18. May 2016 · Comments Off on FY 2015 Boise National Forest North Zone Trails Program Accomplishments · Categories: Around The Campfire, Current Events, Work Parties and Projects

2015 Trail Accomplishment end of season report NZT01Eagles Nest Trail Project
District: Cascade
Trail No. 11104
The Eagles Nest Trail was inspected on November 13, 2013. The trail was inspected from the boundary of Idaho State Land and Boise National Forest where the 400 road parallels the trail. The Eagles Nest trail is a moderate to high use trail located in a remote are on the Cascade Ranger District
Purpose and Need:
The project is located approximately 1 mile from a parking area along the 400 road. The trail crosses several small ridges and descends to the first stream and Stream Environment Zone (SEZ). The SEZ area is approximately 15 yards long. The trail then ascends up and over a small hill to the next SEZ. The length of the second SEZ is approximately 53 yards. The trail ascends out of the marshy area and heads northeast. The approaches to both areas are very steep and incised. The grades exceed 25% and there are large quantities of sediment entering the SEZs and the perennial stream that runs across the trail. The wet areas are highly impacted and have significant trail braiding from users trying to find a better route. The total length of the project is approximately 425 yards.
The reconstruction of this section will improve public safety, reduce significant ongoing resource damage, and improve the overall user experience.
Completed Repair: The project is currently under construction. The estimated time of completion is mid-October.
– Realignment and construction of approximately ¼ miles of new trail
– Decommissioning and restoration of ¼ miles of existing trail
– Construction of two Puncheon/Causeways approximately 70 yards long


Project in the Yellow Pine Area