11. August 2023 · Comments Off on ITA – August Old Saw · Categories: Trail Volunteer Groups

11. August 2023 · Comments Off on Trail Volunteer – Making a difference – TVTMA · Categories: Trail Volunteer Groups, Work Parties and Projects

Several TVTMA members worked this project had been certified at the Thinking Sawyer Workshops lead by BCHI. This trail with its many boggy spots has been a notorious horse-swallower I’ve heard, not too good for bikes either. More areas to do since conditions have changed since the 2017 scoping finally implemented, but I think horse use is going to be much less risky now with the replacement and new puncheon at 7 sites.

Notably, the upper 3 miles of the trail above Whitehawk meadow that was impassible, blown-in for several years with endless deadfall, is now open at the hands of a number of your new or recertified students.

Your efforts are now multiplied in a measurable return to the users. Lots of folks are pretty pleased about this outcome and are looking at it is a template for future projects and partnering with FS to improve recreational access.

One of the details, left out for brevity, is that the northern-most portion of Tr019 –about 2.5 miles, had been inaccessible due to extensive deadfall for an unknown number of years. From its intersection with Tr021 at Whitehawk Basin to road 510, that trail is now cleared of deadfall, with new puncheons installed at planned sites, and now usable by all single-track users after years of being effectively “closed-and-stored” by nature.  That’s worth celebrating.

Granted there’s more to do on other parts of the trail not covered by the original project scope, conditions having evolved since the original proposal (2017?) of the project now implemented. So we’ll look forward to working with the Forest and Lowman RD on continuing improvements along this popular trail and its interconnects. My understanding is that Mike Lindenfelser is working on trailhead sign replacements, and that will be an ongoing task to put a bow on this current effort.

JT Wagner and his crew of two seasonal and two interns should also be noted for their significant contribution to the timely and quality completion of the project. Their contribution was a force-multiplier and expediting factor, which we were not originally counting on when anticipating a three-weekend work plan.