03. January 2014 · Comments Off on Map Reading for Horse Riders · Categories: Around The Campfire



The Art of Map Reading – Visualizing Terrain Beyond the Lines and Colors

Are you ready and confident in your ability to find your way safely through the mountains and return in time for dinner? When your destination is remote one of most important skills to learn and be proficient at, is how to read your map. Knowing how to interpret a map helps in planning a trip by allowing you to “see” the terrain prior to your ride. While most people do carry a map, and sometimes even a compass, I find that quite often these vital tools are carried more as lucky charms intended to make the rider feel better about their ride. Take the time to learn how to properly read and interpret your map. Failure to do so could prove annoying at best and disastrous at worse should you become separated from your group and your horse in the back country.

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