03. February 2014 · Comments Off on Items to Carry on Trail Rides · Categories: Around The Campfire

Stay out of trouble with these essentials

When you’re on the trail it’s a good idea to carry a few emergency items. This list will give you ideas for what you may want to carry.

The object of carrying these items is to ensure that both horse and rider have a great ride and make it back to the trailhead to ride another day.

The combined weight of everything in this list is under 4 pounds.

What to pack:

  • Map of the Area – It helps to know how to read it
  • Compass – Again, it helps to know how to use it
  • Rain Gear – These items usually get tied behind the cantle and include a set of rain chaps and a Wyoming Traders Rain Slicker.
  • First Aid Items – bandage, antibiotic ointment, aspirin
  • Flashlight
  • Cell Phone (for emergencies) – Make sure you’ve ICED it! Keep your phone in a shirt or jacket pocket so it stays ON YOU in case you become separated from your horse.
  • Water Bottle(s)
  • Bandanna
  • Hoof pick
  • Baling Twine – Almost as good as duck tape
  • Garbage Bag
  • Camera
  • GPS
  • Spare batteries

If you have pommel bags use them so the weight is over the withers instead of the horse’s kidneys.

You may also need to carry other items depending upon the length of time and the distance you plan on riding.


Buckle-less Hobbles by Outfitters Pack Station

These custom made hobbles boast a unique and very effective buckle-less closure system that eliminates any awkward fumbling with buckles, a welcome feature on cold and wet mornings. The benefits of this no buckle system go far beyond the convenience factor and extend into the user’s safety as well. Being able to quickly fasten and unfasten the hobble cuffs will get you out of the danger zone that exists when you’re under the horse by his hoofs and very vulnerable to an accidental strike or kick.

Outfitters Pack Station crafts these heavy duty hobbles from high quality oil tanned harness leather that has been hot dipped in paraffin wax to resist the effects of water and the environment. The hardware is nickel plated steel that is both lightweight and very durable.

The durability of these hobbles is compounded by their unique construction. The inner body of the hobble is a strip of heavy duty polypropylene webbing that is sandwiched between two layers of heavy duty harness leather. The poly pro webbing prevents any stretching of the layer from occurring and adds a significant measure of strength as well. The cuffs are lined with soft chap leather that is very easy on the animal’s legs and is also easy to clean.

Made without chains these hobbles are extremely light weight, a fact that appeals to anyone packing for extended periods or camping off of their riding where every once counts. Not only are these hobbles lightweight the sandwiched construction allows them to be very narrow (only one inch wide) which reduces pack volume and even allows them to be easily hung from a saddle ring for quick accessibility during a break.

The TrailMeister says: Feel good about bringing these on the trail!

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