regarding the health of the Region’s forests. The Forest Service, along with other agencies and volunteers, are working together to restore these impacted lands.

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