14. October 2013 · Comments Off on Sunny with a brisk breeze · Categories: Around The Campfire

IMG_2507 Sunday found members of the Boise Chapter, Rebekka Hankins and Carol Green, joining Squaw Butte members, Shelly Duff, Phil Ryan and Rob Adams on a fall ride out of the Wilson Creek trail head in the Owyhee’s. Due to wind, the trail of choice was Wilson Creek, which afforded protection while providing a scenic and interesting ride. While the only wildlife seen were some birds, we did encounter three woman running on the trail and two mountain bikers. In each case they stopped, stepped off the trail, we talked for a couple of minutes and each proceeded on. At the end of the ride, after we loaded our stock in their trailers, the bikers returned to the parking lot. One came zooming over the berm, realized there was a large rock in his landing zone and ended up sliding into the rock on his right side. We all rushed over to see if he was all right. His helmet protected his head from ground and rock, but he had a classic case of road rash on his right leg from knee to boot.

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